Why is a head allowed to be so lewd?
Monster Musume
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lala is lewd chuuni
Since most of the cute went to snek there had to be something to give her
I wonder how many babies she could handle.
Good night, sweet ogre dreams.
>i want head to give me head
I want to be violently dominatedby this cow
Is the OAD out yet?
it got delayed by a year because some manlet was bugging all the people involved in it to add him in
this picture is a little bit different than what I remember. Has it been edited?
>spider is an experienced dom
>chuuni is a natural sub
>both probably open to three ways
How could the other girls even hope to stand a chance?
Looks the same to me
>snake is a natural dom
>fish is an experienced sub
>both probably open to three ways
How could the other girls even hope to stand a chance?
Legs, that's how.
I wonder how lewd her mom is? Is she as chuuni as her?
Also, lewd shy girls with hot bodies makes my dick able to cut diamonds
Hopefully this weekend we might be able to see/know something
Damn right. Without them, you can't do dom/sub roleplay properly
Normally I'm not into this sort of thing
But I love this image set
Not just the head, body has a sex switch as easy to flip as simply pushing her down and climbing on top of her. Just thinking about being assaulted by a horny beast of a man and used as his personal onahole probably soaks her sexy black panties all the way through.
She could bear as many as you could possibly give her because she was built for it, anyone who looks at those hips and says otherwise is a fool.
She makes me so hard it hurts. Every time I see some new lewd stuff of her I have to rub one out. Nearly jerked myself into a coma when that flash animation came out. You know the one, also had Cathyl, Kii, and Lilith in it.
I'm not a good artist
Mistress Rachnera would say that you lacked vision, user.
>headless throatfuck
I didn't know it was animated, gotta search for it
Also, I hope that the OAD includes a Lala lewd scene too, even if it's a light one
Kurusu gets a short visit to the afterlife courtesy an encounter with the vampire. There he finds an upscaled version of Lala.
"Ara, ara," she purrs, "so you're the young man my daughter keeps talking about."
Will we ever see Darling's parents? I'd like to see the girls' reactions to meeting them.
>hey Kurusu we are back from our vacation
>what the fuck did you do to our house
Probably not until Crab wants to or has to wind things up for the ending. Kurusu's parents showing up would throw a monkey wrench into too many things to not drive the story to its climax and end.
Monkey Wench.
>Increased the sale value tenfold
>You're welcome.
Seriously, his house is basically a mansion at this point.
No, his parents are on a vacation a permanent one
>oh just quadrupled the size, made it so taxes and utilities are free and installed a big as fuck indoor pool with secret underwater happening room
>all for free
>thanks for the 'tude though
This. They have absolutely no room to be asshurt about the house
Bush needs to be bigger IMO, and leave the zipper
>Crab does a chapter where Darling's parents return to the house while Darling is at work.
>It was Doppel and Luz the whole time.
Great, now it won't happen
>Muh threads
Papi's pretty bare all around there. Proto-Papi was definitely bare, but you'll have to look that up for yourself.
You should have used the fountain image.
So should have you, user.
I'm just saying that's a better example to illustrate her being bare.
>Cathyl, Kii and Liltih.
You best not be joking user.
Gonna need a direction to search in.
Source please?
Miia is the Superior Girl
No one is superior until doppel is posted ;^)
What if that is Doppel disguised as Miia?
>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
New cute snek
That's deep shit there user
What if Zombina and Tio posts are also doppel?
Two cute sneks.
We are all Sparta..., I mean Doppel.
Lilith should be lower
Please keep DA trash to yourself
Is this dadposter?
This art jesus christ
Sneks a best
Muh dick. Source?
>you come home after a long day of not being a filthy NEET
>your snek wife isn't home
>she went out shopping
>you see a note on the counter
>"my mother will be visiting for the week"
>suddenly you here an Ara Ara from right behind you
What do?
Drop my pants and get to know my mother-in-law on an intimate level.
Why would you post this?
>That watermark
I guess Miia is gonna see her mom getting the D then
Deploy emergency cryogenics.
>Emergency cryogenics
>Nothing more than a cold water bottle spritzer
Chapter 3.
Please be trolling.
> Reminder Seuzo is best girl.
>bottle runs dry
>soon so will you
But a proper mom would go batshit over all the slutmonsters hanging around.
Esp. when Snek tries to torch the kitchen again preparing dinner
But then all her clothes would get wet and she'd cling to you for warmth, you're actively making the situation better
Better stuff Ice Cubes up her cloaca, that'll teach her.
>not keeping CO2 fire extinguishers in every room for all your over snexed snek situations.
I love Draco and I'm going to marry her!
>string panties
Draco a lewd by choice.
What other kind of panties could she wear?
X marks the spot.
Pretty much anything? All that would be necessary is something to button up above the tail, but any type of underwear would work.
Draco just chooses the girly/frilly/lacy panties, and it's cute.
Flash animation you say? You have my interest
The Manley he is talking about is a short smelly and stinky little man who obsesses over a dog. He's tank top fag or TTF. When you see him, reply to him with this song.
His parents might not know about all the other girls, but they should know about snek. Unlike the rest, Miia went through the proper procedures.
You might want to reread Chapter 1.
You'd probably get killed, user. Unless you're Hercules or Ulysses, you'll get rekt worst than the compilations in Sup Forums
>Muh replies
kys phone-kun
What would Lala be like on a full moon? Would the body assume direct control?
le horny
Not yet, I still have small stinky manlets to insult!
Medium sized thank you very much.
Silly user, if you're under 6'1, you're a itty bitty little Manlet!
They are actually for when Miia tries to burn the house down with her abhorrent cooking
Oops! I should've put a lowercase m in manlet to emphasize how small you are!
Because Humans are social creatures, you are looking strictly at her face and absorb all of the serene details and subtleties of her expressions.
absolute love, why can't the show open with this?
Cherish the cuckfish
Sorry, I'm only fertilizing horse eggs.
Where did this come from?
I want to marry this snake.