What's wrong with their voices?
What was the point of the last 2 episodes?
When's Takuma gonna do something?
What's wrong with their voices?
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I don't know who these girls are, but I want to watch them kiss.
are they real? like they are real idols?. this episode was really awful, is nothing but desperate attempts to promote wrestling
Apparently yes. Here is a video from the previous thread
Did they voice themselves here?
They sound like comedians to me. They aren't 'straight' idols.
Seems so.
With that voice no I hope.
Fuck yeah, mate. They're way cooler than your average forced "cute" idols.
They're their own producers. That's has to count for something.
Cant unsee the moustache and the little beard, too much of peach fuzz.
That's literally just the skin folding.
I thought they were traps for a good portion of the episode.
For an anime about fighting spirit hot blooded wrestling the series is seriously lacking in the hype department.
Also all the NJPW stuff feels so forced as the only thing thats getting over is their logo.
their voices grow on you pretty quickly. its just that they're not one of the same 4 VAs that do everything
>What was the point of the last 2 episodes?
Last week was to show off more wrestlers this week seems like just filler shit
>When's Takuma gonna do something?
You mean like the FFA he won against literally everyone + Zangief?
It's impressive to find this much realism in an anime about wrestling.
I just hope ryu catches a brake soon
Seriously. How in the fuck do you manage to eliminate yourself from a match?
I don't know. It feels more self-deprecating than everything; Tiger Mask has been saving their asses since the beginning and even that angry female fan called out their "gomenasai" bullshit
Their shittiness is getting over too.