ITT: Forgettable anime that actually got forgotten.
I remember that I enjoyed Softenni and the ecchi was good. But that's it.
ITT: Forgettable anime that actually got forgotten.
I remember that I enjoyed Softenni and the ecchi was good. But that's it.
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QUALITY lesbians.
Di Gi Charat and it's sequel Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat
I don't remember what the fuck it was about at all. I remember enjoying it a lot... but man I watched it in .RM format with the yellow shit subs...
It took me 2 days to remember what it was called in Japan when I actually visited the GAMERS store in Akihabara...
I think I'm gonna download it watch it now...
Manga counts, right?
Literally who: The manga.
It was okay.
One has to feel bad for the guy that came up with Gen'ei. He really wanted it to be a hit.
I didn't watched it anyway.
Considering that there's plenty of more recent forgotten anime and that it doesn't have much of a plot, Di Gi Charat doesn't rank that bad
I've been watching anime since 2002 when I got 56k modem. I mean sure I watched it before on TV German TV to be exact.
I can't tell you how many series I've forgotten the plot of...
I have like 300 DVD of shit I watched...
Say Flame of Recca. The only thing I remember about it is that tournament, some guy turning into a tree? And some other guy freezing him.
Hyakko was so fucking good.
He got fucked by aniplex so hard it is not funny.
But if you feel bad for Genei imagine how the dude who wrote Mahou Roma felt when his 2009 manga died because it shared too much with a certain 2011 hit show (Faustian deals, cute creepy mascot, suffering power source)
It's a shame because I really liked it.
It had OnoK and the girls were cute, that's it.
softenni sucked but the ecchi was ok.
I legit enjoyed Gen'ei more than Madoka. Couldn't stand Madoka's excessive melodrama.
But you could stand Gen'ei's excessive melodrama. Right.
Just because English isn't your first language doesn't mean you need to end all of your sentences with hesitation speckles.
From episode 4 you have all the fucking crying about everything shoved in your face all the time. I actually enjoyed the first three episodes for what they were, as it was clear they were designed to set up something darker.
Gen'ei legit had better characters who don't all change personality at the drop of a hat.
It was kinda good but I don't understand why mc was so popular with the girls, and how those robo legs managed to get up so quickly and have enough traction to keep moving forward while being pulled by back by mc.
Bitches love deadpans assholes and the legs are made with magic science.
I remember watching the entirety of it all in one day and I don't even remember the plot.
people didn't forget they just scrubbed it from their minds.
dropped it because the ntr
I'm still mad. I'll never forget this.
I can't even remember that.
you're fuckin TRIGGERING ME
Such is the life of mediocre from the early 00s
This is too recent, even for this thread standard.
It's over 3.5 years old. You can't expect people to remember forgettable shit substantially older than that.
I have this on my comp and i don't even remember it.
Who could forget the best of witchy hats.
S2 fucking when
apparently it cut out all the shit that happens IN THE FUTURE where the MC becomes a total badass who saves the Earth and then goes back to the past to become his own grandfather.
anyone else remember this shit?
>Kotoura-san is 3.5 years old
FUCK, I remember it like it was 1 or 2 years. What the fuck was I doing during these 3 years?
I know, user. 2010 feels like it was just a couple of years ago. I'm hesitant to call shows from 2011 and 2012 particularly memorable because they feel too recent for that, and it's been 4 fucking years.
Epic meme, bro.
Anyone remember MX0
That really good manga that ended suddenly and shittly
I think it was over ten years ago when I was watching anime with my friends, with us burning series to DVDs and sharing them. One of them brought this to my place and we watched most of it. I don't think either of us finished the series, and frankly I don't even remember what it was about.
Remember Hen Zemi? Yeah I thought so.
penguin musume
I do. It's a shame that only the OVA was good.
It was OK.
>#1 in the Japanese box office for 8 weeks, 9 weekends
>has surpassed Miyazaki's Ponyo as #4 Anime Film of All Time in Japan
>Earns 16.41 billion yen and counting to surpass James Cameron's Avatar in Japan
>Reached 10 billion yen 9 days faster than Frozen
>now projected to possibly approach 20 billion yen (US$200 million).
>submitted for Oscar consideration
So this is meme magic. Not bad.
>it made 17 gorillion yen in Japan and is getting submitted for an Oscar
Shiggy diggy.
Even though I never finished it, the show was really charming and had a lot of cute waifus. Damn why the fuck did I not finish this?
I enjoy it, but yeah, its really forgettable
Good desings trapped on a avarage show.
Fucking hell, I really liked this shit, I fucking enjoy it, I was expecting it each week when aired, but threads were really slow, and S2 will never happen, and nobody cares for the manga. My life is hell.
Also: R.E.C.
So was Madoka a ripoff of Mahou Roma?
How many fractales did your favorite anime sell?
Is not even funny that is this forgotten, it was a honestly fun and comfy serie.
The light novels are still being translated user it's hardly been forgotten.
My dad used to work at AIC; he said Shinbo bribed Aniplex to delay Genei so Madoka would come out first and everyone would think Genei was a ripoff.
Download link? please
Acchi Kocchi
Kinda deserved it; it was boring as hell and pretty chintzy-looking.
'member Unbreakable Machinedoll?
Too bad there was more of it. ED was so great. Also Yaya.
>tfw oni kyun sword never
motherfucking GA
I still like this show.
Ninja Nonsense.
What does it take for a show to not be forgotten? Constant threads about it on Sup Forums? Because if so, then pretty much everything is forgotten.
And I loved Softenni too. Brown Rei was the best.
I cannot possibly forget how beautiful Hajime was.
But it was 999/10 on the diabetes scale.
>What does it take for a show to not be forgotten?
A combination of threads/topics with actual discussions, the number of people who bring up their waifu/favorite character in other threads that's not about the show(waifu threads, 3x3's ect.). How much porn, fanart, merchandise is still being made years after the show is over. Its source hasn't ended and is still continuing in manga, VN, LN.
Although there are expections, just look at ToHearts. This series was popular as fuck back in the day(atleast in Japan) and had the most doujins of its time. The biggest contributor to keeping a show from being forgotten is people actually HAVE to have watched the show and probably have a dub to attract casuals
This anime was great.
Shame there's never going to be an S2.
It's also a shame the BDs didn't have nudity. Really odd choice for a show like this.