How much better would SAO be if it was about an international server?
How much better would SAO be if it was about an international server?
>almost 2017
>still no good 'trapped in a video game' anime
Why you want Kirino to be a waiter? And foreign?
It would be worse. There'd be a bunch of fat and ugly weebs.
>loads of BRs and cyka blyats who don't understand the message from the GM and basically end up being the equivalent of ingame bandits/berserkers
>kids and NEETs from other shitholes who just up and die from starvation/dehydration in the real world because there wasn't anyone to get them out of their rooms
>yuro and murrican SJWs who actively try and stop people from doing anything because they only want to get out and file a lawsuit for emotional trauma
Could be nice
Would still have to fix the main problem of SAO and not center everything around Kirito unless he was written drastically different
That'd turn it into a "other countries are evil" nipponwank.
god no
jajaja o yes
get off Sup Forums Raul
hue hue hue
>no one is begging for free stuff
That's not an accurate depiction of mmorpgs.
Oh but then you'd have a bunch of Americans going around on PK sprees.
gib me monay plox
I'll make a fucking Darkest Dungeon MMO anime JUST FOR YOU user.
me on the right RPing as a loli with my RP nee-chan with a dick
>american mmo zone chat
n-no thanks
>it's an everyone dies, AGAIN episode
>Literally wading through corpses on the way to the boss fight
>girl notices that a similarly looking corpse has a nice ring
>takes it.
It would have made SAO somewhat interesting, and we can't have that. Now, to be honest, I liked the series when I first started watching it, and I thought it might be good. Turns out I was way wrong, but I did find some enjoyment in it at first.
>trying too hard to fit it
he's right though
It'll end with the foreign girls who want Kirito's dick transferring over to his city for no reason after the whole incident is over.
tips fedora
>I liked the series when I first started watching it, and I thought it might be good
Give the reboot a shot.
>system takes biometrics of your body size before play
>Literally a shit ton of fat-asses
>Also a TON of people over 6'2 built like fucking grenadiers.
Is Kirito ready to get cucked? I mean, it won't be long before the little boy whore with the sword has to square up against fucking brigands who are taller than a gary oak and tougher than an overcooked lambchop and take his short af girl for a short backwoods rutting.
Paheal buff po please
Wasn't the game sold physically at Japanese stores only in a limited print run of 10,000 copies? At least that's what I recall from the LN. Maybe Heathcliff didn't want too many people in his game, but it still seems like a bad business decision to have no digital distribution.
This might be news to you, but in East Asia generally girls prefer slender pretty boys (see: literally every otome game and shojo manga ever)
Hell even in the West lots of girls go for that (see Twilight)
Except that it would only be for appearance, not reflect into in-game stats.
Kirito goes for 3/2 STR/DEX, and he grinds all day long so no other 3/2 character will overpower him, and 4/1 wouldn't be ever able to catch up to Asuna (And if Kirito outlevels them by more than 4-to-3-ratio, he still beats them in strength)
Hue? Hue bablo éspanjo?
>fujoshit/otaku girl shit in any way indicative of what nip girls prefer
My college bud is here playing on an academic scholarship for baseball. Chads get the good girls over there, same as here.
He's tall for an 11, about 6' and in good shape and isn't a beta sperg. He routinely slays pussy here and when he visits home.
Keep on dreaming that most girls prefer the skinny effeminates. When it comes down to it, most prefer to get railed by the sports star.
Chad =/= Grenadier Ahnold McLargeHuge
Chad =/= Grenadier Ahnold McLargeHuge
Here's a tip: women don't know what they want.
Nice blog /r9k/-kun
Here's a tip: eat spooge.
Tips menora
Good goy!
>People not wanting to see the unwashed BR and Blyat tides do fucking stupid shit
>Strayan shitposting guilds
>chinese bots gaining sentience
>SAO now has international server.
>tfw your that one guy who always makes his 1st main account a fucking skiller and a jew so I know everything to do.
How fucked am I?
>studio finally makes realistic stuck in an mmo anime
>no access to irl money in game so everyone is f2p
>people jump slashing all over the place to move faster
>everyone is a neon dildo
>people stacking in a corner to kill shit
>almost everyone is the wrong gender
>game glitches and you get stuck loading forever
Don't know why He went the Chad direction,
But I'm saying people gravitate to stronger looking people in shittier times.
Give it time and the biggest, meanest looking bastards will get the largest groups.
>Give it time and the biggest, meanest looking bastards will get the largest groups.
>Balkan guild specialized in scamming and griefing
>Polish Hussar clan fucking up random Ukrainian players while simultaneously getting fucked by every other group on the server
>Can't trust any Italian players
>Admins are almost exclusively from Israel
Reminder of the main topic:
This is a video game you know that right. You can look all mucho you want, but if you don't have the Stats you aren't worth a shit.
Well, in this case strength is all about levels and reactions and wearing the rarest loot, rather than who looks like they sprinkle anabolic steroids on their Weetabix.
I could have sworn that your biometrics affect your stamina or strength or something. Something about it compensating for your greater hitbox or something?
I remember reading that somewhere in the manga.
SAO would be 50 times better if it was about a real-time strategy.
Feels over reals user. People are naturally attracted to the ones who LOOK impressive even if there is nothing substantial to back it up. Just look the shitshow that's about to go down across the US, it got this way because people vote for who feels more impressive to them instead of who has actual substantial policies to offer.
SAO skipped two years of solo adventures and whatever Klien was doing for instant gratification.
>Jap MC trying to negotiate a no-PK agreement between the Balkans wanting to remove kebab as well as eachother
>Has to stick the Serbs in one group, the Croats in another, and the Bosnians in another, etc.
Dat image. Fucking nostalgia man! I have so many memories of this game.
>another episode of old bitter basement dweller who never paid anything for his entertainment want anime to pander to him by having old losers as protagonist.
Why don't you just kill yourself. You and everyone else would feel happier.
>Amercians and Brits all team up with japs through sheer volume of weebs
>euros, strayas and BRs all get purged
I have a dream
>implying I can't ping kill your ass.
You'll be dead before before the server even realizes I threw a knife.
>Literally teleports behind me
i'd take it pretty personnel
>No united anglosphere front where the strayans are shitposting lagninjas
Phantasy Star Online 2 anime could have been gold if they did an episode on the dark deeds and vile horrors of Ship 02 Block 01 ('the' English block on 'the' English ship).
>Wayne June narrating in English even though the rest of the cast is Japanese
>characters can hear Wayne June speaking as they fight their way through the tunnels, thinking the scary gaijin voice is a result of their shared insanity increasing
I'd watch it.
I imagine the Australians yell "Fuck off, we're full" whenever a non-Aussie wants to join their guilds.
Oh you said anime, my apologies.
Language barrier and national guilds would have been fun.
>playing games
lmao good one.
>loads of BRs and cyka blyats
It's like you only played F2P shit games.
Alright, in your ideal trapped-in-an-MMO anime, what would you want?
All I want are regular-ass MMO adventures and playing around with game mechanics.
Any idea if some people of the cookie crew are still playing somewhere?
SAO just kept serving up regular-ass fantasy with a side order of MMO fries.
Psor's still playing on LeikaRO I think, don't know about the rest. Hopefully they moved on from this dead game.
>get trapped in MMO world 2016
>updating and patching is stopped as a biproduct
>games day 1 being how they are these days, people glitch dev and testing weapons weapons in
>one guy 1bang's all the bosses for everyone with a glitched 999999999 dmg fork while everybody else sips on virtual LeMMOnade
>everyone gets out cash money
>Alright, in your ideal trapped-in-an-MMO anime, what would you want?
I'd want the following
>Protagonist isn't some 15 year old NEET. He's either college aged or fresh out of college, unemployed (not because he's a Hikki, he just has a hard time dealing with a shitty economy) and relatively in shape. In other words, the kind of guy who would actually stand a chance surviving an isekai.
>Some flashback explaining that he was really good at some ranged sport (maybe he played a lot of baseball in high school and was the best pitcher in town?)
>He spends a lot of his days playing a certain, futuristic MMORPG with a NERVgear-like contraption
>Suddenly he gets an error message
>"Again? These servers suck. Alright, I'll just log out and"
>He logs out
>He's standing in a king's throne room, holding a now dysfunctional NERVgear
>One of the kings advisors introduces the MC and the king to eachother, referring to the MC as "the chosen one", "the one from the prophecy" and "hero"
>He basically gets a sword pushed into his hands against his will and is expected to save the realm from the demon king (It's a jRPG after all)
>Departs on his journey, expecting to have badass MC isekai powers
>He doesn't, he just gets his ass kicked
>Drags himself back to town, much to the disappointment of the local nobility
>Many of them lose faith though the original advisor, the king and the princess maintain hope
>Maybe some bonding moment(s) that introduce the princess as a potential love interest
>Be sure to make the attraction mutual
Episode 2 in the next post
I sometimes miss it. Woe and et and stuff was fun. Then again, don't think I could deal with the grind again.
And hats.
>Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs start three-way war
>Balkan starts virtual world war and plunges server into chaos
it would be fun to watch MC figure out wtf is going on
>Episode 2
>The MC decides he needs help, using the "in my vidya games there's always a party!" excuse
>After going on some recruitment rounds he gathers a party including a lecherous old healer, a grumpy shota wizard who acts like the tsukkomi to the healer's bokke, and a boisterous, tomboy musclegirl barbarian
>The barbarian and the MC start off being at odds with eachother, mostly because the barbarian keeps berating the "hero" of being weak
>That night, the three men of the party decide to take a bath up a creek, when suddenly the barbarian joins in
>Everyone (except the lecherous healer) is surprised, ashamed and offended but the barbarian insists there's nothing wrong with mixed bathing because her tribe does it all the time
>Low key "T H I C C" comment from the healer, wizard-healer bantz ensue
>Suddenly the musclegirl notices something and starts feeling up the MC's arm and back
>"Wow, you're significantly stronger on this [right] side!"
>Healer flashes him a perverted grin, MC gets flustered and explains that he used to be pretty good at a throwing sport in his world
>Barbarian comments that he might make a good archer, so the next day they go to the nearest town to buy a bow
>The MC learns that he has a natural talent for archery
>Now that he has shown some potential of becoming the prophesized hero, the barbarian musclegirl starts warming up to him a little
Rest of the series in the next post
Fun memories, indeed.
The next few episodes would follow the adventures of the party. The archer MC slowly finds himself growing more attracted to the musclegirl barbarian, but he also maintains that he's still attracted to the princess. There's not so much a harem as there is a love triangle (which is already a step up as far as anime goes). The 10th episode or so should be the climactic battle against the demon king, with episodes 11 and 12 being the party's reception as heroes. But this is also where the MC chooses between the musclegirl and the princess and, more importantly, between staying and going home. In the end, the MC chooses neither girl and opts to go home. The princess accepts his decision with (apparant) dignity, but the musclegirl gets emotional as fuck, saying she has just started to accept the MC. They part ways with a kiss and the MC returns to his own world. In a bittersweet twist he decides to never play the MMORPG everything took place in again (it would bring up too many painful memories) and somehow manages to find a job.
Episode 13/the OVA is a "True Ending" that overrides everything that happened in episode 12 and shows us what would've happened if the MC stayed behind and started a family with the musclegirl.
And that's what my ideal isekai anime would look like. Thoughts?
Oh, I'm actually on that.
How many of the American and British players would actually be NSA and GCHQ agents undercover?
>VODKA and Method just clear every raid because lol "nip raid design"
Either Meshi or Fantasy Australia, not sure
cucked immediately by the pinoys and russians
>implying most hardcore mmo players and streamers aren't 6'2 Chads
>A group of novices, and one eyepatched, tired old man of a veteran
>continuous story, meaning that each episode is a stage on adventure to the main city where they will pick up their first really dangerous mission
>the old man teaches them skills along the way, and how to fight the various monsters in mini dungeons along the way
>His armor harness is tattered, broken down to just a banged up breastplate, a shoulder guard on his weak arm, a shield and a sergeants mace, all of his gear is utilitarian and practical
>the young ones are all interested in glamour
>as they near the main city, he starts to share stories of his travels with his young companions
>the city is now in view, the young boys and girls, some couples now, some singles after the long year of travel and training, they ask "did you do this same route when you were age"
>"yes, with my friends and an old woman who taught us many things"
>"where are your friends now"
>the old man just stares into the fire for a long while, avoiding eye contact for a while "on their own adventure.. I hope it's nice wherever they are"
>the kids just go back into their idle conversations
>the last episode, the old man walks them into town, trading nods with other aged veterans doing the same as he walks them into the guild, takes them to the mission assignment room
and sits at the bar, staring into space, the rest of the episode is a flashback of his younger self and parties travels in various terrifying places, pulling through each time, each slowly fading away until he is the only one left
newfag leave
>Comfy Crafting/Skilling
>People RP'ing with the NPCs and each other at the bars.
>Watching some noobs get lead into the Wild and PK'd.
>Free trade where all your shit can be jacked if you aren't careful/fast enough.
>Players have to use a forum to contact each other, and meet at a certain place to trade items.
>Lore of an area is explained by the game itself as Player's progress.
>Mc being able to tell who's a dude behind "I'm a little girl.", "Female created character" stuff that goes on.
>Monster and Player killing/stealing.
>Large guild/clans meetings between its heads deciding this and that politics and economics (Depending on the guild) of the world without a monopoly.
>Decent armor mixed in with fan service.
>Mc is mid-tier in combat and non-combat skills and go out doing quests with some other players they encounter helping out by telling them how to complete it.
sounds really cozy desu
Here's one
>MC is a repair technician
>In a tank building and fighting MMO
>They're all from different time zones
>A tank that frequently falls asleep because timezones
>A jaded healer that's basically the nanny of a group of fucking mongoloids that don't know what they're doing
>That one guy that's always drunk off his ass
>That DPS that always has to PUSH IT TO THE LIMIT
>Inept guild leader
>Guild leader's girlfriend
>A rouge/thief/stealth guy that everyone forgets about all the time
>The casual(s)
>The fag that rolls need when he doesn't need it
>The homo
>That one quiet guy that's always in the auction house/market and just plays the game to play the market game and make big bucks
>The annoying ERP baiter
As for episodes, something like:
>Tank falls asleep in the middle of a raid and healer has to work overtime episode
>Everyone is dead but the Healer and the Healer goes into overdrive and saves the raid episode
>Fuck I clicked the wrong button and now the whole raid is going downhill episode
>The girls forget that stealth guy is around and starts talking about their periods in guild chat episode
>Someone makes changes to the guild house without the rest of the guild knowing episode
4koma ish style would work.
I only need a few features to build a story around.
- Multiple accounts
>MC is trapped in a low-level character he built for PKing. He has the skill to clear the game but not the equipment or levels, so he has to find other people to lead.
- PK and PVE differences
>PKers are actually worse at clearing the game than PVE builds, and don't stand a chance. Instead of outright killing other players, they're monopolizing weaker bosses and drop locations. MC has to make these guys back off, but at least he's equipped to do so.
- There are cheaters who have figured out how to leave the game alive.
>But they're assholes who refuse to share with anyone, and they've made themselves invulnerable. Plot hook: they need the MC's help, first.
-Developers trapped in their own creation
>Some of the dev team got stuck in the lockdown, and now they lack the privileges to escape. They're the only ones who can get the MC around bugs that would make the game unwinnable.
>Players have to use a forum to contact each other, and meet at a certain place to trade items.
>Lore of an area is explained by the game itself as Player's progress.
That could be a forum in a literal sense.
What I hate about more recent "stuck in an mmo" and/or "isekai" anime is that the don't really put much effort into world building. Not that you really need to great lengths to explain the history of a fake game world inhabited by players, but a game world designed with memorable locations would be nice. Most more or less revolve around a single, boring town.
Yeah its kind of depressing
Overlord is the best i can think of, and its still mediocre at best and unfinished
>Guild leader's girlfriend
Every single fucking time
>Alright, in your ideal trapped-in-an-MMO anime, what would you want?
1 Good story
Annnnd , thast it
I dont give a shit what its about as long as it wasnt writter by some 15 kid whose baby first manga/novel somehow got adapted into anime, and someone who read a book in his life.
Sadly, finding good written anime is hard yet alone one based around the mmo games.
What is living in the database??
I'd watch it. I'd watch it a thousand times.
>all of his gear is utilitarian and practical
>in an MMO
Have you played any? The better stats they have the more impractical they look most, if not all of the time.