Just finished the series, something about this anime is so intriguing to me.
Anyone else like Overlord?
Just finished the series, something about this anime is so intriguing to me.
Anyone else like Overlord?
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in order to spare you further despair, I advice you to read the light novel
the setting is just really entertaining.
it's also not about a teenager which is always a plus.
I enjoyed the shorts and OVA more than the anime itself.
I want to be the third in line to have lovey-dovey sex with Entoma!
Hopefully she'll be full after eating the two poor bastards who were in front of me.
We tried a thread earlier. It died. Just go read the novels.
Possibility of a second season?
You somehow managed to convince Ainz-sama that you're a pretty cool guy. In exchange he will send one of the Pleiades over to your residence once a week to clean up your house, do your laundry, and maybe cook you a meal. No sexy-ero stuff though - you didn't manage to impress Ainz that well so for now you'll have to settle for a businesslike, non-sexual relationship.
Which maid do you choose and why?
After OPM season 2 is done.
Late 2017 or 2018 after the recap movie is done.
She is probably competent in everything. Or soon will be.
And I can feed her any intruders.
>No sexy-ero stuff though
The one Ainz cares the most for, then strap a bomb around her and send her back.
And what that would accomplish exactly?
Send the message that I want a maid I can rape.
Just clicked play on the OVA episode...
I wish Mare was actually a girl
She will pass you to Solution.
Even if your bomb will manage to kill her, it will only slightly reduce the amount of gold in Ainz's treasury.
And you will end up at the happy farm.
So what's the point?
If Ainz had any Mohrg racial levels could he satisfy his harem?
Yuri. She'd be the only one decent enough to give you a heads up when she's coming over
I read the novels up to Volume 11.
What's the meme with the subleddit and calling the translation a fanfic? As far as I can tell, it is the actual story, isn't it?
You guys are forgetting about 41 maidos. I'll ask for fifth, increment or decrement... considering that Ainz would agree to send one of her weakest daughters outside of Nazarick that is. Otherwise Yuri Alpha is the best choice.
>TFW Ainz wants to rid himself of being the center of attention of 41 beautiful maids so he decides to marry them, with the warning that if you do anything to them he will torture you for all eternity.
>On the day of your death bed and after giving you children she whispers in your ear: "did I do a good job?"
>TFW you realize they only saw it as a mission that Ainz gave them and they never loved you despite how hard you tried.
>You guys are forgetting about 41 maidos.
No. They are out of the scope:>will send one of the Pleiades
I think that contractually obligated partner is the best kind of partner for the long-term relationship.
Wouldnt that reduce them to prostitutes? I doubt Ainz would approve of that, unless they fell in love with someone and thats impossible for most of Nazarick, maybe one of the maids is a goody two shoes like Sebas and sees the good in humans?
Family is for procreation, children.
It's best when both sides are tied legally in their obligation regarding raising said children.
Are you trying to say that all the political/arranged marriages in the history of mankind are nothing but prostitution contracts...?
>Wouldnt that reduce them to prostitutes?
The same logic can be applied to any government-approved marriage. So yes. Well, kind of.
If both parties don't really dislike each other and faithful to one another, then this whole "prostitution" thing becomes kinda strange.
i want to get into this but it seems like nothing more than misanthropist nerd wish fulfillment
and that's boring
Then you don't want to get into it.
Basically with procreation as a bonus.
Ainz shoul summon some mercenary succubi and marry them to the adventurers.
>You bought the normal marriage contract, in order to engage in sexual activity you must buy the deluxe contract.
Why is Ainz such a jew?
Is there an update for the mega folder yet?
That logic is kinda weird. I think there are some definitive factors that set prostitution and arranged marriages apart.
Whats the difference between prostitution and Shalltears future concubinage?
Well, a signed contract for a whole life is one thing(unless divorce comes in). There's also this thing that, only the contracted parties(married couples) should fuck each other which is not the case with prostitution.
>Shalltears future concubinage
The concubines didn't sign a contract did they? So...basically a signed contract that is recognized by the ruling party(Government) is the biggest factor...?
Idk, there are a lot of things which are hard to properly explain. But there is a reason why prostitution of any kind is looked down upon in every time in history unlike arranged marriages. It's mostly moral/ethic reasons.
user all friendships and relationships are basically require some sort of exchange.
You won't think very fond of fair weather friend who doesn't give back or help you when you're in mess.
Especially if you did the same for him in the past.
You also will not go far in relationships without making certain "sacrifices" to present to your partner.
Think of it as some sort of "altar of interpersonal relationship" where both parties leave "gifts" pretending it's for the God of the Altar sake of relationship and not for each other.
That wouldn't stop the petty bickering when other party will one day find your "presents" lacking.
It's all prostitution user.
All of it.
We just call it pretty names.
IRL prostitutes just state the price right away when in other cases you'll have to figure it out yourself.
By this retarded logic, every form of human interaction is prostitution. At this point you've completely stripped all meaning from the word and just need to stop. Take your pseudo intellectual horse shit somewhere else, please.
(mostly) spoiler-free post-anime synopsis. Haven't read volume 11 yet.
Volume 4 - Moe lizards
Volume 5 - Sebas the Combat Butler
Volume 6 - My little 250-year-old vampire loli can't be this cute
Volume 7 - In case you forgot, we're the bad guys
Volume 8 - Snow white and the 19 goblins
Volume 9 - Ia Shub Niggurath, everyone dies
Volume 10 - 5500 power liches serving as municipal bureaucrats
>every form of human interaction is prostitution
Well, if someone uses some twisted logic to compare prostitution with arranged marriage then this isn't very wrong either. A bit too far fetched but not completely wrong.
>TFW Ainz was prostituting himself to the Supreme Beings
Point is:
every human interaction is an exchange where you expected to give back.
Very rare person would not expect his efforts and goodwill towards you rewarded in the future.
It can be services, goods, support - all of it is basically time and energy a person is willing to invest.
Money is a condensed for of this energy that simplifies trade, human effort is behind it.
So what do we shun prostitutes again?
That they require money for sex?
Well any other girl will require your energy AND probably some money too for that.
It's all the same, basically.
Acting government approval, the length of contract and the number of responsibilities involved.
>if someone else is wrong and I'm more wrong, that makes me right
Please stop.
Those are main factors, yes. Also, the loyalty of both parties towards each other...? I guess that is covered in "number of responsibilities involved".
You type like an autist. Please make your point clearly and concisely instead of smearing shit across a dozen lines.
>>every form of human interaction is prostitution
So Ainz was a friendship prostitute? the dirty little slut.
It's just some user tries to glorify the marriage.
Put it miles above the prostitution.
It's really not like that.
Marriage is basically a deal two people make for joint enterprise of creating family and raising children.
They both will contribute to it and are expected to do things they might not like.
That sound familiar?
>Please make your point clearly and concisely
I feel really bad for you if you think that is clear and concise.
Now this is a new turn Overlord thread has taken...? Does anyone have that bingo board image?
And I feel really bad for you if that's not clear enough.
Marriage is for family and raising children.
People make sacrifices in marriage, they do things they don't like in exchange for some other values.
It's joint enterprise with a goal, working for a goal often cuts most of the pleasure out of it.
This is not so different from prostitution nor should it be placed well above it ethics-wise.
Here you go, Mr. Trips.
Jesus, is it really impossible for you to type your thoughts out in a single line like a normal human being?
I love because of how op and badass the mc is.
Hell, is it really impossible for you to comprehend more than a single line like normal human being?
It's a shit series whose only redeeming quality is that big titty, horned demon bitch.
Isn't this the old one? I thought there was one with "Nazarick space adventures" and "dictatorship vs democracy" etc...? Or am I imagining stuff again?
I may have the old one then.
Don't have every single pic from these threads user.
>It's joint enterprise with a goal
That is literally nothing at all like prostitution.
Sorry, it is quite impossible for me to comprehend autist speak.
Basically you're trying to saying that your and everyone's parents are no different than those hookers who suck dicks for 10$...?
>big titty, horned demon bitch.
You're goddamn right
It's still a deal.
Prostitutes get money, client get sex.
Both husband and wife get family and children.
It's just happens that the goal is the same.
That doesn't mean they don't "pay" each other shit to keep deal lucrative.
>hookers who suck dicks for 10$
You're saying as if it's such a bad thing.
Who told you dicks should be sucked for something else than $10?
>any deal between people is prostitution
This is why you are retarded.
>dictatorship vs democracy
Obvious dictatorship is obvious.
Basically, that's all his keys.
So this is what you're trying to say after all. Got it.
>You're saying as if it's such a bad thing
Another reason not to take you seriously. Thanks for the clarification user.
*a prostitution is not different from any other deal between people
And this is why you are retarded.
That was my point altogether.
You lot compare said deals to prostitution, which you think is awful for some reason, and tell me it's retarded.
It's only because of this baseless prejudice that you do that.
I've never said that prostitution is awful, I just think you're retarded to say that any form of human interaction is prostitution. Prostitution is a quite clearly defined thing, and that definition certainly is not "any form of human interaction".
Post more Albedo.
>I've never said that prostitution is awful
Okay then.
>any form of human interaction is prostitution.
Then I got my point across wrong, it was
>This is not so different
Since it's an exchange and any human interaction is an exchange too.
Let's conclude the argument now that we're clear.
Holy Christ you're retarded.
Its that from the potato demon mangaka? Albedo would do a better job than her IMO.
You're saying as if it's such a bad thing.
Thanks to our advanced civilization even I can live in comfort and have access to Sup Forums.
Civilization was a mistake.
I know user, I know.
They tell now that before it every human must've been a jack of all trades to survive: smarter, stronger, more flexible than we are today.
Now you have me.
Yeah. The new AI is kinda stupid. For example, it sends workers on your territory even if you are at war with him.
Wtf? They need to patch it ASAP.
I just started the series yesterday, what the hell was up with the animation when it panned the screen in the first episode? I almost dropped it because of this, I didn't really notice it in the later episodes though.
I though my codecs were shit.
They also research modules for science victory and don't build them right away even with 4+ spaceports.
Can't war for shit too, even at Deity.
What's the problem user? You just need to send those workers to black capsule/Happy farm and then call the other kingdom out on their bullshit. Did you not learn anything from our Lord and savior Ainz Ooal Gown?
Unfortunately they don't accept this Casus Beli as well as JUST did.
Also it's already war.
Panning is shit in every anime. Most of them try to do their panning at speeds where the shit framerate doesn't look as shit, though. That scene was just really poorly done.
Will SKAOG make all menial jobs obsolete? farming, mining, transportation, police, bureaucracy, even human prostitution will become obsolete once Ainz starts strolling succubi around.
Think of it as the shift from production to managing.
Those skeletons are too dumb to do all the work alone without supervision and it's not viable to put a lich in charge of every farm or mine.
It's just every farmer will have a squad of skeletons to impove his productivity tenfold.
Eventually all the jobs will be taken by undead, so if people want employment they have to willingly sign up to be transformed into an undead. It's all according to plan.
So Ainz just rents them out? If I want to make an airline I just ask Ainz to rent me some dragons and if I want to run a brothel I just ask him for a bunch of succubi?
He rents out the skeletons, DK and SE already.
I think for Airlines he's more than capable of summoning a bunch of Skeletal Dragons.
Frost dragons numbers are limited you see.
Yeah. The first one is broken. At least 720p version.
Well in the case of dwarves and mining, they're not killing their workers anymore, so they're offloading the production of ore to undead who won't die in the mine, while shifting their workforce to something more productive.
I think they're still have to supervise undead in the mines.
More likely that their operations will expand and productivity skyrocket.
They'll still lose dwarfs in the mines while managing undead.
I don't think POP skeletons can do complex tasks, a dwarf standing behind them shouting orders is still a necessity.
How long till Albedo makes her second rape attempt?
Wait til she gets her hand on WCI.
It'll be a successful one too.
I just don't understand why won't he finger her or something.
She'd be happy.
All this stress is penting up and is bound to explode one day.
When you're second in command is rampaging around after losing it - it wouldn't look like "yep, I was right to deny her the bone".
Sad that mad house is producing this.
Don't even know why they'd bother to tease the audience with the possibility of a second season.
I have an important question.
Author of Overlord, Kugane Maruyama, is it a male or female?