What did you guys think about the Railgun anime?
What did you guys think about the Railgun anime?
Not enough Saten.
I guess you can technically call it the Mikoto Misaka anime.
Think about it guys. It's called Railgun which is basically her nickname. This anime is technically called Mikoto Misaka.
for people with their "weapons" drawn, they look a little too happy at the thought of potentially killing someone in this picture
How do you know they're not practicing?
I want to fuck Misaki.
Listen user. I love Saten as much as the next guy but let's not pretend there was any sort of shortage of Satan in the Railgun anime. I feel like there was just around the perfect amount of Saten without going overboard.
That's a lot of Saten.
Do you guys ever find it weird how the magic side fan base pretends to hate Railgun? It honestly reminds me of how people pretend to hate NGNL, SAO and Madoka etc. I feel like most people who pretend to hate Railgun actually secretly like it and watched every episode and just pretend to hate it to feel different. I think If we all had to answer truthfully most of us would agree Railfun was better executed and was better overall.
Misaka is a Shit. A SHIT.
Yuriko is A BEST. A BEST
Railgun vs Index
Action (Railgun)
Girls (Railgun)
Music (Railgun)
Story (Index)
Animation (Railgun)
Sales (Railgun)
Fun (Railgun)
I like the Railgun anime.
Manga > Anime > LN
Most of us do user. I just don't really like people who pretend to hate it. The difference between quality from Index to Railgun is actually pretty amazing yet there are people who like to act like Index is better because it's the first one they watched.
If the manga was actually truly better nobody would be crying for another anime which most people do. The truth is the only reason you think you like the manga more is because it gives you a way to continue the story. Anime is far better.
1. Animation
Animation itself brings many things to the table like betyer action for a quick example along with many other things that manga could never even dream of.
2. Music
Manga can't really do music.
3. Voice actors/Better vocal delivery. This allows for jokes to be funnier and being able to tell any certain characters intent on the tone of their voice alone be is sad/angry etc. there are almost limitless ways you can play around with this.
Of course there are many more advantages to anime over black and white pictures with words but I'm pretty sure you guys get the picture with those three alone.
It ruined Kongou, there is no greater sin than that.
Here's a good example of a scene coming together with only the power anime and everything that comes along with it can provide. You'll never get this on a white/black piece of paper.
>M-Muh Level 0
It was great whenever Touma was present.
Is Touma your favorite character or something?
He doesn't really seem to have a personality of his own. Other than that he's okay but he's kinda generic.
My theory is they made him very generic and bland on purpose because he's meant to be liked by a large variety of people and specific personality trates might ruin his popularity with some people.
It's a common problem among main characters.
Railgun S Sisters arc was godly
Everything else was kinda gay
She's a confirmed loner and Nagai was shoving his CGDCT fantasies on us all
That said, Touma through Biribiri goggles is that perfect blend of hot and cute
I'll agree with you Kongou hit my sweet spot in the Manga so far but the anime version is perfectly acceptable. How did it "ruin" her?
Are you saying you're on board the train?
touma really generic
a perfect side character that shows up sometimes
He's okay as long as he's protecting the only thing that actually matters in this series.
Kuroko is a precious package. You can tell by the way he carries her.
The reason he's so nervous is because he knows he shouldn't be handling something so amazing. Kuroko's heart isn't a toy and he couldn't possibly comprehend all the mysteries it holds.
She's not known as one of the most noble characters in the series for nothing.
He looks like somebody who's carrying a live explosive.
There's something about watching Misaka and all her level useless friends trying their hardest to stop all these threats to academy city and then having to rely on an average japanese high school student in the end. All those destroyed labs and the fight with Mugino? Just useless because in the end Touma just had to punch Accelerator.
That's because Kuroko doesn't play games.
People seem to say they hate it because of the SoL CGDCT being more prevalent.
i never watched anything about index other than porn
should i?
The anime adaptation isn't the best, but the series still gets daily threads so it's doing something right. Railgun S is pretty great though.
I'd take Touma for myself but Mikoto deserves him more
The writing is trash so he might as well watch the anime where the girls are animated and have voice acting
>having to rely on an average japanese high school student in the end
You say that like they aren't mankind's ultimate weapons.
You're not fooling anyone mobileposter, try actually reading the series before posting your critique.
it was too much of a slice of life anime, I probably hated everything but the sisters arc, and it was because touma was a badass at that arc in both animes. But to be fair, index has its fair share of boring as fuck arcs, at least in the first season.
Not me.
That's part of his appeal
He's a mysterious hero who rescues you and just vanishes
He effortlessly toys with level 5s and looks like a prince or something
Outside of this sisters arc, it was complete irredeemable trash.
Kuroko would be nicely paired with someone shy, gentle, innocent, and daydreamy
She'd keep their feet on the ground, and in turn they'd bring out her more gentle humane side
Definitely somebody who insists on loyalty and hates fake people
What about Gunha?
I think the opposite. She should be with someone obnoxious and energetic that requires her to be their brakes, like Gunha. Both have a good sense of justice and want to be heroes so it'd work out well.
Are we soul brothers now?
>want to be heroes
It's not that there was not enough Saten as much as there was too much other stuff.
They're only going to disarm the identical thugs that hang around every alley in Academy City. Inevitable consequence of a police force made of high school girls I guess.
>tfw Accelerator and the Sisters probably slaughtered hundreds of random thugs
>all they wanted to do was menace schoolgirls and get arrested
>implying Misaka doesn't love the thought of killing someone
yea if I got shot by a coin going at 20000 m/s I wouldn't be just disarmed, I would get disintegrated too.
She only shoots their baseball bats, pipes, and chains, silly.
The filler arcs really had no place in the story, but at the same time I can't blame Nagai for wanting more of this.
if you were holding a bat that would rip your arm off, let alone a gun . That's why she rather just use her electricity and shit. That's probably why we only see the railgun like less than 10 times in the railgun anime.
When will she become Academy City's 8th Level 5? When will she cuck Touma, then Accel, just to win Uiharu?
skipped her introduction arc, turned her into this weird eccentric ojou that is obsessed with competing with Kuroko despite that never happening.
The story is actually kind of dumb. It's one of those autistic chuuni continuities where the author never gave up and it got published.
Where do you think we are?
A little healthy competition never hurt anybody.
Those days are long gone. Saten preys on a new girl every week now.
Season 2 is a snoozefest.
Saten is overrated.
8/10 show
Wow, That's a cute pic user!
The second arc of Season 2 made it a 7/10 though.
>Saten is overrated
Why, because she's a girl?
hyper-frequency pussy...
Second arc of season 2? What are you talking about? Railgun S ended after episode 16.
Yes, I know. But then they went ahead and added 8 episodes of garbage filler. Had no choice but to finish watching it
How should I know why you autists jerk off to her so much?
Maybe this will help you understand.
>mfw S1's final villain was Beatrice
Nagai betrays his waifu by making her taller and bustier than she canonly is
It's a masterpiece and is the pinnacle of anime entertainment
How do you know that she doesn't always just wear a sports bra?
You either get Saten or you don't.
Today I will remind them.
Well that wouldn't make her taller and we have seen Saten in swimsuits in the novels.
1. Dark hair
2. Actual personality
3. Green eyes
4. Fun
5. Fashion expert
6. Good luck (money cards)
7. Kind
8. Smart
Elite confirmed.
Well user I guess that's just another reason anime is better.
She looks pretty tall there. She's just herself.
Also gets along with kids.
What am I observing.
Seike's chest, which is gone in Railgun. Fuyukawa and Kamachi retconned Seike into being a trap.
First season is an underappreciated masterpiece with how it mixed slice of life, foreshadowing and action building an overreaching plot that brought life to the city the lived in.
Sadly not enough Kongou 9/10.
He fights for justice. That should be enough.
It was just pads.
She's no taller than Kuroko.
Kongou is quite the girl user. Most user realistically wouldn't last ten seconds In the same room as her without exploding in their pants.
was a pile of shit
Why? Because it's not Dragon ball Z?
First season is filled with trash filler. 4/10.
enjoyed it. but did you really have to start a railgun thread with the SINGLE worst piece of key visuals released for it?
Sometimes filler can be the best part of a series.