Be peaceful.
Vivid Strike
Rinne a shit. A SHIT.
Literally worst girl of the year.
Ban evasion is wrong.
Is he evading? Can he or anyone confirm?
Miura a crippled. A CRIPPLED!
Where were you when Miura's spirit got crushed permanently?
What a bad girl for breaking her promise to fight everyone else.
Boys aren't allowed to win in this universe.
Miura will probably try to be a normal girl from now on. As in stereotypical earthling normal.
Can Bikki beat Rnne?
>think Miura's safe from death/permanent injury
>remember what happened to Zest and Regius
If they can heal Nanoha who got impaled then they can fucking heal Miura back to perfect fucking health.
Mental scars are harder to heal, user.
Miura won't be able to eat ribs ever again.
My sides have been shattered like Miura's.
>「Vivid Strike」
No it's not.
Miura's mom.
It's Fuuka!
"Boku heiki desu".
They are killing the bokukko.
The battle between Rinne and Vivio will end in this way.
It would be pretty cool if Fuuka's mom and Rinne's real mom come to find them and kick the shit out of them
Vivio will go full Sankt Kaiser on Rinne's ass.
It's kind of worrying that Rinne's finishing move still hasn't gotten revealed. Whatever it is, I hope Vivio survives it.
Vivio survived Nanoha at her fullest. I wouldn't worry.
She had mega Saint Kaiser buffs though? She doesn't have those now.
Unless you mean the Vivid fight. In which case, she and the rest of the high rankers were under limiters.
Nanoha watching the scene:
>Oh this remind my youth.
Fate respond to Nanoha:
>This only remind me that we couldn't do sex for months because you have been so stupid to left yourself impaled.
>She had mega Saint Kaiser buffs
This. Also, all of Nanoha's attacks are non-lethal by default because they are pure non-elemental magical energy. Rinne's punches and kicks can kill, Nanoha's Starlight Breaker can't.
They were already a couple when the incident happened?
I don't remember.
I'll bet you 20 (You)'s that Vivio will not only eat through whatever Rinne throws at her, but also punch her shit deep.
Before A's.
They're already an item since they're lolis.
Nanoha couldn't walk, but who said that she couldn't do lesbian sex.
At first she couldn't even breathe.
>for saying the truth
It seems like loli hating Rinne fags are delusional too.
>loli hating Rinne fags
I thought the loli haters hated Rinne as well?
Rinne is like the opposite of loli, so no.
Why is this series filled with violent loli thugs?
Having almost every character be a cute girl is one of Nanoha's key selling points.
Loli killers are not cute, and one is a main character in this shit.
>Loli...s are not cute
This is a logical impossibility
By loli killers I didn't mean lolis, who are killers, but killers, who kill lolis; Rinne is the latter.
She's also cute.
Who? Rinne?
I wouldn't call her cute, no.
That's some shit taste.
It's okay, I'm sure one day your heart will be open enough to except even lawful evil girls as cute.
To accept I mean. Jeez
I already see any kind of evil girls cute, as long as they are either lolis, or don't humiliate and kill lolis.
Rinne fits neither categories.
>implying i care about loli hater's opinion
As if lesbians can have sex
But that would mean Jill is not cute either, which is just crazy!
It's not like she was deliberately trying to kill Miura. Her punches are just too strong.
I guess you just can't tank Rinne's attacks. If Vivio and Fuka expect to have a chance, they have to dodge and evade as much as they can.
Vivio couldnt even beat Miura. Rinne is going to rape Vivio.
This is more accurate
Depends whether or not the TSAB tournament has Vivio win this time.
is he gonna be ok?
On the other hand, Miura's defense has never been said to be particularly strong. Vivio is a different story.
Vivio is also a counter player. Against brute strength, Vivio holds the most cards against Rinne.
>Vivio is a different story
Not much different if she tries to tank. Evade and counter attack seems like a more realistic plan.
Vivio is also very fast, if she can land some good hits and keep her distance, without turning it into a brawl, then she might be able to whittle Rinne down.
I love Vivio, but let's be real here. She's going to be complying as Olive by the end of the next episode.
She hasn't used a single special move since the show started, while Fuuka has used Sky Severing Strike like 3 times already.
She doesn't have any special moves.
She's 99 str 1 skill 1 intelligence.
She's a grappler, those are her special moves.
>She doesn't have any special moves.
Going by , she does have a special move but they're keeping it a secret for now.
It's going to be Zangiefs Spinning Piledriver
>[Mashin] [161109] TVアニメ「ViVid Strike!」EDテーマ「Starry Wish」/水瀬いのり [320K]
Full ED in case you missed it.
That's the funny thing. We know how Rinne fights but we doesn't know her special move. On the other hand, we knows that Fuuka's special move is "Fu-style Hao Dankuuken" but we don't know what type of fighter she is at all.
They aren't just doing this with their fighting styles either. It's the same in the story where we know everything about Rinne but jackshit about Fuuka.
Is Rinne even that wrong? She's just an antisocial bitch but as long as her act goes she's just good at what she does and trashtalks people too much
if she just shut her mouth it'd all be okay
>Is Rinne even that wrong?
No. Fuka wants to fuck her up because she can't stand her attitude. But that's Fuka's problem. Rinne's attitude, while annoying, isn't something evil or wrong or anything like that. Your average user is worse, by far.
This series could be solved a lot more quickly just by having the characters chill in front of some netflix or something
>isn't something evil
She's legitimately evil.
a pretty good example of
>your average user is worse, by far
Rinne doesn't respect people as human beings. That's a serious flaw that needs correcting in a child, regardless of the origin.
Fuuka however beats the shit out of anyone she vehemently dislikes or disagrees with, so it's not like Fuuka has the moral high ground. She only gets to be the good guy in this story because she adopted the pro-friendship stance.
I don't considerably hurt people because of a deranged ego and personality.
You might, I don't.
I don't there no she is, she just bitter and angry.
Vivio is a dirty whore who probably sucked every old man in Japan off.
Don't spread false truths.
Friendly reminder that Vivio will get BTFO next episode.
Her arms are going to get BTFO
Vivio was designed to be a jobber so it's ok.
How the fuck do you guys know, the episode isn't even out yet?!
Because Fuuka is going to kill Rinne. Not Vivio or Ein.
Fuuka has had less experience in the ring than fucking Tiger Mask. If Fuuka can just enter the ring and slam Rinne, it would be the biggest upset in the history of the sport and hype Rinne up as one of the greatest stars to have ever competed. It would be absolutely bullshit.
Fuuka has something that none of the other girls do. Potential.
Has Vivio even been to Japan?
I would assume that Nanoha came to show off her daughter to her mom and dad.
That would still be some LN-writing tier bullshit.
What do you mean? They're basically in Japan.
>Rinne doesn't respect people as human beings
I never got the sense that she doesn't respect people as human beings. She's a loner, but she wouldn't hurt people just because. In fact, she was genuinely concerned for Carrie after their fight. Sure she sounded pretty arrogant in the way she spoke to her, but that alone is not a problem as long as her concern is genuine, which we know it is, from her talk with Jill afterwards.
She's like Kyle for Final Fight Streetwise. She's just chock full of potential.
Vivio doesn't "eat through" or tank anything. That's not how she fights.
>I don't considerably hurt people because of a deranged ego and personality.
Getting hurt is part of sport, and it's not like she goes out of her way to hurt her opponents. She's just that strong.
>the whole Takamachi family are proficient weapon masters
>Vivio keeps insisting on bare hand fighting
She is a disgrace to the family.
Fuuka is the only one who's got Rinne to show any emotion since her grandfather's death.
>and it's not like she goes out of her way to hurt her opponents
Piss. You can see it on her face everytime, she enjoys hurting others.