Which show has the greatest shitstorm in Sup Forums history ?
Which show has the greatest shitstorm in Sup Forums history ?
Endless Eight. Nothing else will come close. Ever.
The Mx0 OVA, I think.
Geass shitstorm > Endless Eight.
Sup Forums E82: The moot Doesn't Come Back
Great shitstorms from Sup Forums history:
>Mai Hime and Kannazuki no Miko lesbian rape
>Code Geass
>Gurren Lagann VS Lucky Star
>Noefags get btfo
>Endless Eight
>Panty and Stocking ruin christmas
>Kirino won
>Haganai author ruins his own series
I'm sure anons can tell me some more, but those are what come to mind when I think about it.
But seriously the Schneizel/Lelouch chess match
I saw the screencaps for the Kuroneko btfo. Greatest shitstorm ever. Anyone still have those?
Most recent one was probably when the jobber and rukia's kid was shown.
My fat ass couldn't breathe.
The end of Rosario + Vampire.
It was a small and localized shitstorm but holy fuck at that ending.
Severing Simian, my old friend. Let's SIT DOWN and talk.
literally just watched code geass for the first time last week.
what was the shitstorm like/about?
This was great, but the amount of samflam people on Sup Forums wasn't so large that you could call it one of the greatest shitstorms.
Though having a thread reach over 1k posts was quite something for a show with such a small fanbase. Even people who didn't watch the show knew about GG.
I'm a newfag so I only remember small recent ones.
Oh right I almost forgot you, my old friend.
I've been here for a while, but I've never seen that one...
brb weeb researching
Free announcement > everything
Greatest anime
Greatest shitstorm
code ge/a/ss
ahh... it's the shit animation, huh?
Check the archives for Madoka episode 3.
Sunrise took Sup Forums on a magical ride.
It's impossible to describe, you just had to be on Sup Forums while it was happening.
If you were lucky enough to be on here in 2011 when Penguindrum was airing, it was a little bit like that. The combination of insane characters, ridiculous plot twists and old Sup Forums still making OC all just whipped the entire board into a frenzy that has never really been seen since. I don't even think another show like that could ever come around in the same way -- Code Geass was something literally everyone on Sup Forums was watching.
>I don't even think another show like that could ever come around in the same way
It totally could but you'll never get a shitstorm anymore because new Sup Forums no longer actively makes OC outside of drawfag threads.
Here's a smaller one.
>new Sup Forums no longer actively makes OC
Mayoiga threads would beg to differ. Though that show had other problems.
And half the board would be complaining about "shitposting".
Timetravel cockblock.
Merry Christmas.
Magical cute girls doing cute stuff.
Cant remember more.
It was fabulous, especially all the shit storms surrounding R2. Keep in mind that Geass existed at a time before Generals and captcha were a thing.
Code Grass R2, it got so bad that the entire board got renamed to CODE GEASS for a while.
N/a/ruto made me kek for days. While we are on it, not really a shitstorm but Hinata winning and tumblr reaction was priceless.
Thank you for reminding me I'll never read Koisumi for the first time again fag.
>Panty and Stocking ruin christmas
>Kirino won
>Haganai author ruins his own series
Nah. Those were contained to their own threads. It was nothing like Geass or Endless Eight which took over the whole board.
>Gurren Lagann VS Lucky Star
Why can't I like both?
Eva and Sup Forums wasnt even around.
I only recognize Guillotine, Merry Christmas (if you are talking about what I think you are talking about), and Magical cute girls, what were the otheres.
I don't know, did you marry your crush from when you were 10?
Mayoiga did not have OC the way pre-2011 shows did. When I compare my image folders from the series I watched when I first went on Sup Forums to the most recent ones, there's a large decline in OC. You just don't get shit like pic related anymore. Definitely not in the quantity you did back then, because of what mentioned
Not the Hitler I was referring to but that also works.
Taiga and Lanced Jack was pretty bad, that was probably the height of tripfag influence upon this site. Good thing trips are largely irrelevant nowadays.
It had a bit ov everything, really. When I look at pic related, or think of the picture an user drew about episode 9(?) based on descriptions from the threads (without having watched the episode), is it really so much worse?
But I guess that show still was an exception, and the lower quantity/people complaining about shitposting is probably true.
>When moot turned everyone into Lanced Jack and Taiga
My fondest shitstorms are definitely LADIES and Code Geass'. The Aku no Hana affair was sad to watch because it wasn't even fun, that shit was irredeemable.
And not the biggest, but when the first episode of Free! aired, Sup Forums had turned so openly gay I decided I had enough of this faggotry and stopped coming here for a year.
Much worse? Nah, but nowhere near ubiquitous
Holy fuck, that was an awesome moment.
That shitstorm would have been bigger if it wasnt leaked.
DR3 was similar, just far smaller in scale. Haven't had that much fun on Sup Forums in years.
Top 3 shit storms:
Endless Eight
Gore spam
SEED Destiny
TTGL vs Lucky Star
I liked when we were invaded by lava pits. Those were fun times.
The summer of geass was definitely the high point of Sup Forums. This was back when "memes" were just jokes, Sup Forums was still elitist pricks, people still watched anime, and Sup Forums wasn't too overpopulated with normies.
Every sunday the whole board would shit themselves over sunrise's batshit twists. People would make tons of OC for all sorts of stuff every single episode, and it always more than just one thing. moot was less of a faggot and would play along with us. Plus this is before simulcasting was a thing so there was fansub drama and /gg/ trollsubs to add to the fun. It was the wild ride that kept going.
Gey ass was gay... Thats the first ULTRA BIG thing I remember on Sup Forums
>Code Geass first ran in Japan on MBS from October 5, 2006, to July 28, 2007.
Love Lab
Also accel spammer.
This. If Sup Forums tried to pull this off again, people would sage and report it for spam and shitposting
It was also the time when you made a shitposting thread and it maybe got a sticky.
Puri puri
I can't believe that futa penis is so old. I was so fucking weeb back then...
So where would this rank in the last few years and overall among the all time greats?
Kill la Kill brought most of this back for a little while. You just have to have faith in Imaishi, guys. He might not be able to save anime, but he just might be able to save Sup Forums.
Or kill it once and for all, leaving us to rebuild from scratch.
Even when for all intends and purposes I'm a filthy newfag (I arrived to Sup Forums in 2011), I think the entire site (or at least the boards I lurk and post in) changed during the past five years, and changed for the worst.
People refuse to have fun and now we have just a bunch of elitist pricks (not elitists as "I've watched 1000 animes", but elitists as "anime should be taken seriously").
I remember the catalog was nothing but Madoka threads in the wake of the ending. Now if a show gets popular with the board it gets relegated to its own little thread.
Best girl
not even the biggest shitstorm of this year. DR is pretty much kept to its own thread. Re:Zero would be the closest thing I think.
It's sort of interesting how we have 50 times the users we had back then yet the OC is somehow in a huge decline...
>No one making a fuss about the use of ellipses
Curious what do you mean by
>anime should be taken seriously
I don't even visit anymore... I haven't since a few years back...
Laziness and fear.
Laziness of learning photoshop
Fear of your OC not being "quirky" or "smart" enough to get upvotes- I mean quotes.
I think you should create the OC you want. Good or bad, funny or not, let the board to decide.
The rec thread thing has gotten out of hand too. It used to be that very specific rec threads were welcomed, or threads with people asking about a show they could only vaguely remember, but now people jump all over anything like that in an attempt to fit in.
>tfw just finished code geass
What a ride. Suzaku did nothing wrong
Don't forget the Mari rape threads. God, Samflam was such a fun ride
To be fair I can see why Sup Forums dislikes recommendation threads so much.
the ride to end all rides
The day Sup Forums shit bricks.
I'm not talking about those kinds of rec threads, which were never welcome.
Remember when using "mfw" would get you shitposted?
That's because Sup Forums has its own identity back then. With the inflow of users that refused to lurk, you have a generation that forced Sup Forums to adapt to their comfort zone, aka forum style posting with undying threads. Maybe this is all baseless speculation but I think that's partly why generals are so rampant on this site.
Manglobe wanted to go with a bang, and boy did they deliver.
Yeah this was back when Sup Forums was the place to talk about currently airing anime. Back when watching streaming anime meant a 320x200 artifacted justin.tv player on NARUTOanimelife.com and VLC threads were a thing. So anime clubbers and toonami only anime fans didn't know how to watch current anime. I guess thats why Sup Forums was better. It was the only place that wanted to work to watch anime better so it had the most core fans. I mean there was a reason most of the fansubs groups were from Sup Forums back then.
Simpler times man. I kind of miss it.
Yeah you're kind of right. The only "generals" we had back in the day was basically touhou. SHITLOADS OF TOUHOU and then /jp/ was made. Now we're literally on the brink of needing an /ag/ board for each show...
>Shinji finally grows some balls
>Next movie everyone hates him and he goes back to being a fag
I know, right? I've been on Sup Forums since SEED Destiny. I've spent over 10 years on this board. You came at the end of peak Sup Forums
It's pretty depressing. I'm also relatively new to Sup Forums but I still think I was able to experience an Sup Forums that doesn't exist anymore.
The current community is just plain boring, the only thing everyone cares about is "civil discussion", and only if you like every aspect of the show in question, mind you, because if you don't like something you're "just a shitposter fishing for (You)s". That's the kind of discussion you could find on any moderated anime forum, so I'm not sure why they stick to Sup Forums.
I swear, when I came to Sup Forums back in 2012, the term "shitposting" wasn't a thing.
the day Asuka doujinfags threw a fit
I remember when "epic" and "lulz" were used unironically.
>lol u tk him 2 da bar?
RIP Mangrove
It's impossible to get noticed anymore without putting in way too much effort, thanks to native catalog view and the greatly increased board speed, so most people just don't bother. The catalog view is especially bad, since it means that posts rarely reach people who weren't already actively browsing that thread. Sup Forums probably has thousands upon thousands of people lurking and posting each day, but you can only count on a couple hundred, at most, seeing any given post, no matter the quality. It's disheartening and demotivating to feel like you're a singular piece of flotsam adrift in an ocean of information.
>lol u tk him 2 da bar?
user you can get banned for that language.
I've been here since 2006 but I would say a left at about 2012 or 2011?
/jp/ went to total shit with spam, Sup Forums didn't do anything fun and in general it felt like I didn't belong anymore.
I even went to reddit and boy oh boy /r/anime is a total garbage even compared to todays Sup Forums but I have to say /r/manga is a nice way to keep track on manga that isn't on the usual sites.
In some ways I miss those days. I mean, I don't really like text speak, but it was nice when we all had less of a stick up our ass.
That joke...
>I remember when "epic" and "lulz" were used unironically.
Normalfags need to stop appropiating our culture.
Thats literally what happened. I can't remember the last time I used these two words. Even ironically or whatever. But back in the day they actually meant something.
This thread is probably a great example. I feel like it's already going dead and theres only us like 3~5 posting here.
Dat Kirino wining / Kuronekofags getting BTFO was golden.
3 years, 3 fucking years waiting for it, 100% worth it.