Why can't they just nuke the grail?
Because nukes are hard to find.
More specifically, they can but it comes back, Kiritsugu used Excalibur to nuke the grail in the 4th war and it just forced the war to restart over a decade later.
>obtain the grail
>wish that the grail goes away forever
wow so hard...
Sakura is Best Girl.
Why doesnt zelretch fix the grail instead of risking someone obtaining the grail and using it to destroy the world?
The fate manga with red vs black servants shows zelretch sitting in a pocket dimension trying to prevent humanity from going extinct.
>grail destroys the world
>implying the counter force wouldn't just kick in if the curse spread too far
Besides, he has access to infinite universes. I'm sure in many humanity is near extinction, while in others we're doing just fine. Why would he bother to influence some to get the same outcome as others?
because hes originally from this dimension and presumably cares more about this one.
Since there are infinite dimensions and humanity will always survive in one, and if he only cared about at least one dimension where humanity survives, then he wouldnt need to do anythinng at all, since there are infinite dimensions and hence there is always at least one dimension where humanity will survive without him doing anything.
He could be spending that time to get drunk or whatever but hes actually working to preserve humanity, so he must particularly care about at least one dimension.
The way Zelretch's magic works means that if he directly interferes in a worldline it becomes 'real'. He can do indirect stuff like having Ayaka enter the SF war but that's pretty much it.
What the fuck do you mean by "this dimension"? I don't even know where you saw him actively work to save humanity, is that in the Apocrypha manga? Because in Strange Fake he just picked one of the Masters.
Why would they nuke the grail? All they know is that it grants wishes, and that's what motivates the servants to fight. And even if they knew it didn't grant wishes, not all servants has a nuke as their NP.
that doesnt make sense because we know that our dimension is "real".
Hes already done stuff in our dimension, like, you know, defeat the crimson moon? Make the grail in the first place?
Yes its in apocrypha. He sits in his pocket dimension looking at humanity's future and he references ORT needing more than 100 years of preparation to deal with.
I mean they pretty much do exactly that in the end of most routes, to varying degrees of success.
If Sakura will eventually ruin Shirou with her charms, how happy will she be with how devoted he is to her?
Why don't the mage families just make a new grail that can't be destroyed? Haven't they learned anything new over the last few centuries?
Why doesn't any of Rin's extended family seem concerned that she's fighting the Holy Grail War entirely on her own?
Why doesn't Shirou just buy a manual for mages to learn about different types of magic instead of just doing the same strengthening exircise over and over?
Why didn't Archer just shoot Mr. Souichirou on his way back from school from like a kilometer off?
>Why doesn't any of Rin's extended family
Uhhhhh what extended family.
She's the last Tohsaka.
it would be extremely weird if she didnt have any cousins.
Well there is this one blonde Finnish bitch with drills
Well she doesn't.
You forgot the part about mages gnerally only having 1 child
the extra kids are given away though, like what happened with sakura.
But they are still related by blood even if their family name is different.
Question: if they somehow remove avenger and the corruption, will the grail work as intended?
Luvia and Rin and not related FFS
Yeah, but if they are raised by another family I doubt they would consider her a cousin
Yes, it worked fine until the 3rd war when Avenger caused it to glitch out
>Because nukes are hard to find.
lol wut? There are like a million nukes exist in the world
They are cousins.
Well they're generally not just laying around
It was kinda working in Apocrypha properly since they went with Ruler instead of Avenger.
Dragon homu sieg jacks the Grail in the end though.
Could Batman win the Holy Grail War if he had enough prep-time? He wouldn't be a Master or a Servant, he's just Batman.
>obtain the grail
>wish for avenger to GTFO, kill himself and get a second wish
there i fixed it
watch fate/zero to see the results
No. He lacks anyway to stop heroic spirits sans ripping a master's hand,unless he calls Dr.Fate or Zatanna.
It's hidden under a mountain.
I just realized Cu has some dumb pauldrons
>Grail can summon fake heroes who never existed
>nobody summons Indiana Jones and asks him to get them the Holy Grail
Fate a shit.
Yeah. The Fuyuki Grail is a lesser grail however and doesn't have unlimited power. The three families originally created it to give them access to the Spiral of Origin, so they didn't manufacture a "true" grail since they didn't need that much power to access the Root.
Once Avenger was introduced into the Grail it corrupted any wish, and presumably you could no longer use it to access the Root. If you were to skim the Avenger material out of the grail however it would go back to normal and could be used to make limited wishes or access the Spiral of Origin.
>I wonder what my son is doing
Every time.
Gilgy is my guy.
Would he even hear a dang thing about it? Jason Blood lives in the same city and Batman doesn't notice most of the occult stuff he handles.
Wasn't there an infinite amount of dimensions that he does the exact same thing?
Because no one was aware of the Greater Grail existance, aside from the Einzbern and Matou Zouken, because they're the one that set the whole thing up in the first place
Her extended family (Edelfelt) hate her gut because she was a result of one of their successor betraying them and giving a copy of their high-class crest away to a n-th tier 3rd generation backwater gook family.
Well, it won't be an omniscient wish granting machine, but with that much raw magical power you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as you have the method.
Even if he knows about the Holy Grail War, at best his base information will be it's just a wish granting machine.
No support from magic means, he's more useless than Shinji in a fight.
user you know that cousins are raised by other families by default right
That's why they are called cousins. If they were in your family, they would be your siblings.
The grail is summoned in spirit form. Nobody can interact with it other than servants.
Besides, why would they WANT to nuke the grail? The whole point of the war is that they want it.
>implying the grail can afford copyright infringement
Enough people have to believe they existed for them to be summoned. Fiction doesn't work, because everyone knows they're not real. But mythology is different.
They're completely cut off from the main family, and most magus family only has 1 child to simplify the process of selecting a successor.
Tokiomi was a manchild with no sense of responsibility, and knocked up his wife again, chalking it up to "her womb being too bountiful".
Aside from the Edelfelt, Rin also has relations somewhere in Europe, but neither are aware of it (Tokiomi had an affair and knocked up another chick, whose grandchild is EXTRA-Rin)
>Besides, he has access to infinite universes. I'm sure in many humanity is near extinction, while in others we're doing just fine.
Not in Fate/Grand Order. But you can easily assume he got killed by Solomon like everyone else.
How strong would Cu Chulainn at full power be compared to Scathach if they were both summoned as lancers?
>enough people
>absolute vast majority of population doesn't know about magic
>magic myself to look like Goku
>fly around a bit in front of cameras, maybe land in the playing field in the middle of the world cup
>everybody believes because what the fuck how can he fly otherwise
>summon next war
>easy grail easy life
Or any other overpowered fictional character, really.
Its not going to summon you though. You're going to die like everyone else, and the grail will summon the fictional Son Goku (from Dragonball, not the other one).
Didn't say it would summon me. You'd have 6billion+ people believing in the fictional Goku, not me since they'd have no clue it was me using magic. That's way more people believing than any other mythological figure.
Good luck dealing with the mage's association afterwards.
You're forgetting that you need to supply him with mana, and the grail needs enough power to summon him.
>he throws one punch
>immediately depletes you of mana killing you on the spot
Assuming you are a good mage, you would probably supply enough mana to one-shot any servant, seeing as how a normal mage can supply several Excaliburs to Saber, fair to say depleting your whole mana pool in one blow would wreck anyone.
>One shot any servant
and then die, I forgot to add.
Saber who doesn't fire beam isn't saber
Because two nukes aren't enough.
mage's association is pretty dumb
>hey magic is dying
>let's make it a secret
>less and less people become mages over the year
>more and more secrets lost
>eventually everyone will forget how to use magic
Great solution morons.
So show a bunch of Amazon cannibals a movie with ol Indie and tell them he is real.
Aren't servants immune to mundane weapons? A nuke blowing up in the face of one wouldn't even scratch the servant. Don't see why it would damage the grail.
You clearly didn't watch all of fate/zero
So Solomon is by far the strongest servant we've seen so far, right?
Grands are a new level of bullshit, so yes
It's weird Solomon is a Grand when someone like King Arthur or Gilgamesh isn't. What did Solomon have that both of those don't have more of?
If power of dick can beat anything, why didn't they just fuck the grail?
That's all he was interested in.
When they say "ruin", it means Sakura will become the true Yamato Nadeshiko Tiger Wife and Shirou will be hopelessly smitten, not that he will be whipped.
Think Hughes in FMA with his wife. Or any hopelessly gushy couple.
And all that talk of Tokiomi having affairs reminded me of how his dream as a boy was to build a harem, but he has the stones to want to reprimand Shirou for two timing his daughters. Hypocrite or typical dad? You decide.
>Yamato Nadeshiko
Fucking disgusting.
How insecure does a man need to be to reach the point of liking this type of women?
>Not wanting absolute service and loyalty from whoever is close to you.
>Grand Order
>relevant to any kind of serious lore discussion
Just pretend it isn't there.
Go marry a washing machine, faggot.
Ilyafags BTFO
washing mashing can't talk,cook,sex.
not an argument
You misunderstand what a Yamato Nadeshiko is. It's not the demure housewife, it's the ride or die thunderdome chick who values her household and family, and will fuck you up if you endanger it. It's just that she also takes no shit from hubby and will smack his ass if he she needs to. An iron core under a maidenly exterior.
Basically the samurai wife. If I had to put it in a nutshell.
The most valued traits in a Yamato Nadeshiko are shyness, politeness and submissiveness.
And they are women who don't do shit with their lives except of cooking, doing laundry and generally pleasing and servicing whoever is in the near vicinity.
They are glorified maids, all that shit about them being tough bitches is your own wishful thinking.
>Actually wanting to have any kind of yes!men near you
Pathetic, you probably don't even have a waifu, let alone know what love is.
Why cant they just use Rule Breaker on it to severe the connection between the grail and Angra Mainyu?
>A maid who you don't need to pay and you can fuck
How is this not the perfect woman?
>Is he gae or something
>wanting a lapdog
>not wanting Rider Alter to ride you so hard you can't walk for a week
Lemme put it to you this way, Nasu calls Shiki a true Yamato Nadeshiko. Meaning you likely have the meaning a bit wrong.
Where does he describe Shiki as that?
Nasu's opinion is as good as mine, he didn't come up with the concept of Yamato Nadeshiko.
And Shiki is hardly an ideal woman, if she's a true Yamato Nadeshiko then there's nothing special about that shitty archetype.
He's that sweet spot of old, but still well known
Gilgamesh is much older, but nowhere near as well known.
And King Arthur is pretty damn recent in comparison
Why don't they just summon Stalin?
I only watched anime
Why was king Arthur a women?
It actually has many meanings. It's often used for a shy or demure person, but it is often meant to describe a sought after ideal instead of one set of meanings.
They changed him to a female because they didn't think having him as a male would sell copies.
>japs being insecure cucks they are didin't want to buy a game with a british Chad fucking their jap woman
That's literally the reason, as hilarious as it sounds.
This basically. Originally Shirou was going to be a girl but they decided that reversing the genders would make the story more markettable to the VN audience. Given that Shirou and Saber's relationship is basically the chivalrous knight in shining armor + doting virgin maiden routine excepted genderswapped it makes sense. And its hot.
There aren't anywhere close to a million nukes in the world you stupid fuck.
There's the outer grail (that shows up in HF) and the inner grail. If you just blow up the outer grail the ritual still works, but if you go into the mountain where they put the inner grail and just start fucking shit up the entire system goes down permanently.
Takeuchi really doesn't understand how hair works.
There's no way hair of that length can make up a bun the size of the one Saber usually sports.
This. Saber would have hair down to her waist.