Onii-chan, I've come to bargain!
Onii-chan, I've come to bargain!
Other urls found in this thread:
Bargain this! *unzips dick*
fuck off Sup Forums
You'll get nothing, you rancid cunt.
Chinese adapatation before S2
How's it feel you umafaggot
Good, because it will boost sales and allow season 2 to commence
>Umaru chan get Chinese Drama adaption
>Umaru poop in public
>Umaru get kidnapped by organ trafficker
Umaru thread?
Umaru thread!
Umaru thread...
Yes lets bargain
Here is my proposal: buy me geimu or you are bad oniichan and umaru cry
Stop image.jpg-kun!
The salt will be incredible.
this is now a TSF thread
post TSF
>non-stop generals take up half of Sup Forums, yet it's Umaru that triggers the autist gore-spammer
I bet he's a Sup Forumsermin too
Wasn't even aware that poor thing is in this thread until I saw your post. Anyways here is over 150 image filters to keep your Umaru threads healthy.