Arc 4 Chapter 55
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Arc 4 Chapter 55
If you missed any of the previous chapters check here
If you've just finished the anime and want to catch up with the current discussion check this link
I just want to know why so much of the cast looks like characters from Fire Emblem Fates.
Chicken updated today.
It seems like translator user skipped over a bunch of little emilia moments. Not that I'm an emiliafag but it seems like she gets much more attention here than the summaries.
I'm glad chicken is providing these for us, but how long will it take him to complete arc 4?
Every thread until Rem wakes up.
>skipped over emilia moments
Like where? I recall most of these in the summary. Summaryanon's translations aren't as wordy or entirely accurate, but they seem thorough enough.
Who are these supposed to resemble?
They were both inspired by the same red/blue oni folktale.
Coincidentally in both cases blue is better.
Is red a bantz master?
Is Re:zero good?. Not sure cause all I ever hear about it is "muh Rem".
Your enjoyment will hinge mainly on your ability to tolerate Subaru/love Rem.
>It seems like translator user skipped over a bunch of little emilia moments.
Looking at both versions, it's almost the exact same. In fact, looking at these side-by-side, translator user's are pretty fucking close to Chicken's in general.
Where are you getting any kind of bias from? Or are you just shitposting?
Good but not great imo. As an adaption they played it way too safe and removed almost everything that would need a second season. They also cut all the characterization and worldbuilding at the beginning of the third arc. I know they couldn't include all of it but some would be nice. If you hate or can't put up with intentionally counterproductive and very flawed MCs you probably won't like this long enough for him to develop.
>translator consistently releases daily for 25 days
>I start reading
>instantly breaks the combo
Is it my fault?
Yes, get whaled so we can enjoy our pain.
He's busy studying so he doesn't fail his exams.
fuck off and keep studying summaryanon
we miss you
He warned us there would be a dearth this month. College takes priority.
Honestly the adaptation was excellent up until the white whale fight.
Then it kind of lost its magic and became another generic isekai powertrip.
If it wasn't for the translations I would have just gave it a 7.5 and forgotten it until a season 2 was announced.
>get whaled
i laughed at that harder than i should have
I don't know about the powertrip part. At the end of the day Subaru can never really do anything on his own. He just brought people together who had power. His solution most of the time is to sic someone actually strong on the problem. Tappei was also smart enough to cripple Subaru at the end of arc 4 and made his power level highly dependent on someone else (Beako). As you can guess, she's like the hyperdrive in Star Wars. Never around/ not working when things need to be dramatic. I think the right choice of words is that it loses most of its tension.
Yeah that's a better way to put it.
I'm also not too big of a fan of how the story likes killing subaru over and over every time he takes 2 steps forwards, then comes a life where things click and he manages to run half a mile before being struck down again. That happened with the white whale life and from what I've heard the last loop of arc 4 takes it to an extreme.
Get me legitimate reasons why Emilia will win the Toyotabowl. Why would Tappei write Rem the way he has if she wasn't going to win? There's also no way she won't wake up in Arc 6, it's not just her who needs the cure at this point and it'd be too much of a cocktease to the fans half of which are Remfags.
Also let us savor the fact Ferrisfag isn't here yet. Remember to ignore him when he starts posting.
>tappei likes silver hair more than blue. (this is the biggie, it's his story)
>honda has posters of silver haired girls in his room which shows his preferences.
>First person he sees in the new world is a woman that represents literally everything he wants in a waifu. In terms of looks at least. He's apparently turned off by her mental age or something. idk summary user isn't there yet.
There's no bowl to win. Both are winners.
How are you holding up, Rembros?
Pretty well. The only possible way out of potatohood that can lead to pure suffering is if she dies just before the savepoint, and we already did that. As long as she wakes up with either her name or memories, there is still hope.
I don't know, it might depending on how you look at it. Last loop in arc 4 is pretty unique. He has a deal with the clown that he can subvert the gospel and solve the crisis without following the book in that loop otherwise he'll have to do what Roswaal says in the next loop. He was doing okay in the loop before but the clown deliberately messed things up.
Pretty amazing. I'm just looking forward to Arc 6 ending. I'm 98% certain Rem will wake up and we can look forward to lovey-dovey chapters after that. I'm just tired of the Rem drought right now.
From Zero really would have been a fantastic season ender
I want to cuck a clown.
Well, I at least want Subaru to prove she's not secondary to Emilia in his heart and marry Rem first. I mean, it's pretty obvious that Tappei plays up the wife aspect with Rem, and she's probably the main reason Re:Zero has a surprising amount of wedding fan art. Subaru's pretty much told her he wants to spend his whole life with her at his side, and wants to have an equal and supportive relationship with her.
I say he should just wife the Rem already. He was willing to do it even before he realized she was just as important to him as Emilia, so it shouldn't be hard for him to just go through and do it. He clearly wants to.
I want Otto to cuck the clown.
He will need training. But who could give Otto the skills necessary to cuck the clown?
Nobody believes him, but he may already have them.
>Otto would sometimes be spilling out rumors of love affairs while drinking alcohol in his seat, but everyone would unanimously decide that they were lies.
>lovey dovey chapters
>Rem comes back with her memories
>her friends and Nee-sama don't remember her
>Rem wakes up to find she was easily replaced by the world, confirming her huge inferiority complex
>all she has left is Subaru
>Emilia grows even more Jealous of the affections Subaru and this mystery potato show each other
>she wakes up with her name
>the world that so easily replaces her truly understand what's happened
>Rem wakes up to dozens of friendly faces eager to help her back into the world
>without her there to push him along, Subaru has to draw on the inner strength he's developed over the last few arcs of her absence to push himself to win her heart back
>Emilia understands Subaru's devotion to her
>they compete to win the Hondabowl or concede to share
>Rem wakes up with her name and memories
>we're just back to business as usual
>Satella removes Rem, the only real threat to her gaining Subaru's affections, permanently by altering the save point again
>Subaru loses hope and lets the Witch take him
>becomes the Cardinal of Sin and ushers in an age of darkness
He is the Saitama of cucking
>One Cuck Man
Oh man this has to be a thing already.
Is this a thing? This should be a thing.
Otto needs to cuck subaru by taking rem away.
Make him choose whether to just go all in for emilia or to burn his bridges with her to try and cuck otto.
The exam is dead. Today I am also dead.
If there is no update tomorrow, feel free to assassinate me.
>became able to talk openly with someone about the the things he knew from past lives without having to explain how he knew them
>he confessed his feeling with said person the following morning
>his next save point is directly in front of her lifeless body
Envy truly is a vindictive bitch.
>>we're just back to business as usual
Not exactly. Their relationship moved to the next stage, but they didn't have time to do anything with it. We haven't seen them interact as a couple for more than a few minutes, really.
No. Otto is a bro. That would just be wrong.
I want to see this. Make it happen. Or else I'm going to have to make it happen.
Did you kill the exam good?
>Not exactly. Their relationship moved to the next stage, but they didn't have time to do anything with it. We haven't seen them interact as a couple for more than a few minutes, really.
Honestly I would see that as more of an interesting direction for option 1, where Subaru, who's been pining after Emilia (who's hopefully gotten substantial character development by now) all this time while maintaining the potato in the back of his mind, is suddenly faced with this girl who he has seemingly openly confessed his love to. It would most certainly be the fastest way to drive conflict between the characters.
Can someone post Shota or Fem Subaru please? My dick needs it.
Rem probably shouldn't have been left in charge of Shotabaru.
He's had a year to do something about his attraction and ended up with the conclusion that it's gonna take a few more before she's ready.
Yet he's willing to wait.
I hope Rem has enough self respect to walk away from him once she finds out assuming tappei doesn't just keep her out of the plot until the very end where it's too late for her to do anything about it.
If Subaru knew anything about relationships he would have walked away by now.
This is why I say Subaru should go on a road trip.
>Fem Subaru
Or just gave up on the romantic aspect.
His relationship with emilia was built on a foundation of LN induced fantasy and events of erased timelines.
He got so lucky she just happened to be an ostracized half elf who could easily love anyone who doesn't discriminate based on her looks.
Well, convincing her you mean it is still a challenge. But hey, he's lucky she's a loli on the inside, because little girls apparently love Subaru according to the Q&A.
Need someone to babysit your Shotabaru? Why not Ram?
I want to see a translation of this, especially with how Ram is glaring at Rem.
You do understand that he's holding himself back because of Rem's situation right?
Too many arc 6 flags and Al needs her to come back so he can throw a fit and become Pride.
Also Rem is fem!Subaru so her self-esteem is just as shot as her meme boyfriend.
Congrats who I assume is summary user! If not congrats anyways.
So I assume you did good yes?
But if i kill you there will be no more updates. Can i enslave you instead?
Done for now, I love fem!Subaru
I should really organize my folders
>Subaru's mindset keeps fluxuation between his normal and child self
>ShotaSubaru keeps trying to off himself but keeps being interfered by the rest of Emilia camp
>Ram finds him with a knife
>Ram takes the knife away from him
>Subaru is shocked by the tears in Ram's eyes as she tells him how he could have been hurt
user why do you have to add drama to such a cute picture.
Imagine being Ram and having to look after Rem and Subaru.
Isn'the that what MU Ram basically doing right now?
Yeah, imagine that. No wonder Ram takes the clown cannon. She needs it.
yfw you first heard this
> Spoonfeeding
You know, there is such a thing called Google or archive.
> Inb4 "Helping"
This ain't helping. This is called spoiling a child.
> Inb4 " stupid board culture"
You people should know that is the stupidest excuse as of this point to excuse your spoonfeeding and newfaggotry? Lurk for three more years.
> Inb4 Meganon is unknown
Tell the damn idiots to lurk in the archives. It's in every thread at this point. Fuck that notion.
This is bad, this is redundant, this is lazy. The bullshit should end here as of this time. I'm not trying to annoy you people, I'm the one who is actually trying to help you people look less bad as of this point. Seriously, the threads are regarded as shit as well as the supposed "community".
> Inb4 "You're shitting up the thread!"
You don't need me to shit up the thread when the threads themselves have gone to shit.
You people became like Jojo threads.
> Inb4 people missed it.
They can't, tell them to lurk harder you faggots.
> Inb4 straw-manning by saying, "Oh, you want people not to know about the sekirit club"
Fuck you, I'm saying for you fucks to tell the babies to lurk harder. That's an option. Never did I say for the ones to ask to not be part of the "sekirit club". Straw-manning my argument while being fucking lazy by spoonfeeding. Faggot.
> Inb4 "autism"
Here's the definition of "autism"
>a mental condition characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.
I'm sorry you have it, considering I'm pretty sure I'm telling you in REAL CLEAR LANGUAGE HERE THAT IS CONCRETE.
> Inb4 " He's a self-moderation faggot"
Oh excuse me, coming from a REAL GREAT WAIFUFAG that even avatarfags his posts.
> Inb4 "ignore him shitting on the thread, if he doesn't like the thread, he should stop posting in it."
I should tell you this, "if you know the thread is shit, why are you posting and indulging in it?" I'm only pointing it out.
> inb4 "stop inb4"
Then stop your bullshit of a thread. I explained enough already why, so why do you keep doing it? I already rebuked the reasons you gave as to why. The list can keep going on, asshole.
> inb4 "stop feeding the troll"
I'm not trolling, I'm only pointing out your bullshit. Stop making these kinds of threads like the OP as well as the comments. Just stop. You are a fucking spoiled brat that doesn't shit and plans to spoil the kid rotten. "Boo-hoo, you're telling me not to spoil the kid rotten!" Well, guess what happened to all the fucks who spoiled their children without restraint? They became snot-nosed brats just like (You). You gonna cry over the candy not given to you? Sorry your parents spoiled you, oh wait, I don't need to be sorry for shit.
> inb4 "we don't care and we won't read"
Excuse me, but you are inconsistent as fuck. First off, you say this shit that you don't care, and you reply anyways. If you don't care, then why do you reply? And I know you are gonna read this no matter how much you say you won't. Because you will and you're insecure over the fact that I'm preaching the truth of your bullshit. You say you don't care, eh? Stop lying, this is how fucking rotten your parents have spoiled you, brat.
Regulus, you need to leave. Your giant walls of text aren't pleasant for the eyes.
> inb4 "Stop it Regulus".
I'm getting straight to the point. Regulus talks in a all condescending matter with a "sophisticated" language that doesn't mean shit. Fuck you.
What do you want?
Still waiting for Subaru to cuck the clown
Oh! Oh! Add me to the pasta.
Ram is for sisterly love only!
Stop making like that crap regardless of reason. Stop spoonfeeding. Whenever someone asks, just tell them the exact solution I gave in my post. It is not that hard and less faggots will stop demanding links. If they don't know shit and still try and persist, tell them to lurk harder and come back in three years.
In other words, this is bad .
And solutions I gave here are the only things that are good.Or is that too hard for you?
Jesus, instead of Regulus I think we may have a Petelgeuse here.
Fuck you. I ain't doing that shit.
I believe you have created a scenario in your mind where these preceived notiations of anons needing links are causing you great ire, but in reality this isn't the case. You have made these situations out of a different perspective you have because you want to be militant towards people because you can't act that way towards people in your life so you take it out on people on the internet.
Would you date an Oni thot?
Just once, I wish you lot would let him vent and not give him (You)s.
The only person who doesn't need (You)s is Ferrisfag. Everyone remember to ignore him.
Wilhelm will try to steal Subaru and make him the grandson he never had.
Reminder that you are not subaru
you are also too much of a pussy to get chewed up by dogs to save her and to smash her horn whilst she's in the middle of an oni rampage.
Oh I'm gonna smash that horn alright. Right into my ass
>Reminder that you are not subaru
Thank the lord