Is jojo making our children gay?
srs tho, think about how many kids will just pick up this anime and get turned gay. think of the kids.
Is jojo making our children gay?
srs tho, think about how many kids will just pick up this anime and get turned gay. think of the kids.
Yeah, just look at you.
Good. It's natures way of lowering the population. Gays won't reproduce
You're born gay, tard, watching manly men do manly things won't make you gay unless you already were and had just been suppressing it
No not at all
Nah, they are only getting menacing to homophobes's eyes.
why are you on this board go back to Sup Forums
also i know this is bait still go back to/b/
you are too young to be with us old guys
Sup Forums was Sup Forums before Sup Forums was famous
>think of the kids.
>born gay
nobody is born gay. they become gay. it's a nurture thing.
What a silly thing to post.
They are born with demons inside them that make them gay.
We have significantly more degenerates and degenerate-enablers in the last few recent years than say, the last 20-30. It's definitely a nurture thing.
JoJo is not for children though.
once you see traps you can't go back.
what a retarded thing to post.
traps are transphobic, quit using that term
so, what happened to those jojo generals?
mods nuked them?
Nobody would willingly choose the filthy disgusting homosexual lifestyle. A demon has to make you do it. The proliferation of degenerates is because the world is going to end and Satan is preparing to take over, so all his demons have to live in people until that day comes.
>implying traps are gay
no lol you nerd
Like a fag I skipped parts to 7 but now I'm back to 5
What I just realized in 7 dio stops time multiple times in like a minute
Did Araki forget dio no longer is a vampire or something
jojo honestly made me gay
lost count of how many times i fapped to pucci
No one is born gay, spooky idiot, no one is born anything. You are just a human, your interactions with society and your family molded you, not magically being born wanting to suck dicks.
Not talking about people fucked in the head to the point they think they're a girl.
We're talking about girly boys who occasionally put on a dress and other cute clothes.
This user is more knowledgeable than any scientist.
Actually true. Some people have a particular genetic disposition towards being exclusively homosexual. It's not a choice, but you aren't born gay. It's not a good reason to mistreat your fellow man.
Does that mean nobody's born straight, either?
Everyone is born more or less straight. Something may trigger an awakening during they're formative years that cause them to desire exclusively or non-exclusively homosexual behaviour.
I'm not going bullshit SJW on you but I'm pretty sure that the purely 'environmental factors' theory is a steaming load, otherwise conversion camps would have higher success-rates and lower suicide-rates, the same as other forms of behavior-modifying programs.
Does this image arouse any feelings in you, Sup Forums?
there is a reason pee pee goes into puss puss and make kids. everybody is straight unless they are fucked up by nurture.
also, only 2 sex and 2 genders. male and female.
if XX --> female
if XY --> male
whether you chop your balls and make a hole or stitch up a plastic cock and sew your vagina, it doesn't matter. genes dont change. you are a male or female.
I didn't say it was purely environmental at all. In fact, I said that it wasn't a choice. The ideas of someone being born gay and it not being their choice are not the same.
Did you reply to the wrong post or something? I never said anything about trannies. And given how common homosexuality is in the animal kingdom it's pretty unlikely that it's all up to upbringing, unless you're trying to tell me that bats and penguins are societally advanced enough to know what they're doing beyond having an innate preference.
It makes me angry that we didn't get that one eye-popping panel when he sees he's dropped his shoes in.
It's a shame, Josuke was especially cute in the Ratt episode.
Is it gay to be attracted to part 6 Dio?
There were some surprisingly great shots of him in it, I get a real SDC vibe from a lot of them.
>homosexuality is common in animals
out of 100%, how much of animal kingdom is homosexual?
20%? 30% what do you mean by common?
Good taste, but he's still pretty manly, user. This isn't like being attracted to one of the traps in VA.
If they did they are based. Worst generals in the entir fucking board.
I think he means normal. Which is true, it's perfectly normal for animal populations to have a proportion of gay people.
Jojo boost the sense of fashion and promote cool outfits.
Even a perfectly straight man like Pucci could admit that Dio was beautiful.
There are no traps in VA though
again, what is normal?
a dog in heat would hump you too. does that mean he is into beastiality too?
pretty sure animals would prefer a partner of opposite sex and you might provide a few names of animals who engage mostly in gayness, but they are not a considerable amount in the kingdom.
They like to pretend Narancia is one, when in reality he's the worst member of Bruno's gang.
Narancia is cool. I could never see him as a trap because this nigga's pretty obviously a guy. Maybe if he crossdressed they would have a point.
1 in 4 black swan pairings is two mated male swans, with gay swans actively luring in a female so she can lay eggs for them and then chasing her away so the two males raise the cygnets. Penguins display similar behavior.
Bats vary by species, but overall male bats are noted to display higher rates of male-only attraction than any other mammal, including humans. Giraffes are up there too. And these findings aren't just dumb animals making a mistake (like the trap cuttlefish gay sex falls into), people who study them professionally have noted that the animals know perfectly well how to identify an opposite-sex partner, they just aren't interested in it.
Brains are weird and incredibly complex things, and it doesn't take a lot to change what they're interested in. Whether this is good for the species or not is up to debate (human gayness isn't a big deal at large because we're incredibly common) but most people who actually make this a profession have come to the conclusion that it's largely innate.
What are you talking about, it's crawling with incredibly femme men. Abbacchio, Narancia, Buccellati, Melone, Tiziano, etc.
let me give you some insight into how the homosexual phenomenon happens in the animal kingdom (this is all unsourced information that you will just have to take my word for. If pressed I can find some stuff, but it's really late and I don't want to).
Evolution creates favourable traits through many generations of breeding. One of the most important traits for any animal to have is the desire to have sex with a member of its species that is of the opposite gender and of breeding age. This evolutionary pressure caused a gene to develop (especially in men) that causes them to want to have sex with almost anything almost all the time, since sperm is not in short supply and most animals don't have self-destructive mating rituals, this trait is favourble in that respect since any animal that has it will be more willing to spread it's genes around. Occasionally, this will cause some members of the species to engage in bisexual sex, or possibly exclusively homosexual sex. This is actually a disadvantageous trait, as you might imagine, but its advantages granted to non-exclusively homosexual animals outweighs its disadvantages.
Just because they aren't monstrous beefcakes anymore doesn't mean they're feminine user
Furthermore, (this is the bit that is unsourced) there have been twin studies done where one of the twins is gay. The straight twin is usually more promiscuous. Since they have identical genes because they are twins, the environmental factors are easier to isolate and the expression of the gene's advantages and disadvantages are more pronounced.
It's also noted that in most social animal groups that practice co-parenting, homosexual animals will still have the instinct to raise offspring. This is particularly common in social birds, and because it's common for gay penguins to kidnap/adopt chicks it directly benefits the species as a whole, since two males who otherwise wouldn't reproduce are looking after a baby without having to have competed with the other males for a female mate.
Traps are male characters who actively dress like women to the point where you couldn't tell the difference. I think Araki was aiming more for androgyny with Part 5's primarily male cast, they have feminine aspects but they're clearly masculine in everything else.
Spot the traitor
Could I also add, for the benefit of people lurking in this thread about gays on Sup Forums, the kneejerk reaction that people have to gay people is misplaced. In this PC world that we live in, the idea of being disgusted by something is seen as antisocial for some reason. If you are disgusted by gay sex, that's fine. I'm sure you wouldn't want to see your parents having sex either. It's a natural reaction to something that you are really not attracted to. Just use your brain and remember that they are people just like you. They are no more interested in your bedroom activities.
It ran on Weekly Shounen Jump though
You've posted a picture of a slender man with delicate features, long hair (but no body-hair) and notably emphasized hips. He's pretty feminine.
Mista or Formaggio would be a better example of a non-feminine guy in VA. Neither of them are particularly bulky, but they don't have any girly traits either. Well, up until the point where Mista gets a female body I guess.
It's Polnareff, he's trying to run away from this disgusting display as fast as he can (slowly.)
And I (and a few other people I linked the page to) initially mistook Abbacchio and Narancia for women, I probably would've done the same with Buccellati if he hadn't been referred to as a man by Giorno really early on.
When WSJ had balls
There's nothing particularly feminine about him unless you reach really far. Slender but rough looking body, he still has larger shoulder than hips.
Now if you want a real androgynous looking guy
Maybe it's Araki's artstyle, but I could tell very clearly that Bruno was male just from his face. It's kind of ironic, considering Josuke and Yukako seem to have the same face in the anime.
>mistaking eggshell sephiroth for a woman
the fuck?
i guess narancia is understandable if you just look at his face but he has his man tits on display
Women in JoJo tend to have pretty wide shoulders though, look at Jolyne and Hermes. And the men regularly have banging hips too, Pucci's were particularly pronounced. Get rid of his head and I'd easily mistake some panels of him for a female body.
Really? He's got a very soft jawline and no cheekbone-definition, slender brows and perfect eyeliner, he still looks like a pretty girl to me.
He looked a lot more girly in his earlier appearances, from the Zucherro fight onward Araki started drawing him differently. He started getting a longer and more angular face, interestingly enough his hair length and style changed too.
Even Rohan has a face like that if you stare hard enough. Maybe I just run on my intuition with the characters' genders, I auto-assumed Yotsuyu to be a guy from his initial appearance, but looking back that may have been from the size of his chest.
Forgot picture
The JoJo grills are usually /fit/ in some way. Araki exaggerates male proportions in poses at times but they're still recognizably male to me.
Eh, most of part 4's artstyle wasn't anywhere near as androgynous as most of part 5's, though. And Rohan's hairstyle and face-shape make me read him as a guy, I never had any difficulty telling genders with part 4 characters. Mikitaka's got a girly hairstyle but never really had a girly face, for instance.
it never confused me i guess
narancia in particular is way too fugly to see as a girl
I just noticed how fucking big his hand is, what the fuck
Narancia looked like a fucking gremlin more often than not.
Jojo IS for children, at least until part 6. It ran on WSJ, which was aimed for elementary schoolers, until sbr or something. I know a lot of European guys who had Jojo in their childhood.
Part 4's artstyle by the end was nearly identical to part 5's, so obviously we would have recognized who they were by then. Appearance aside, we're not really taking into account the effect names can have here. Bruno and Giorno are straightforward enough, but would Abbacchio and Fugo be referred to by their surnames if they were female?
If Jojo is making kids gay then its making them 10 times more violent.
Can confirm
Fucking this.
>basketball head
>baby shoulders
>thicc chest
>toned body
>small torso
>long legs
Just fuck my genetics up
I doubt that, considering Japan's crime rate.
For a "children's" manga, JoJo was quite sexual from part 4 onwards./spoiler]
I don't think anyone calls Buccellati by his first name in-comic, though. And there doesn't really seem to be a sex-based pattern with characters being known by their surname or first name in it, either - Giorno, Narancia, Trish and Risotto all go by their first names, whereas Buccellati, Abbacchio, Fugo, Mista and Doppio go by their surnames. With only one named female character there's not much of a precedent.
That's because its been proven media has no effect on people.
But that's wrong.
He does his best, don't bully him about his hideous proportions or his fag might come in and call you a fucker.
How? Social trends don't follow entertainment at all. Porn usage has heavily increased yet the amount people are having sex has dropped below 50's levels. Japan has the most violent entertainment in the world yet its the most safest place in the world.
It's okay because Narancia's dead and Mista is Giorno's fag now.
He's not introduced as just Buccellati though, is he? If we take things from another perspective, until part 6 Araki never really had a big female presence in the main crew of each part. Erina was just a love interest, Lisa Lisa jobbed, SDC had no benevolent female stand users, and Yukako barely appeared after Cinderella.
Giorno was introduced as being Dio's son, so if Araki did have the rest of them be girls then we could have had a nice little battle harem on our hands. But we didn't get that until Jojolion.
Pic related was my introduction to JoJo itself, it was featured in a UK gaming magazine before Prince put a stop to it's release outside Japan. Even as a little shit, I didn't think Bruno looked female at all.
Where is the JoJo general?
>I auto-assumed Yotsuyu to be a guy from his initial appearance
>the size of his chest
Yotsuyu was strange. I thought it was a guy, then there was that face close up and he looked like a handsome woman.
Here you go, buddy
I'm only gay for one man
The last general got deleted for some reason.
Requesting an edit of this pic but with the stand [Ratt] near Cruz and menacing-text.
>implying Mista wasn't Gios fag to begin with
>/JOJO/ is nuked into oblivion
"some reason"
I thought SJ was more for middle schoolers since it has shit that they would be more interested in.
What the fuck was Araki thinking
>hes not really a kid
>hes just a frenchman that is a kid
>its legal
Araki is a fucking madman
He was thinking about all the horny fags that'll buy it.