What's Sup Forums's favorite booru?
You posted it. I used to be really big into Gelbooru, but once they started running those new ads, I fucked off from there pretty quick. They were literal boner-killers.
You posted it. The only thing I don't like about it are the slow animations but you can probably disable them
What ads?
I remember when people used to post sankaku click bait and everyone flipped their shit back in the late 00s. Now no one seems to even aknowledge the site.
I was into Gelbooru too until I realized that more content was at Sanaku. I wish more people commented though.
I still prefer danbooru. Gelbooru has shitty ads and sancon shoves you towards the same handful of images all the time and makes you sift through more garbage if you don't want that same handful of images.
Sup Forums is my favorite imagebooru
>paying for loli
I use sankaku cuz many other booru accept like 2 tags only. fuck
Nice digits. They added these new ads at the bottom of the page that weren't being picked up by adblock. Rather than dick around trying to solve that issue, I had the same realization as >sancon shoves you towards the same handful of images all the time
What? Sancom gets new shit pretty fast.
It triggers me when Sankaku's page thing fails all of a sudden.
If by slow animations you mean the scrolling, then yeah you can turn it off.
Not using the script that lets you browse loli
Whoops forgot my greentext
This is one of my main reasons for using sankaku. If I'm trying to find a specific picture I don't want to sift through hundreds of matches just because the admins are too cheap/lazy to allow more tags in searches. Plus sankaku has like twice the content for any given tag than any other general purpose booru.
found it
what script
What kind of shitty ad blocker are you using?
Lurk for 2 years before posting
The standard one. Gelbooru does those full page redirect ads after you look at 10 or so images. Maybe it changed, but I stopped going there years ago.
I think Sankaku is best if you can deal with the occasional down time
>Sankaku blacklist still not working
>using vanilla adblock or abp instead of UBO
I tried using shitkaku but I just found the tagging to be a mess.
Hell, when "tagme" is one of your top used tags you know you fucked up
Using uBlock Origin makes it easier to remove these ads. It still conflicts with Image Zoom though which is a pain in the ass.
Danbooru, because of the translations.
It's better than having little to no tags. People get to it eventually, but there are more new ones uploaded than people who contribute.
The only thing I hate from this site is that they're adding a lot of western shit.
I'll give it a shot anyway.
You can disable those if you have an account. I had them disabled, but the new ads still showed up.
That would be a complaint of mine too. I am so fucking sick of seeing MLP and Overwatch shit while browsing.
My point is that is woefully undertagged, specially when compared to Dan or Gel, it's not uncommon to see al the images on the front page with just the "tagme" tagm while Dan automatically imports the Pixiv tags and generally gets tagged faster
Danbooru, but it's easier to just follow artists on Twitter and call it a day
Probably Sankaku.
The only thing i really dislike is how webms seem to always start off at max volume.
Shits annoying.
To circumvent this, just hover for the tags before you click, and if it's tagged webm, right-click 'view video' on it so you get the audio control option.