Franklin deserves to win.
Mai Ball
Both do, user. But this is really starting to seem like super power football, the author needs to keep a check on that shit.
I honestly don't get why the author spend so much chapters on literally a stepping stone team.
Either this manga is planned to be very long or they're going to be re-occurring character/more than a stepping stone team. In fact I'm certain the latter is true. If the team with the half-American with a stick up her ass is their enemy team these will probably end up being their friendly team.
It's a fucking tournament arc user, of course it's going to swallow up a lion's share of the manga.
It's a match with cool scenes and characters, what's the rush?
I see those guys closer to be the friendly rivals. Also I feel they're going to be destroyed by the true final boss at some point.
Like who? They gonna face the Vivid Strikers or something?
The guys from Shaolin Soccer.
>Dute Serbanov
What kind of name is Dute? And why not Serbanova? My autism hurts when I look at this.
He just draws what he wants and it just happens that he wants to draw cute sweaty girls playing football with all they have.
Is there any other series that has a harem from one of the girls' perspective? That's kind of what I like most about this manga.
Cute grils to use in later chapters.
>>Dute Serbanov
>What kind of name is Dute? And why not Serbanova? My autism hurts when I look at this.
This is a name "translated" from $someLanguage into Japanese, that got "translated" into English.
Players to be used in the future international girl's soccer tournament arc.
There are a lot more to get triggered about Dute than just name, if you are Russian.
For example, in page posted by OP she just says "to win", when "мы победим" would make sense.
I've stopped noticing her "native level" Russian, I just pretend it doesn't exist.
Not really, even early tsubasa was crazier than this shit.
The bottom right panel looks like it was drawn by Shindol.
It really does.
her russian is also incorrect.
the nippon sempai noticed us at least, which is the best we can hope for, сука
>I've stopped noticing her "native level" Russian, I just pretend it doesn't exist.
Why are you pissed about Russian phrases that were mangled through two "translations"?
The scanlator could only fix it, if he could guess the intended original phrase correctly.
It's pretty neat actually.
Well this game is pretty much 'muh powerlevels' and 'muh friendship'. It would be better to cut some of that out and focus on actual planning and tactics to impress the readers and show how good they are.
The slav suddenly going super-saiyan after her friend got sent off is a bit much for me, but I still enjoy the manga.
How the fuck is it powerlevels? It's high quality sports action and skills. Sure, the techniques are a little over the top, but they're portrayed extremely clearly and fluidly.
>actual planning and tactics
Nigger we got a few pages of that do you really want chapters dedicated to talking?
>focus on actual planning and tactics
It's like you actually didn't read the chapters.
Oh please, there was a few panels of that and about 5 chapter of 'nani!1????11 how did this girl slip my gauard???!!'
They're all portrayed as being far too good, where will it go from there when they actually improve again? Even further into the realms of unrealistic?
My point is that they haven't been introduced yet?
Why would you possibly want a realistic manga about girls' fucking soccer?
I would just like a better balance.
Balance in what sense?
Between exaggerated skill and over-dramatics and what's realistically possible for high-school girls who've been playing football for a few years or a few months. And yes, I know some of them have been playing a lot longer. I love the manga, it's just this game in particular has been too over the top I think.
>Between exaggerated skill and over-dramatics and what's realistically possible for high-school girls
user, have you seen other sports manga? Mai Ball is grounded as FUCK. And they even make a point of showing that as good as they are, they're still weaker than the men's team, and tire out faster.
>user, have you seen other sports manga?
No, I stay away from it because I fucking hate sports. I'm here for the delicious legs, mostly.