Chitose is sad. Say something.
Girlish Number
Other urls found in this thread:
my dick is ready for the beach episode
I... I wrote a song for Chitose.
You fucking bitch
You sucking dick
Your main dish
Your ass on the mic
Your twitter is trash
Your brother's a cuck
Your voice I'll smash
Your pussy I'll fuck
You'll never succeed
You'll always be poor
Your babies won't feed
You'll fall through the floor
Kill yourself, don't show your face
Unless you mature
Unless you become an ace
Signed: the quiet girl who's always nervous but somehow has a semi big rack that's probably a bit saggy but not too much and I bet she has greasy skin
there is no need to have a thread 24/7
was going to post that
I didn't expect the last thread to die so fast. I just woke up.
Anyways, I don't think there's anything to talk about.
You deserve it bitch. Better learn from the experience of being hated.
I want to sexually FUCK Chitose-sama!
So which girl is the biggest of the entire cast? This is important.
My FUCKING DICK. Holy shit. Anyone else's penis burst into an erection when she finally got what she deserved?
This is only just scratching the surface.
Which girlish would you do a number on?
Like kill?
How did Chitose go from having lots of new fans to be unanimously hated? What changed?
She acted really fake during the event.
not even fake...just completely uninterested
Otakus are such dumb sheeps amirite
She didn't act like a whore and let the fans raping her hand when they were shaking hands
Will Chitose find the genuine thing?
she'll find her oniisan's 8 inch cock down her throat
How would you feel if they hired a complete shitter as a VA while ruining your favorite LN every episode full of QUALITY and a shit story and you see her in a event looking smug and fake?
Obviously you would sense that this fucking chick is getting paid with doing a shit job and it's totally undeserved.
We don't know that she had "lots" of fans, a lot of those twitter names were repeats. Also, from her attitude toward doing the twitter commentary as the show aired, you can tell she'd gotten lazy about the "fan service" that she was so into earlier (responding to every mention etc.). That plus five episodes of mediocre acting plus a bad attitude during the handover event turned probably all but the diehards against her.
KuuSure is a pretty big/hyped show, even if it's complete shit, so her exposure level skyrocketed as its lead. What the general otaku audience expects from "big show" lead roles and what seiyuu pigs expect from minor characters are very different too, so even with no change on her part I could see her catching a lot of hate after KuuSure started airing.
>when you realize Chitose is the only one samefagging to defend herself
>ruining your favorite LN
they deserve it
>Is it true Chitose Karasuma slept her way into this role?
What did they mean by this?
Stop being such a bitch and maybe people will like you.
Anyone else think his and chitose's personality fit each other perfectly?
They should totally hook up
It's like I'm reading Sup Forums.
you shut your goddamn whore mouth. Gojou-kun is the only man for Chitose
This part was pretty great, hearing them just call it shit.
How can anyone not fall for such charming smile?
Fuck you, whore.
Sorry another anime girl made me very angry recently.
Well, can you make money as a infamous seiyuu. What are some examples of well paid seiyuus that are hated by everybody?
I hope you haven't forgotten to regularly praise your favorite VA on the internet.
Sora Amamiya? Well, she's mostly hated on Sup Forums.
Onii-chan needs to plow her already
tell that to kyoanifags
Don't respond to idiots, man.
But my favorite VA is Momoka.
>How would you feel if they hired a complete shitter as a VA
Will best girl be a successful VA ever?
She's more successful than Chitose at least.
for who? that snake lady? is she from something?
If you average by how long they've been working as VAs, I think Chitose has more roles.
Life isn't fair.
Welcome to adulthood. Congrats on choosing a shit career.
I wonder if they make her tone down the dialect when acting.
Perhaps off-topic, but I wanted to mention that this is my favorite reaction face of this season. Reminds me of a frog.
Well, at least Koto isn't hated.
Do you think she shit on chitose in the nico stream too?
She was at the event working while the stream was going, so probably not.
On 2ch afterwards though...
Is onii-chan going to be a va with the girls also? the ending with the blonde implied it
The bullies from Kokoro Connect?
>they're mostly not wrong
So chitose slept her way to got the role?
she lazed around and slept all day doing nothing while Gojou got the role for her
She slept with Gojou-kun, yes.
[wageslavery intensifies]
This part was really well done but it was so hard to watch at the same time.
What is Gojou-kun stop managing Chitose and move for someone else?
I wrote a song for Chitose I hope she likes it
I don't fuck with you
You little stupid ass bitch, I ain't fuckin' with you
You little, you little dumb ass bitch, I ain't fuckin' with you
I got a million trillion things I'd rather fuckin' do
Than to be fuckin' with you
Little stupid ass, I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck, I don't I don't I don't give a fuck
Bitch I don't give a fuck about you or anything that you do
Don't give a fuck about you or anything that you do
I heard you got a new man, I see you takin' a pic
Then you post it up, thinkin' that it's makin' me sick
I see you calling, I be makin' it quick
I'm a answer that shit like: "I don't fuck with you"
Bitch I got no feelings to go
I swear I had it up to here, I got no ceilings to go
I mean for real, fuck how you feel
Fuck your two cents if it ain't goin' towards the bill, yeah
And everyday I wake up celebrating shit, why?
Cause I just dodged a bullet from a crazy bitch
I stuck to my guns, that's what made me rich
I don't fuck with you
You little stupid ass bitch, I ain't fuckin' with you
I want to defrost her.
I don't have a screenshot of it, but why does Kazuha look so terrified in the next episode preview?
Maybe her seasickness hurts.
Are you a energetic high school girl? If not then there is no chance.
Why does everyone hate Chitose now?
No, but my name is Karasuma Chitose. They used to call me the Flamethrower back in VA school.
Read the thread.
She's my wife.
I mean everyone in this thread.
How many Ls can a Chitose take?
>can't take criticism
>needs a filter on the internet
Japanese otaku are autistic sperglords to a level us on Sup Forums can never hope to match. They fly off the handle at the slightest shit and are fucking dumb.
I shall always love Chii-sama no matter what, however.
Dumb phoneposter.
Half of it is the namefag samefagging, and the other half was always there to begin wtih.
dumb slut wwwwwwwwwwww
Japanese shitposting is nowhere as pleasant to read as English shitposting though. English is just so much better at being vulgar.
>So chitose slept her way to got the role?
Quite literally.
Will these be ever translated?
I thought Japanese were the best at bantz.
that's Australia
She's about as cute as the 7th cutest girl in my class.
But your class only has 7 girls.
A bunch of the Kazuha/mobage ones were translated by someone on twitter, they got posted here like 20 threads ago.
I love you Reika
>Chitose listens to her brother's drama CD over and over on her phone
She seems more hungry for his cock with each episode.
They're mid-tier at best.
so how did it sell in real life?
Fuck you guys, rotten girls are the best.
I agree.
damegami a best
When do we finally see her true colors?
Yep. It reads almost like those Japan vs Korea Sup Forums posts.
So how did the fan react to fake Kanbensai?