Kimi no Na Wa is better

Kimi no Na Wa is better.


Probably because of all the schools that are going to use the movie for their anti bully things

>favorite studio adapts recent favorite manga
>its a huge fucking success

thank you based godani

Sometimes you just can't help but lie awake at night, gazing up at the stars, and marvel at Kyoani finding a way

that is all well and good, but when can I get a fucking sub?

Your name is a flick.

Where the camrips at?

and it still did better than a movie

Flicks always do. See Marvel and Disney garbage.

I'm glad. Kyoani released the movie with terrible timing and yet it made decent money.

No, my name is Patrick.

It's actually the best time it could've been released, with several Japanese Holidays and now with Christmas and New Years coming it will receive another decent boost. It'll probably be around 2.7+ billion by January.

6 months

Will these studio wars shitposting threads ever end?

Calm down

>Evangelion will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I'll be proved right. We're more popular than Rei now;
t. Honkers

They were on the ball with people using their phones when I went to see it.

What do you mean on the ball?

Anyone see Koe no Katachi? I heard it's Yamada's most inaccessible work, with uncomfortable moments and moments of pure silence.

People got their phone out and an attendant was there right away telling them to put it away. They were like hawks.

It has uncomfortable moments due to the theme, the whole first arc is very uncomfortable but it has a nice balance with comedy and cuteness too. It is very good. Where I watched it there were a lot of people who don't watch anime and they all seemed to really enjoy it.

>no kiss
>no dating
>no fucking
>prints money



>People got their phone out and an attendant was there right away telling them to put it away. They were like hawks.



>It's actually doing slightly better than LoveLive did
>actually beating idolshit

>Modoshit killer
>Gunpun killer

Finds Away.


Too brown

Not brown enough

Not white enough.