Is it true are modern humans weaker?

Are modern humans weaker?

probably so since a lack of strength won't instakill us anymore

I can not remember the author but it was written something like, "Hard times beget hard man, which beget soft times which brings forth soft men whom cause hard times." We are in the soft men stage leading to hard times in my opinion.


Look at it this way
I'm 6'4. 100 years ago average height for a person of my origin would be 5'7
I eat as much as I want whenever I want. I've never been hungry.
I lift weights and run as much as I feel like using modern methods.
With a 350 bench press I'd be willing to claim I am physically stronger than any human in existence before 1900.

This is similar to what you refereed to.

No, we are physical stronger than a regular man centuries before.

Why the fuck do people not spellcheck their shit

It's literally a right click away when the computer yells at you for spelling shit wrong. Doubling over with your own eyes to catch "Where" instead of "were" would also help.

yes. we are stronger as a species but weaker as individuals.

just taller. a small percentage of people are strong these days, while a manlet 100 years ago had to manually cut and carry firewood daily.
generations of sedentary lifestyle does that