ITT: overrated shit

ITT: overrated shit

Other urls found in this thread:

at least try to pick better bait user


Gurren Lagann, not so good.

newfag redditards

Aria, a show about nothing.


All the pathetic shit this board posts is pretty awful.

If you watch anime for the girls, you should an hero.

Anime is for surrealism, science fiction and ridiculously gratuitous violence.

Ikr! Stupid adults!

Op its not thatyou're wrong but its redundant posting that here of all places. Go to mal or /r/anime and im sure they have daily threads you' can place your "shocking" opinions though.

>watching cartoons for sexual gratification is the sign of being an adult.

Whew lad.
I knew Sup Forums was a hub for sad losers. But come on m8, look at what you're saying.

Darker than Black? More like browner than SHIT!

literally k.on with guns

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? More like Jojo's SHITTY SHIT!

whats the difference between overrated shit and popular shit ?


Damn OP, this thread is actually a pretty good pleb filter.

These plus Mob.

This thread only works for genuine good anime/manga, which is why we put Tenma in the OP you retarded newfag

> Monster
> good

literally pleb tier



Monster's major issue comes with its god awful pacing between eps 40-60 imo

other than that its a solid 7/10

that's all SoL. At least Aria tries to have an interesting setting while having nothing happen instead of being in a stupid highschool with nothing happening.

I was expecting powerlevels through the roof and maximum absurdity.
Instead we got typical shonenshit fights with powers so tame even Son Goku could beat Saitama.

how can it be bad when its ranked #24 on myanimelist ?

>I was expecting powerlevels through the roof and maximum absurdity.
Japan hated Medaka box though.

>In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people") is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it: "If many believe so, it is so."

More simply put:

Because Medaka Box revolves on conceptual abilities and strategy and word games, not pure power and absurd fights.

>not recognizing satire

I guess humour and autism mix like water and oil. I was also trying to be funny.

>not good
While the pacing does slow down between episode 40-60, it holds insane amount of information on Johan that people don't pick up on.

Humour is both an art form and a formula.

Even as an autist you can work it out.

I never said it was bad user.

>Humour is both an art form and a formula.
>Even as an autist you can work it out.
Now this is what I call humor.
But seriously, autists do struggle with making or getting jokes, user.

Golden Boy? If I wanted to see a genius get horny, I'd videotape myself masturbating.

>But seriously, autists do struggle with making or getting jokes, user
I know, user.

All I'm saying is things like proper tone and comedic timing can easily be learned.

Depends on the autist, user. Some of them are just a lost cause, their minds simply don't work like ours.

That's true enough, user.

However I think most could easily pass as "slightly weird" with enough work.

Cowboy Bebop.

>I never said it was bad user.
Sorry, I didn't align the quotes properly.
I don't think the pacing between ep 40-60 is bad at all. It comes after a great turbulence period and cool down time is needed.

I also finally finished making my video explaining the ending of monster to all who think that the ending is rushed and disappointing.

In any case, while all these anime are certainly overrated, they are by no means bad. I've gotten to the point where I've stopped caring about how bad the fanbases of titles I've always loved have gotten, but it is a bit disheartening knowing I can't even discuss the new episodes of DiU without having to deal with pure crossboarding autism.

I can at least pick up those things in verbal communication, it's typed word that blurs the line.

>it's typed word that blurs the line.
I can understand this. I don't put nearly as much effort into writing expressively on this site as I would otherwise quite a lot of the time which makes it harder for people, I suppose.

I like Monster and I love the ending, but I simply can't agree that it doesn't stretch the slow pacing out far longer than needed.

5 episodes would have been more than enough.
20 was far too much.


the girls weren't that good


Madoka is by far the most overrated anime of all time I think

>hurr durr they're cute little girls with magic powers but then bad things happen to them instead of good things like you expected... DECONSTRUCTION 20/10 MASTERPIECE

no. alright?
shits dumb

Thar's also true enough, user.

MAL, ANN or r/anime?


Hey a series that actually is overrated shit

your opinion

>I simply can't agree that it doesn't stretch the slow pacing out far longer than needed.
I dunno. It's more about teasing and not revealing anything in that point while actually showing the psychological side of Johan being the Monster. I'm not entirely sure what could have been removed in any of those episodes.

Would you mind watching my analysis video on Monster's ending and tell me what you think about it? I have no one to share it to hear their opinions on it.

Damn i was about to post literally the same bait but you beat me to it you fag
I'll get you next time





Good choice.
Everything outside the train sequences are terrible. But on the train, it's awesome
>journalism mafia
>war between gangs and mafia
>lol they had a truce
>main villain
>does nothing in the entire story and then gets killed in a boring way.
Enis is even a robot in the goddamn 1930s even though alchemy doesn't exist in that world. The devil even says so himself.


Yotsuba is a trash manga where nothing happens. The only people who praise it are people desperately trying to fit in.

I know right

The dub was shit
The animation was shit
The writing was shit
The Characters where shit
The waifus where shit

Owari no seraph.



>Those muscular bodies

Is this a JoJo reference?


That looks muscular to you?
Damn, you must be a twig.

Re: Zero clearly.

It's underrated.

Only spics and niggers watch this crap.

And Japanese



Its mediocrity incarnate. Lalatina is best girl though

Bakemonogatari is the most overrated, pretentious, psuedo-psychological piece of shit in existence.

*psuedo-philosophical (but you get what I mean)


FMA: Brotherhood

I miss those days.

kill yourselves and take this thread with you

Uh-oh. Better watch out everyone. The fun police are here

this thread is fucking stupid

Toradora is unbearable and I regret going through it
But maybe thays because I'm 25 and can't relate to dumb school kids and their irrational behavior


Garbage LN pandering haremshit with terrible designs

>muh megumeme
>muh funny QUALITY xd

More like piece of SHIT

Same, since around the time I graduated, I didn't feel right watching school shit

My man.

I wholeheartedly agree on the overrated part.

It's not complete shit though.

Picked up.

I knew this day would come, I told you fags before the anime aired that this shit was going to happen.

Sup Forums is literally full of fucking autists.
this image is the only thing that isn't retarded in this thread


Even among autists not many would be capable of prolonged creation/feeding of generals just for false flagging.


Good post, I like it.

You're favorite anime.

May as well just call this "Unpopular opinions thread". Jesus what a waste of time.


Mob Psycho? More like Shit Psycho!


I wouldn't call it shit but it's definitely overrated.
The animation actually deserves the praise but the writing is just solid.

>i dont like something that many people do like, therefore it is overrated
w e w

Well, yeah that's what the word means in this context. Of course it's as subjective as anything based on personal values but it does its job of expressing an opinion.