Who are the biggest jobbers?
Jobber Thread
Is this bannable?
Where is Yamcha?
Not if nobody sees it.
No, but metaposting is. Fuck off newfag idiot.
You missed one. True, he's from battle school light novel haremshit, but he still counts.
Calm down OP.
How is Kira a jobber?
I'm not the OP, metafags like you will always be the biggest retards.
I disagree with Sanji, Zenkichi, and Saber..otherwise pretty accurate.
Biggest jobber is Yamcha, who isn't even on your list which is garbage.
>Sports Maxx of all people
Why, exactly?
Where's Budo?
Him jobbing literally killed the popularity of the manga.
He's there you retard.
Its Yoshikage thats the jobber, not Kawajiri
>loses to Jotaro, arguably one of the strongest, if not the strongest character in Part 4, who was established one part earlier to Kira
I don't think you understand what this word means
Remember how Jotaro died?
why is polnaref there?
Any list of jobbers that doesn't include this son of a bitch right here is worthless.
You're a dumbass.
no shinji hirako?
How so? He goes from one of Kenshiro's toughest opponents he's ever faced only to die to a nameless guy on the island of Shura. The very first person he meets.
I know you can't be this dumb.
OP doesn't really know what a jobber is.
OP is pretty dumb, isn't he? We should all sage and let this thread die, you should die with it OP, I think it's a pretty good idea.
>if somebody doesn't win every single time, they are jobber
>a jobber who defeated Kumagawa, Medaka, and Fresh
I know you can't be this dumb.
> hurr durr I'm the one punch man
> jobs to the edgy teen hero hunter
no one has jobbed harder
except for amon
>the only guy in SC who isn't Jotaro and gets shit done
fucking why? he's not even a proper fighter, he just funds all of Joseph's adventures.
It's pretty clear this user is right. OP is a real fucktard who we should ignore.
Brock is a jobber.
>Speedwagon is competing and isn't winning just because it's Speedwagon.
What's wrong with you Sup Forums?
Speedwagon is ALWAYS first.
Couldn't even last a minute.
>Phantom Blood DIO
Who exactly did he job to?
Where is Nami?
>No stiyl magnus
Obito was making fools of everyone until they figured out a hard counter.
Armin was never established as a fighter.
fucking shit list
Fucking Kakashi beat him.
List makes no sense, so I guess it was either made by an idiot or for trolling purposes.
What the fuck is a jobber?
Would you call her a jobber? I mean she was always supposed to be pretty physically weak compared to the others, and I think of a jobber as someone who's talked up as being strong/skilled but nearly always ends up losing
Please stop making these threads, you don't know what Jobber means.
A character that loses to prove another character's strength.
The only person Kakashi beat since zabuza.
Pic related
That's because Kakashi IS the hard counter
Kakashi having Kamui made Obito's Kamui pointless which is what made him so strong in the first place.
Niggas ain't even known for winning any notable fights to even be jobbers in the first place.
Kakyoin is overpowered as fuck though, and he jobbed to Dio.
>not rock Lee