I've never read manga or been seriously invested in anime my entire life, but I read up to chapter 103 of the Boku Girl manga. I really enjoyed it and wanted to hear what other people on Sup Forums thought of it.
If you could remember to use spoilers too, that'd be great.
You don't need to fucking blog, if you want to discuss about manga, just do it. Regardless, fuck off and lurk for a year.
Nathan Foster
Nice buzzword.
So then why aren't people discussing it then? I left it as a pretty open statement on what people's thoughts on it were.
Joseph Sanders
It's time.
Andrew Martinez
The second half was a mistake, especially since Takeru and Mizuki stopped hanging out for pretty much the rest of the series outside of a few scenes.
Andrew Diaz
It started off good, but the side characters (especially the underwear guy - forgot his name) ruined the pacing of the series. It's no surprise that translations were dropped and the series ended shortly after.
Thomas Nelson
Agreed. The translations have completely ended? god damn it. Underwear guy's name was Yamada if I remember correctly. I thought it went back to a decent pacing after the focus was dropped from him though, I might be wrong.
Cameron Collins
The ending ruined it for me
Anthony Martin
Yeah, it's as if everyone dropped the series all at once. Sup Forums used to have a weekly live translation but Aerus (the translator) called it quits with about 20-30 chapters left. Many people didn't even know about the last chapter because of dropped translations.
Either way it was a good series, but could've been done better.
Thomas Thomas
When did the situation with Aerus happen?
Evan Thomas
i want to say in like february or something of this year.
i still can't believe he got butthurt over what happened.
Thomas Peterson
>I've never read manga or been seriously invested in anime my entire life, but I read up to chapter 103 of the Boku Girl manga. >If you could remember to use spoilers too, that'd be great. These parts are unnecessary. Also, don't lurk threads unless you're prepared to eencounter spoilers.
Thomas Carter
Sorry for not posting with the non-specified formatting on a Vietnamese Cutting Board.
Anthony Howard
it means you like dicks, you flamming homo.
Lincoln Baker
I'm assuming that he got pissy with the direction that the artist was taking it?
Landon Morris
lol no. he got pissy when someone else translated a fanservice side chapter that the author put out, even though aereus was taking like month-long breaks between translations at the time.
Hudson Sanders
I just read about it in an archived thread. He got mad that someone did the wet dream between Mizuki and Takeru? and just called it quits not long after?
What in the actual fuck
When was 103 translated?
Logan Parker
>He got mad that someone did the wet dream between Mizuki and Takeru? and just called it quits not long after? yes and yes. it was quite ridiculous.
is 103 the last one? i'm not sure if that has been translated.
Aiden Anderson
It's the last translated chapter that I can find, granted I haven't looked high and low for it, but on more popular manga hosting sites that's what I'm getting.
Colton Phillips
It's super fucking gay, just like you.
Isaac Perry
that's okay though
David Price
It's shit.
Evan Gray
If you like you shoul read Ichinensei ni Nacchattara (same fun) but if you want more mature look of gb Boku wa Mari no Naka. Boku girl was my first manga too but true ending (107ch) was shocking but if end on 103ch is good end for me
Started strong because it defied a lot of typical tropes of TSF and even romance manga in general. Then in the second half it did the complete opposite and became generic romance that tries to pass itself as interesting because the main girl was a boy. Overall 5-6/10 but if you just read up through when Takeru and Mizuki pretty much have sex and then skip to the Thor arc finale it's a solid 7.