I hope sexy referee lady ends up being a relevant character, her pose and design are great.
Vivid Strike
Too bad, Vivid Strike is a mistake that will intentionally avoid doing anything good.
Your meme is stale.
Rinne a shit. A SHIT.
Literally worst girl of the year.
Summer will save Nanoha.
Fuck off.
I hope she maintains that pose for the entire tournament.
I love this show. Hopefully it and the 3rd Nanoha movie sell well.
>replying to antirinnefag
>I love this show.
The edge is pretty great, isn't it?
edgy kid's nerves are touched I see
>Rinne must be defeate with gentle point pressure technique. Something her muscles can't protect her from.
I happened to know a person who is perfect for this job.
Seriously, why are you still stalking us when you don't watch Vivid and hate everything ab out it? Isn't there some other shows you want to watch and actually enjoy in discussing this season?
She looks like she wants a piece of Fuuka
Rinne and Fuuka are utterly adorable. I hope they will get adopted by Fate or Hayate.
I thought he was implying she'd be defeated by molestation, but I guess that's also Yumina's specialty.
>adopted by Fate or Hayate.
Fate gets Fuuka.
Hayate gets Rinne.
Nanoha already has Vivio.
Nanoha I always want to watch. It's not really my fault this new iteration of it is such a disaster.
We don't need anymore adopted kids, especially when they grow up to be lesbians themselves. It's a fucking cursed spiral, Junji Ito was correct.
>only good part of the anime so far was loli bullies beat down
Please tell me there's more good stuff.
Why are they dressed like that? Fuuka looks like a rich girl
>still posting IP edit when you know they mean nothing
You hate Nanoha and Vivid. That has always been evident in your constant streaming of shitpost that's full of hypocrisy and falseflagging.
We got an innocent loli beat down last ep
I want Rinne to rape me with this look on her face
Fujima drawing how the show will end. Fuuka gets adopted by a rich family.
I want to fuuck Fuuka.
And your accusation of random anons backed up by thin air does mean something? That's not fair.
>You hate Nanoha and Vivid.
I'm ambivalent on Vivid, but I don't hate Nanoha. I like Nanoha. VS pretends to be Nanoha but it's not Nanoha. Do you like Nanoha? If so, why do you let this transgression simply pass by?
poster when?
Fuuka is not lewd
Best part, but it's not the only good scene. Miura and Rinne's fight was nice too. Beyond fights, the show is relatively comfy and fun SoL.
Nah. Rinne has her own life. Fuuka should be adopted into the Nakajima.
>Best part
>they'll be sisters
I'd be a nice end.
Why is Rinne only wearing a t-shirt then?
All the fights so far have been great
Nanoha and Fate have Vivio, they would get Fuuka together if they weren't banned from VS.
What the fuck is this franchise anymore. Nanoha would never have stood for this, she'd be befriended right on the spot.
Rinne vs Bullies and Rinne vs Miura were the best violent scenes in terms of story, but Jill vs Older Bullies, Fuuka vs Mook, and Einhart vs Fuuka were all really nice as well.
Even some of the unnecessary stuff like Vivio's shadowboxing and Fuuka/Corona punching practice is surprisingly detailed.
That's the clothes their VAs wore while recording episode 5 back in August.
It's just a coincidence every time you post, the shitpost begins then, huh. Whatever you say.
No. If you liked Nanoha at all you'd like Vivid. Strike! is Vivid's sequel, it is not supposed to be a copy of Nanoha. Vivid itself takes Nanoha elements, but it has a different direction, much like how StrikerS took a different direction from Nanoha. There's no transgression, you only force that meme to troll since it's effect to force divisions.
I shouldn't have written that fanfiction about her. I feel dirty. Now I'm writing erotica because of this damn show.
I love vivid strike because of Fuuka/Rinne's characterization. They really pushed the main cast to the side, it feels like the first season of Nanoha to me but better. I hope this means that next season is a Nanoha A's, you know, where all the good guys fight each other for actual reasons and the cast of lovable characters gets proper attention.
>What the fuck is this franchise anymore.
Nothing but pandering to edgy teens because nobody else cares about Nanoha anymore.
Isn't it sad? And people are supporting this, too!
Nanoha bitchslapped Arisa across the face for some mild teasing.
Why does Fuuka have that "LOL what" look?
Rinne is Fate, not Nanoha. Fuuka is Nanoha and she is trying to befriend Rinne.
>Rinne is Fate
Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare comparing Fate to this asshole.
>No. If you liked Nanoha at all you'd like Vivid.
Yes, user. If I enjoyed the grand fights and superb drama from the first two seasons, I totally have to enjoy "tournament arcs & loli fanservice except not really because adult mode wwww: the manga". That totally makes sense, dude.
>it feels like the first season of Nanoha to me but better.
I really hope you're fucking with me here.
Just like half the fights in A's. Isn't it awesome?
There is nothing edgy about Fuuka getting bullied by all the rich girls in the gym
>I really hope you're fucking with me here.
Just because I'm swimming in a sea of bitter and jaded fans doesn't mean I can't appreciate the joy this show brings me. Sup Forums taught me well.
I was laughing so hard when they did that. I saw it coming too, then I was like, 'seriously?'
Rinnefags BTFO
>people shooting special effects and balls at each other is "edgy"
VSfags are this desperate.
>doesn't mean I can't appreciate the joy this show brings me.
That's fine if you're edgy teenager enough to enjoy this shit, but to say it even comes CLOSE to any of the good seasons is completely asinine.
>grand fights
Have you read the manga at all? Some of the best fights in the franchise belongs to Vivio.
>superb drama
Please. As much as I love the franchise, drama is something Nanoha doesn't do well at. It's average at best. It's not something to over analyzing and be critical off. The series in general isn't realistic, but moe and rule of cool trumps that. The real enjoyment lies in the setting, cool fights, magic circle porn, and befriending.
Vivio's direction and plot allows for tournament premise and it does well at it, like Saki's manga. And there's a ton of loli fanservice that's balanced out by non-loli fanservice.
Then drop this season (which doesn't even have Nanoha in the title) and wait for the upcoming movie instead of lashing out against anyone who dares to like something you don't.
It's been two weeks already. Or three? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Some of the best fights in the franchise belongs to Vivio.
>The real enjoyment lies in the setting, cool fights, magic circle porn, and befriending.
So, not a single thing that Vivid or Vivid Strike do right. You sure got me there!
And here I thought you had a moment of seriousness and rationale in you. In the end, you're going to stick to trolling and making endless reaction posts. Unless you're getting paid to be autistic, this whole stalking and shitposting job you are undertaking is purely masochistic.
>the Re:zero crowd flocked to Nanoha
I knew this would happen, I fucking knew it
>good seasons
>implying there is more than one
>implying strike is not the second best thing in this franchise
>Then drop this season
I'm a Nanoha and I'll see it to end, even if kills me (which it probably will).
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
Refer to this guy's post.
>fights that could result in death
>crawwwwwwling in my skin plot
>literally book of DARKNESS destroying worlds and knights who lived through centuries killing and carrying out their master's will
>not edgy
Spotted the newfag.
Fate held no ill will whatsoever, and the damage she caused came from her unconditional love for her demented mother. Even through all the suffering she was inflicted, she bore it like a saint and never was worse off for it.
Nanoha was a girl who came from a loving but flawed family, and she herself was good-natured but flawed as well. She felt an excessive level of personal responsibility and dealt with problems personally and directly as a result, and damage caused by her actions come from her limitations as a person. Unlike fate, she's suffered traumas throughout her life and it has marked effects on her interactions through the series.
Rinne has a lot of similarities with Nanoha, and virtually none with Fate (other than a generalized "had a hard life" despite the fact that the cause and the way they were affected is completely different).
All of Vivio's fights have been quite boring with the exception of the one at the end of strikers
Maybe we could have a better discussion if you had arguments that didn't depend on outright lies. Except you don't have any because
A's > GoD > S1 > shit > Vivid > FORCE > Vivid Strike > StrikerS > Rinne
Your "opinion" and bait is a lie.
GoD > A's > Vivid > Nanoha > StrikerS >>> Force > shit > You
Rinne is love. Too soon to rank Strike!
It's not airing anymore. That's the thing the newfags will never understand. As the series is airing everyone here hates it, the further you go in the past the less people care unless it was such a mess that the threads about it alone were memorable such as Geass/Vulvarave/GC.
He's allowed an opinion though. Even if he's just wrong, that just means he has poor taste.
>That's fine if you're edgy teenager enough to enjoy this shit
>close to any of the good seasons is completely asinine.
You're right because you're right, nice argument.
Role, not exact characters. Fuuka is the one befriending, so she does have Nanoha's role. Rinne has an antagonist role, so she is Fate.
I think Vivio's first fight with Miura, and also their second one right now in the manga are pretty good. Too bad that they won't ever get to fight each other in anime.
>implying Rinne wouldn't have killed the bullies if she was given the chance
>implying a book being corrupted to do evil is edgier than MUH BULLIES MUH ATTEMPTED RAPE I COULD HAVE EASILY STOPPED BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE I'M EMO
>implying Rinne isn't shooting literal eye daggers everywhere with being such a tryhard stoic cliche and a bad Fate clone
>Too soon to rank Strike!
You say that like it's going to throw any curveballs. Experience says it won't.
Rinne a shit
Vivio vs Miura is one of the best fights in the series.
Vivio vs Einhart's post-rematch after the Intermiddle tournament was also good.
>As the series is airing everyone here hates it
Quick question: Do you even fucking browse other threads?
So much this.
I thought Kayo was going to remain as the worst girl of the year but Rinne is easily the worst now.
Motivationally speaking, Fuuka appears to be more likely to be doing the befriending certainly. However, because of the ideological reversal going on I'm not sure it'll end up exactly that way. Fuuka may very well end up being the first(?) character in the franchise to reverse-befriend someone by being beaten up by them.
She's literally autist loli terminator. Her switching back to her loli voice when she strangles Fuuka in episode 3 I think was great. Her design is great. What's wrong?
>You're right because you're right
The first two seasons have better writing, better setting, better music and they are just better overall.
The only thing VS has on those two is the unlimited edge it exudes, and I don't really know what to tell you if you think that that's a good thing. And the animation I guess, but we also have the movies so it's arguable.
>that just means he has poor taste.
I don't want to hear that from someone that thinks Vivid Strike of all things is good.
>any of Vivio's fights
You can't be serious.
That fight was good because of Miura, not Vivio. Miura pulling a breaker was hype as fuck
>given the chance
She had the chance and she didn't.
>easily stopped
She was depressed and thought she deserved to be punished. That's nothing compared to Hayate's level of suffering that she allows.
>eye daggers
Nice straw grasping thst can't even compare to crawling in my skin plot, assaults, and killings.
fuck off
>autist edgy/VS troll is the Rinne a shit spammer
As if it wasn't already obvious enough.
>Touched a truth nerve
I'll agree that you just don't like whatever you think 'edge' is, and that you think vivid is 'edge'. I disagree about the writing and music. For vivid they are focusing on the dual characters, just like they did for vivio and einhart. If you don't like that, then its no wonder you don't like the writing. Music, well that's just nostalgia in my opinion, I like this OP and the voice acting better. The old shows just don't stand up.
>Rinne being worst girl of the year touched a nerve
You hate everything about Vivid. Your opinion doesn't matter.
Nah. it wouldn't be that great if Vivio wasn't the opponent. The hype is multipled because Miura is fighting against the freaking Saint clone.
Same cuck.
>lel my forced meme
Nope. We don't need to do that to spot your obvious ass.
Obligatory reminder to hit up /u/ if you ever get tired of the shitposting.
No you won't get banned if you start a story-related discussion, so long as it doesn't involve boys. (Sorry Miurafriends.)
>i'll call the truth a forced meme, maybe that will make it stop being true
The OST and ED are on par with the originals but the OP is shit, even if you don't try to compare it with the old ones
I doubt it. Either way you are samefagging. Don't act like you haven't been called out numerous times in the past 2 weeks.
The only truth here is that you're a shitposter with shit taste.
>For vivid they are focusing on the dual characters
My ass they are. Rinne gets all the spotlight and Fuuka doesn't get diddly-dick. AND Rinne gets all the spotlight when the writing for her is cringy as shit!
>Music, well that's just nostalgia in my opinion, I like this OP
Future Strike is okay, and I can see why you would think it's better than innocent starter, but saying it's better than Eternal Blaze is just lying.
>The old shows just don't stand up.
Fuck off.
>You hate everything about Vivid.
And I had all the hopes Vivid Strike would fix everything. Had.
>le bogieman accusation xD
Rinne is great. She can't be bad when fans like her and when she's attracting hype. You are alone here.