>Oscar nomination
>17.97 billion yen
Oscar nomination
It's gonna lose to a disney film anyways.
I love how even you hold KyoAni on a pedestal.
Definitively, even if this movie is amazing it will loose. It will never win to Disney.
That's not to say i wouldn't love to see this movie win. But i don't see it possible. Not after the year Big hero 6 won over so many better movies in the same category the same year. I'm still bitter.
But it's not like the Oscars really matter.
Don't worry, Trump's win will make all the current Oscar deciders kill themselves.
Let's be fair, they were the only ones relevant that published a movie at the same time.
Not that it'll win, not that this movie's even good or that I'm even excited about it, BUT I think it'd be pretty sweet to have Keit-Ai win an Oscar.
Considering the reason Frozen won in 2013 was because the judges literally couldn't be assed to watch the films sent to them, so just picked the one they watched with their family I'm sure this will be the case.
Seriously, the Academy Awards are a fucking joke.
The fact that it could be nominated is good enough really, it might make people watch the movies. So in itself the nomination would matter more then a win in my opinion.
The Academy Awards is a giant joke honestly, i still enjoy watching each year but i don't really care anymore who wins in the Animated category since it seems like Disney will always win.
And yeah i remember that actually, didn't they all even say that they didn't watch the other movies or am i remembering something from a dream i had? In any case it is pretty ridiculous, their job is to watch movies and they don't watch all of the ones nominated.
Submitted for consideration is not the same as nomination.
The judges are only required to watch 1/3 of the films and can pick from that. Kind of retarded.
The people who vote are literally not even required to watch all the nominated films. I think international films is the only category that they do have to have watched the movies in order to vote.
Just because it's submitted, doesn't mean it makes the cut. My prediction:
>Finding Dory
>Kubo and the Two Strings
>The Secret Life of Pets
Zootopia will probably win because of it's pro diversity message. Or Dory could upset because Pixar.
No you're right, they were all interviewed on the subject, and literally none of them bothered to watch the films.
At the very least I recall one judge abstaining from voting because they didn't want to vote for something when they didn't have the time to see all the movies. But the rest voted based solely on the one movie they watched (Frozen) or based on the one movie's name they knew of (Frozen).
Seriously, it was pretty fucking retarded. I would say this is to be expected, but you'd think something as prestigious as the Oscars would have its shit together.
>seventh highest-grossing film of all time in Japan. The film is also the fourth highest-grossing Japanese film in Japan, and the fourth highest-grossing anime film in Japan.
Damn, the nips really love this mediocre film
Honestly they should just cut animation since the judges just treat it as a joke category.
Rebellion was also submitted for Oscar consideration but was disqualified for being inappropriate for children. Yet Anomalisa, which featured a sex scene to rival Team America, was accepted. So just imagine trying to get Akira or EoE passed!
Disney will win an Oscar of course.
Because their animators are superior to Jap Anime, and outshine Japs at every step of the way.
Only manchild autistic weebs complain like "Why muh anime isn't nominated!? Academy is so phony and its result is rigged!"
These autistic weebs should kill themselves right now.
You'd think they would have their shit together, but it just shows how little seriously they take the Oscars. I'm sad that it's like that, i'm looking forward to seeing the nominations for this year atleast.
Hoping to see a nomination for Kubo and the two strings, fantastic movie. So more people can go and see it, because it's a damn shame not alot of people saw that movie.
When it comes to Kimi no na wa i hope it gets nominated so people go out and see it atleast.
>inappropriate for children
Isn't Sausage Party in consideration? The fuck
It's mainly because the perception that anything traditionally animated is "for children" in the film community in America. So because anything drawn must be for kids, Madoka can't qualify because it is inappropriate for children.
Yes, it is retarded logic, but what the fuck do you expect from those pretentious assholes?
He's just memeing, it was submitted, but didn't get enough votes to make it to the nominees
Pre 2000s before social media, YouTube, fast internet and memes the AA was entertaining and fun. Spirited Away won best picture at the AAs when Normies and their kids gave a damn about anime before the tidal wave of Italy pandering post 2004?2005? So there's that.
It would be downright tragic if a glorified Radwimps AMV like this were to be nominated for an oscar over Hokusai.
I think that is part of the problem also, people in the west think animation is for kids. It's the main reason why a lot of good animated movies don't do well in the boxoffice. People see animated movie poster and go " oh for kids then i can't be arsed to see it " and miss out on great movie experiences.
it's a consideration for an oscar nomination you retard
>can't watch it at the cinema
>can't watch it from some digital distribution platform
>can't watch it on tv
>no (decent) torrent out
it's like they want to encourage piracy
If recall correctly, the only reason Spirited Away even won that year is because Disney didn't have any major releases at the time. So they put all their eggs into that basket just because they didn't have any other films to push for the award.
So even having Spirited Away win the Oscar is a bit bittersweet.
Who's distributing Hokusai in the US anyway? The inly reason Kimo no Na made it the Oscars was because Funi shilled the shit out of it to the academy
Western theatrical release is Q1 2017.
I'm seeing it in the cinema on the 18th.
They had Lilo &Stich, but decided to focus all their shilling on Spirited Away instead because it was better oscarbait
Where is silent voice's consideration for an oscar nomination?
The G rating is on its deathbed because adults won't see those movies alone. PG is less stigmatized. Frozen, Inside Out, and Finding Dory should have been G rated.
It has to be shown at cinemas in LA for at least a week before 2017? but there are no plans for that.
>submitted for consideration
>even close to a nomination
Shin Godzilla has more chance of an Oscar nomination than this.
I want to see this in theatres. But I don't want to be seen as a weeb
No US release
It doesn't matter all Funi cares is it gets nominated so they can put it on the BD box
can't find any eta for my country (and maybe that's a good thing after all because they dubs everything here)
I don't understand why you guys care about this.
It won't get nominated, and even if it does, it won't win. No matter what films get nominated, the Disney one will win, whichever it is.
So it wasnt even good enough for that :^)
Can narrow it down to people in general (hah) being retarded. Not going to see a movie based on its rating has to be the most stupid thing i have heard. Maybe there is a reason every trailer these days show almost the entire movie, people don't go to see movies before they have been spoon fed the entire plot beforehand.
>Another shitty thread that autistic weebs believe their "muh anime" is superior to Disney
You guys are just delusional.
There's no chance Jap Anime will win an Oscar.
I saw it the other day and it is very good but there's no way it would be nominated for an oscar.
that was just bad luck that KnK had to air the same time as this
even though it did well it didnt get as much attention as it couldve because of this
>2 Disney movies
>1 Pixar movie
Yeah, good luck Japan, lol.
Apparently the anime could be the coming of God and it still wouldn't win because the judges don't watch any of the movies anyway.
I don't think it could've ever garnered as much attention but if it was given 300+ screens and proper marketing, it would have easily competed with Hosoda. Besides Your Name is a easygoing flick whereas A Silent Voice is designed to make you want to die.
That's irrelevant. If an anime wins some important international award it has a pretty big chance for an Oscar.
>time to see what's on Sup Forums today
>see this
1. GUY A: Dude your studio sucks
2. GUY B: Actually yours do
I think you replied to the wrong thread, m99
In the first place, animation was developed mostly by Disney.
Toei Animation imitated what Disney did, just like "monkey see monkey do".
Genga, Sakuga-Kantoku, Bijutsu, all those structures are from Disney.
So if you like Jap anime, just show your respect for Disney.
The Academy Awards is a joke and is as rigged as the American election. It's just a big promotional to make more money. The big guys are paying for a big commercial.
People should just ignore it and treat it like what it is, a joke.
It'll definitely get nominated at the very least.
user I'm so sorry...
laika > disney/pixar > kyoani > comix wave
See you then.
I watched Beauty and the Beast yesterday. Beautiful movie. I'm going to watch The Little Mermaid soon, I just need to find a version dubbed in my language.
I just can't watch Disney movies in English.
That's not true. None of the modern Pixar/Disney movies ever win anything, yet they always win the Oscars. All they care about is if the judge's kids found it funny.
>All they care about is if the judge's kids found it funny.
Pretty much, like that time the judges admitted to not having watched any of the other movies, so they just voted for Frozen because their kids liked it.
I'm talking about foreign or non-Disney films.
yours does*
Hosda Mamoru really loves "Beauty and the Beast".
He once said "That Disney movie encouraged me when I lost passion for animation."
I think his latest "The Boy and the Beast" is named after this.
It's still the same, even if a movie wins a ton of other awards, the Disney/Pixar one wins by default.
>americans think their hollywood circlejerk matters
Can't wait to watch this in theaters with other anons.
>First quarter of 2017
Can't wait.
>foreigners mad their circlejerk doesn't matter as much as America's circlejerk
Didn't watch the film but I got told it wasn't even that good. Even for nostalgiafags.
Maybe Shinkai will find a way to get the oscar.
You're a fucking moron, you know that?
I've watched it, and I found this movie is a cookie-cutter love story for teens, and is criminally overrated.
200M grossing sounds fucking joke.
No fucking way this movie ranks with the same GOD-tier as Frozen and Spirited Away.
Don´t you know that the academy awards doesn´t care about animation? The board barely watches the domestic animation, they won´t care about foreign animation unless it is done by Miyazaki.
>comparing an original anime to a anime adaptation
>submitted means nominated
Great post.
>kyoanus damage control
>Can't wait to watch this in theaters with other anons.
>going to a cinema alone
>going to a cinema to watch this alone
If you mean me, I have friends.
If you mean yourself You're in my heart user, so you're not alone.
>going to movies with other people
Just fuck my movie watching experience up, senpai
Well, they actually care about foreign animation.
The last year's winner for animated short was Chile.
Stop complaining about the Academy Awards.
I'm fucking tired of hearing this "Why muh anime isn't nominated!? Academy is so phony and its result is so rigged!"
A cinema is a place for normalfags though.
>a tripshit being a complete dumbass
What a fucking surprise
Anime screenings tend to have deaths caused by people drowning in all the spaghetti, tho
Anime can only potentially win an Oscar if it's in the "foreign film" category. It just can't beat Disney - they hold way too much influence over the Oscars to lose to foreign animation companies.
Really, they need a new "foreign animation" but of course Disney won't allow it.
Or in the Best Original Score category. Still mad they did not submit for that category and instead tried to go for Animation when everyone knows that Japanese can literally only win that if their name is Miyazaki.
That's because for animation only short films matter.
Pretty sure Akira would have passed considering Disney had literally nothing at that time. It's adored in the west even more than Miyazaki.
> It's adored in the west even more than Miyazaki
Assuming you mean today, fuck no. Everyone regardless of age (unless you're like 80, maybe) knows Miyazaki and shows him to their kids. Akira is like NGE or GitS tier.
>Decide to look this up.
>Your Name #1 in the box office US$172 million
>A Silent Voice #2 in the box office US$20.1 million
>Difference of 150 million dollars.
>look up Avatar box office
>2.788 billion
>Your Name 172 million
>difference of 2.6 billion dollars
Just because it's been submitted doesn't mean it'll be nominated. Just look at Madoka Rebellion.
how is frozen god tier?!
i can understand spirited away, but don't put frozen up there
...kimi no na wa wasn't that good to get an oscar... still a good movie tho
> caring about the opinion of people who dont even really watch a movie before judging
I blame Sup Forumsermins
Japan for some reason loves Frozen more than whole world. It's best selling animation there, BD is still high on weekly Oricon charts despite being so long since premiere.
Seriously, if Square-Enix have brain they will put Elsa as summon or whole world in KH3 and they will have best selling part.
Meme magic
Jews don't appreciate anime or manga outside of Ghibli, wasn't it Rebellion that got laughed at by the Oscars by them or some other film I'm thinking of.