Isn't she his sister? What the fuck is wrong with this show?

Isn't she his sister? What the fuck is wrong with this show?

The author's self-insert

>didn't play around with his sister

What the fuck is wrong with you user

Its Oniisama that's why.

I see nothing wrong, imoutos are best characters and need love from their onii-chan

He's the best. He deserves the best.

A lot of thing are wrong with the show, bit most definitely not that.



Truth. That sister deserves to have her ovaries rewarded.

This is the purest form of love, user. Why do you hate love?


Brothers and sisters belong together


You see, even though she is his "sister" which indicates blood relations, and therefore historically taboo under proto-scientific observation of the Westermark effect, and further justified by our understanding of Mendelian genetics, in this world, there are various arguments for what the common people would view as "incest".

First of all, from our observation of the difference in strength between the intermarrying Magic families against the more liberal branch families, it has been proven that the genes relating to magic ability are best expressed when they are the result of meiosis with similarly strong genes (while this indicates that magic is associated with recessive traits, the exact mechanism of transmission isn't well understood).

Secondly, Miyuki has been genetically modified by mom and aunt to be Tatsuya's perfect cum receptacle; any children they have will never have undesirable traits.

A perfect explanation. Well done user.

Bonus: their children can call him "Uncle Dad!"


MC's VA is going to be pigeonholed into incest roles.

>Miyuki has been genetically modified by mom and aunt to be Tatsuya's perfect cum receptacle

I thought that was a lie.

Hey, if that's what it takes for them to fuck, lie away.

Not even magic bitch.
shit = explained.

Maya, pls. Why are you shipping your sister's kids anyway?

>he isn't close with his sister

Something something custom made vagina

sibling love makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

Pic related is the only series where uttering onee-sama is not punished by capital punishment.

As the brother of two older sisters and one younger sister I can confirm that anyone who thinks of this bullshit fantasy has never had siblings. The only way this shit happens is if some fucked up shit is going on. Like Flowers in the Attic level shit.


here the "i have a sister and totally do her if she wants" reply that (you) wants

Post the webm.

Wasn't she made to be the perfect woman for Tatsuya or some shit?


For shits and giggles, literally. Knowing that Miyuki is his switch she's content to watch how things will play out for them. Tatsuya makes sure to keep her alive because he cares for her and in order to avoid snapping, but will have to suffer since he'll always be on guard for the rest of their lives not only looking after her well-being but also trying to make sure she's happy with him. Or something happens and not only does he lose the only person he can care about but he snaps and the world ceases to be in short order, granting Maya her final vengeance against the world

Maya either gets what she wants or gets to enjoy watching him suffer to pass the time. She gets to enjoy herself regardless of the end result.

You shouldn't ask. Miyuki fags will do anything to defend this.

Even after the grandmother says that Miyuki and Tatsuya are not siblings and she is modified for Tatsuya, Tatsuya reveals that he knows its all a lie since his magic Eye can see their genetic makings and that both having the genes of their parents.

And people think their love is genuine and not at all manipulated.

What's the point of having an emotionless fuckdroid without the fucking?

This is true. Unless you are emotionally or mentally unstable, incest is not normal.

This tired old example again and again. I assure you, if I knew what I know now. I would've sent my Imouto to pound town a decade ago.

What is sex with Miyuki like?

>This is true. Unless you are emotionally or mentally unstable, incest is not normal.

As a brother of one older sister I can confirm that you're a faggot and never understood the beauty of cozy shojo with slowly growing feelings.

I preferred aunts who squeezed their fat titties on my face when i was a cute shota.

>Be only child
>Get everything for myself
>Spoiled since nobody else to spoil
>9+ years on Sup Forums
>Never understood the ''pleasure'' of oniichan
>Still dont understand what it is thats attractive with imoutos
>Never understood wincest
>get turned of by incest doujins and hentai
>cant take incest in my favorite shows
>feels like im missing something very important, something i'll never undestand

Have you tried shoujo?

Yes, many. Boy meets girl, love triangles etc. Touchy feely, bubbly sparkly. But never incesty onces.

Have you tried the "comfy" ones? Like Shirayuki-hime.
Where they meet and become friends, and then gradually fall for each other. Confession happens no later than chapter 50 and is accepted. Those ones?
Because for me that's the ultimate value of incest fantasies. People know each other for a long time, get along well (that is possible), and slowly both sides start to develop stronger feelings.
I really like that aspect. But it's just me, I don't know.

>feels like im missing something very important, something i'll never undestand

In Japan Brothers perform the role of the father

Think of how Nier had Big Bro version for Japan and Dad version for the West.

So same concept


Google and TinEye gave me nothing.

I don't have an imouto, and I love imoutos.


Incest is bad because marriage between collateral blood relatives causes danger and confusion to their offspring. There is a .125 chance of recessive genes in uncle niece mating, and .0625 chance of cousins mating. There is a .525 chance of recessive genes for oniisan-imouto breeding. Therefore, incest is bad.

Just don't have kids. Boom, problem solved.

Imoutos are the miracle of the universe.

I remember reading somewhere that the author who makes this story has an older sister and is a very old man.

Incest must actually run in the family because WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIS EYES

No worries, she'll probably end up with Masaki. If she hasn't rejected him by now, after the whole engagement objection ordeal she'll likely warm up to him. They go on deito in V19. Tatsuya only loves her as a sister and it will stay that way. The novel is about global magic conflict anyway not romance.

Fuck off

>Phoneposter doesn't like Incest

Not surprised.

I have imoutos and I love imoutos.


>The novel is about global magic conflict anyway not romance.
And Oreimo was a deep, meaningful commentary of otaku culture featuring two siblings fixing their broken relationship, right?

No, Oreimo was and still is the greatest love story ever told. Those other things you said are secondary.

>imouto modified to be NBR

mayumi best girl

The only reason why brothers wouldn't their sisters most of the time, is because they aren't hot enough.

I guess i'm not normal.
Nothing of value lost.

dont let anime fool you. 3DPD sisters are nothing like the kawaii anime girls you are so attracted to.

>cum around mouth
Would not kiss.

Works for me

>imouto loves you enough to let you cum in her mouth
>you won't even kiss her because it means you'll taste cum


And the fact real imoutos aren't 2D.

she only acts like that tho no way in hell she is going to marry him

Didn't she win already in the LNs? Aren't they engaged?

Fuck off, normalfags.

Pretty much but normalfaggots will find any excuse to deny her the win.

Yes, but some people can't accept it. I'd like to know the reason.

How is that even possible?

I wonder why Incest makes normalfags spaz out so much. I was under the impression that Incest smut is very popular among them.

Tatsuya has no problem. The sister is the retarded one.

>OP is the average Sup Forums poster

I don't think she has, not yet anyways.
Their mother declared them engaged to be married, and Miyuki confessed.

Tatsuya essentially said he didn't feel the same way but he would appreciates her feelings and will try to feel the same in time.

Tatsuya is not yet in love with Miyuki so she hasn't won. You can call it inevitable or say it won't happen until the end but as it stands right now she still hasn't won.

You must be really new here.

No he's not you idiot.

There's a surprising lack of best girl Mayumi in this thread. Let's fix that.


Little brother, you Are my ottoman

Wait, Tatsuya and Miyuki are engaged in the novels?

Fucking based.

Her boobs isn't that big, probably using pads

He's a fucking god, It's not surprising she wants the dick.

every thread

Isn't his love for his sister the only emotion he can feel?

Who would win in a fight? Tatsuya or Super Kyousuke

Platonic love, not romantic love. There's a difference.

He wants to protect her, not start a family with her.

At worst, he'll end up like Daikichi from Usagi Drop. At best, the author will have him come around.

you're not missing anything, the idea of actual incest is fucking disgusting.

i kind of get it as a weird fetish tho, cuz its like super taboo i guess, but its fuckin gross seriously.

In terms of siscon power probably Kyousuke by a thin margin. Marriage aside, onii-sama is a pretty hardcore siscon too. His obsession with keeping Miyuki pure and safe could teach Kyousuke a thing or two.

He's shit, thus he deserves shit

I'm watching this show right now, why is the pacing of the story so shit? Is the Light novel like this too? New things happen without anything being implied