What went right?
What went right?
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Freyja is cute, which is nice since the show refused to hop of her cunt for even a second.
Nice ost.
uhhh thats about it
Movie retelling when already?
is cute!
One song: Silent Hacker. Now be a good goy and don't notice how the ending didn't solve any of the shit that matters and was just about feelings instead.
Also KanaMesa.
She really needed a focus episode.
This show had too many characters. Walkure would have been better off with just Mikumo, Freyja, and Kaname. Also, remove Mirage.
the whole fuckin delta squadron needed some more damn screentime
but what would the other point of the triangle be?
JUNNA albums where?
>he lost part of his haircut in a battle
Battle in Delta is meh after ep 13.
Mirage is the best of this complete disaster of a series.
Not that it matters because as a whole Delta isn't worth a single cent tbqh.
macross will never leave my backlog
This. I still listen to it regularly.
Reina's songs are the best.
can someone explain this shit to me?
Protects from camel toe obv.
She was a non-character though.
she was a point in the triangle
>What went right
Mikumo, or JUNNA to be more precise. Her singing voice is the sole reason I stuck up until the end. I think she's better than MayN.
Protects her hymen from winning any love triangles.
it worked wonders
she didnt even get close
the show didnt care about her either
Has an amazing ass and legs. Perfect ZR.
I don't understand why people drool over Mirage so much. She was another cardboard cutout in a cast full of them.
Them delicious Jenius genes
i want to put my peepee inside her
So was everyone else besides Freyja. Even Hayate stop being a character when the 2nd half came.
Can you imagine how much better Delta would have been if they shifted the focus from Freyja onto Mikumo?
i wanted more cute mikumo things too
cute ears
Let's be real, the cute mechanic girl in the background of the first OP is the best girl Delta has to offer.
Music was good, although after listening to the walkure albums/soundtrack they could of varied the songs more. Freyja, Mirage and Hayate's characters were all good and had more than enough development.
I hope there is at least a 2h movie or something that focuses more on the Windemere and NUNs war. It could use a "DYRL" movie to make it better. They already have 3 versions of "Ai Oboete Imasu ka" and could expand Lady M as an actual character instead of a passing plot name.
>Mirage and Hayate's characters were all good and had more than enough development.
you lost me
these tbqphwuf
Miragefag tears.
feels good
>still think these people are characterfags
Do Freyjafags really happy for she winning a triangle love in a shitty show?
Not that i'm salty, in fact i feel sorry for her, i hope there will be Macross Delta movie with complete rewhite of 2nd half's plot, then she can win a triangle love in a at least decent story(hopefully), and the future Macross show will use movie version as standard if there's something/someone related to Macross Delta.
Freyja is an angel.
>Can't like Macross 7
>Can't like Macross Zero
>Can't like Macross SDF
>Can't like Macross Delta
>Can't like Macross Frontier
>Can't like Macross Frontier Movies
DYRL and Plus are the only good Macross any other one in the series is dumb and an insult to what macross is.
>Can't like Macross SDF
Said no one
This desu
A reminder that Freyja alone can't salvage this shit series
No, but they should have shifted most of Mirage's time to Mikumo since they wasted it anyways. Then we could keep all the cute Frejya moments while giving Mikumo time to develop as a character.
>tfw you will never get to use the power of RUDANJAL ROM MAYAN to fuck mikumo
Do NOT rape the Mikumo.
You know, Kawamori want Freyja to be sole winner, so whoever character's time you shifted to, the writers still being forced to "wasting it"(and it's not like the writers of this show are talented anyway) so Kawamori can make sure no one have any chance can be as popular as Freyja.
Mikumo should have been more autistic.
The songs and Mikumo. That's about it.
There should be a movie devoted to the early days of the tactical sound unit with Kaname-chan doing her best!
Indeed. Kaname is very cute!
I don't think that's possible.
Kawamori really is the worst thing to happen to macross. All the series everyone loves were done by other people.
Kawamori stupidity killed macross
The show literally died with him
Another anime ruined by idol shit.
His death was completely pointless
the three year old goddess
>reliable leader
>perfect body
>best VA
>best singer
How can you create such a great character and make it overshadowed by a useless apple girl?
But Kaname-san the beautiful songstress is the leader.
>reliable leader
Come on, Kaname is leader in name only. Everyone knows who takes artistic decisions in the unit.
Logos > The Fool > Delta
The show may be shitty, but the guy she won was the best Macross romantic lead. That's better for her than getting an awful fate in a better show, though of course the best is to win in a good show.
Mikumo is the center. Kaname is the leader.
Watch them make Messer live in the movie like what they did to Michael.
Walkure in general
episode 1 until the first space battle
they actually used protoculture shit for once
The MC is not autistic and ungay unlike Gundam Tekka.
move on, user
Delta killed my dog.
Best Boy Bogue.
I want to put Mikumo into that position and fuck her two year old cunny!
are people finally realizing true best girl?
Plot devices can't be best girls.
plot devices are my fetish
Kumokumo is NOT for sexual
Half of anons have a cardboard cut out waifu. They just like her body.
well, she is only 3, but that hasn't stopped me before
In no particular order:
-The Soundtrack
-The mech designs
-Hayate and maybe Mirage in the first 9 episodes
why you gotta deface those perfectly fine anime girls user?