Fuck me this is ending
If we don't get a timeskip end I'm going to fucking murder Ryuta sensei
Fuck me this is ending
If we don't get a timeskip end I'm going to fucking murder Ryuta sensei
Did they fuck yet??
We have one more chapter to find out
>your frog has turned into a man
What do?
It's going to end without any conclusion isn't it?
Which came first This timeline or Black Label, cause if the former then the main stories ending will be an Open ending
Black Label takes place the summer break of their final year of school, which they're in right now.
Time skip is the only possible way for a solid romantic ending
Exactly, which is why I'm hoping he offers some sort of timeskip because the real romantic developments all occurred in Black Label.
I've read the raws and you'll be just as pissed off as me. Have no idea why it ended the way it did
holy kek. is this for real?
>looked like he'd grown up
more like grown full pepe. Look at that fucking face!
Isn't black label set after all of this?
And by that time, there still weren't any fucking romantic developments.
why is all of my shit ending in 2016
what the hell
Because you're getting old user, and the unstoppable march of time means that you're death is inevitable
Unnecessary drama?
Read Black Label, it takes place after the regular manga and ends the story properly.
user please this isn't one of Ryuta's pornographic works. You can tell because it actually got translated ;_;
Fuck don't spoil us
He's no longer frog
did she at least confess or even thank him for all the shit he did for her?
Read Black Label
>think about finally ending it
>see a few shows I absolutely have to watch the next season
>season after that is shit
Thus the cycle continues.