Somebody just tell me that this isn't a thing for the whole series and the ten-year-old and seventeen-year-old don't end up getting together.
Somebody just tell me that this isn't a thing for the whole series and the ten-year-old and seventeen-year-old don't...
He fucks Shaoran.
Good enough for me, thanks Sup Forums.
What the fuck is wrong with you? That is the purest form of love.
Actually, he fucks her brother. Syaoran just has a major homocrush on him.
apologize for your bigotry
women can love whoever they want
they can make decisions with their own bodies
If it's with me that's one thing, if it's with some not-me pedophile fuck then that's just degeneracy. How dare he take advantage of her impressionable nubile young schoolgirl mind?
Sakuya loved him first, Yuki is a good boy and they deserved to be together.
Too bad about the whole homo thing then.
He gay
Why would you think they'd end of together? Sakura crushes on him at the start but his only target is Sakura's brother.
you just admitted you are a bigot
you don't believe women can't make their own decisions?
you must be uneducated
Was there an actual explanation about everybody being so attracted to Yukito? I don't remember if people were only so fond of him because of his angel magic shit.
Sakura is a cute little innocent young sexual little girl, she's too young and delicate and soft to be making those kinds of decisions. Her mind hasn't fully formed, regardless of whether her body has.
Moon magic, ain't gotta explain shit
No, the ten-year old got with the thirty-year old
That was basically it, Yue had a moon magic aura that made Sakura and Shaoran want to fuck him.
It's basically the same effect with the teachers magic aura, except Shaoran was repelled by it instead because 'different types of magic' or something. Magic aura's basically work like magnets apparently.
Though after getting rejected, Sakura did say that part of her did genuinely love Yukito.
The sequel confirms they don't get together.
She goes to another school now.
No, but the teacher gets together with a ten year old.
No, but one of Sakura loli friends fucks a teacher.
Shaoran was a rebound huh
When people see a full moon in the sky, most inevitably stop and stare. The moon has been associated with love in various cultures over the ages. Also, kozo and Sakura are both faggots that go はんやー at anything with moon magic.
They can maintain contact easily even if they aren't in the same school. Shaoran and Sakura did it.
He gave her a fucking engagement ring.
I guess, with Sakura it was like, 60% 'family' like love, and 40% actual love with Yukito.
I liked how Clow Reed was like, the most powerful mage that's existed, and was able to properly predict exactly what was going to happen with Sakura's development, EXCEPT for who she wanted to bone.
Fuck off. The only "sequel" just shows there being a billion different fucking realities, and I don't think any of them commented on the teacher relationship.
Damn now i wish, Shaoran ended up with the chinese chick
Stupid speedreader.
Faggot OP here, how much of the manga does the anime actually cover? How faithful is it? Just to give me some context as I'm watching.
Oh they are so together and will get married when she's of age, my dear user.
Anime pretty much covers everything and adds more, but not in a bad way. It's a pretty damn good adaptation. Watch all the episodes and the two movies.
Sakura and Shaoran was because of moon magic being like magnets. Toya was just straight up homo.
Weren't they cousins? Not that that would stop CLAMP though.
Nah, Meiling was an anime-only character.
She was the best girl, though
Have you been living under a rock for the last 5 months?
He's wrong, but you do know there's an actual sequel now right? Not just Tsubasa.
on that note
Don't worry OP, Tsubasa made it really clear that Sakura and Syaoran are Clamp's straight otp.
Anime is basically an improvement on the manga. Most notable difference is the anime moving different parts around, and the anime ending is a bit different as well though it leads into the 2nd movie.
Fuck that's cute.
Oh fuck, why isn't anyone talking about it? Is it bad? It's bad, isn't it? Jesus christ, why can't CLAMP leave shit alone.
I know right? She's just so damn adorable. I just want to cuddle her
If you think that's anything even slightly noteworthy, you don't know CLAMP.
>Is it bad? It's bad, isn't it?
It's not that bad, but it comes monthly and barely anyone cares.
For some reason Sakura gets a new staff and loses the Sakura cards, that probably transformed somehow in the Clear cards that she must capture.
But i don't like how Shaoran acts so mysterious and shit.
Will we ever get another mahou shoujo masterpiece like this again, Sup Forums?
No, they all have to be derpy or "deep"
She ends up with Mio
Not to compare it with Sakura because CCS is THE masterpiece; but Princess Tutu was pretty cool.
Nice prejudice, you fucking misogynist pig.
It was surpassed like 2 years after the anime ended by Pincess Tutu.
Houkago no Pleiades was a pretty nice vanilla mahou shoujo.
If by vanilla you mean boring
Tutu was at least equal to CCS.
Nanoha A's and some seasons of Precure are also some pretty good competitors.
It's not bad, just kind of ominous at this point, a lot of shit is uncertain and Shaoran/Eriol seem like they know something bad is going to happen/is happening.
Everyone's just praying that they won't try and bring any Tsubasa multiple world shit into CCS
If by "boring" you mean "I'm a faggot"
Syaoran best boy
10yr olds aren't women.
Does it offend your normalfag sensibilities?
Moon magic gives Yukito a boost of Yin which means Yangs are more attracted to Yukito Confirming that Sakura is gay.
a qt
He didn't predict Yukito wanting to bone Touya either, did he?
You mean best girl.
I think so, yeah.
He just thought that Yukito and Sakura would mutually love each other, and didn't account for Toya or Shaoran.
Didn't Eriol end up with the teacher in the manga?
He did.
It's okay, he's underage too so it's not rape
For someone who's near-omniscient, Clow is a pretty shitty planner in every CLAMP project he's included in.
Ah, I remember how good this series is.
Eh, he got basically everything right in CCS except for Shaoran/Sakura getting together, and that one time where he sent a monster after her but he didn't know she was sick at the time.
>She goes to another school now.
That's actually a point in favor of future relationship by removing the potential conflict of interest. Now the only potential problem is the age gap.
Nice guys finish last. Well, at least he was a homo all along
As if that matters.