>gives them super powered mecha bodies and makes their soul invincible
I don't get it either. Putting aside my other differences with Kyubey, this can only be seen as a good thing for the magical girls. Why the fuck did it upset them so much? Why do people care so much about the specific detail of their earthly vessel? Am I just insane for not caring what my body is as long as my mind is intact?
Gives them super powered mecha bodies and makes their soul invincible
Did you stop watching after episode 8?
No, I'm on episode 6. Yes, Kyubey already implied that it's not entirely invincible, but so far as the girls knew at this point, there was nothing about the information Kyubey gave them that should have upset them that much. I can imagine feeling a little confused and maybe a bit off at first, but it's not like it changes their lives a whole lot besides making them stronger. So far as they know, nothing horrible has happened. I know Kyubey does some shit later on, but that particular piece of information as Kyubey presented it isn't even bad.
>teen girls just being teen girls
>>teen girls just being teen girls
This doesn't really get as anywhere user. I have 4 sisters, yet I still do not understand what "teen girls" are like. But for comparison, if when I was 12 I was told I could get a souped up mecha version of myself to control in exchange for having an externalized soul, I would have thought that was fucking cool. Are girls really that much different?
None of that helps you be a pretty whore, so yeah, different enough not to care.
>getting your soul put into a literal battery is a good thing
get a load of this faggot
>gives them super powered mecha bodies and makes their soul invincible
>Only if they engage in death combat on a frequent basis or risk turning into a witch.
>criticizing the series before finishing it
I'd understand if it was 30+ episodes, but you only have 6 more episodes and Rebellion, though It's not needed to understand things to go. Pull through them; they'll explain everything.
If you had confirmation on the concept of your soul being a real thing you wouldn't like an alien tampering with it without actual notice.
>hasn't finished the series yet
Watch more, then see if you have any complaints left.
They're 14 year old girls. Even without taking that into account, you get turned into a lich against your will. You basically lost your humanity and it's hard not to feel defiled after something like that. Imagine if your first time was when you passed out drunk and a hambeast took you for a ride. Nothing's really changed about you, has it?
Also, watch the whole fucking thing
>I don't get it either. Putting aside my other differences with Kyubey, this can only be seen as a good thing for the magical girls. Why the fuck did it upset them so much?
Because Kyubey's goal isn't to make Magical Girls, His goal is to make Witches. Witches being born is what creates the energy he needed as payment for his services. Thus he only make contracts, with the secret goal of killing these girls at some point.
If it gets you superpowers, I guess I see his point. Plus he hasn't finished the series yet.
Also daily reminder.
>It's fierce female goblin cultivation
No I can't read Japanese, and neither can most here
I understand that the facts may be revealed to be different, but the information so far isn't really that disturbing. If you think about it it's far more disturbing that we do have our minds trapped in these weird, fleshy containers with fucking faces and shit.
Rebellion wouldn't have happened if Homura just kept her fucking mouth shut
Dude is cultivating watermelons
If Kyubey can give Homura time powers why don't they give themselves time powers and avoid the end of Rebellion?
I've heard that the Japanese are a lot more sensitive about souls and the afterlife than westerners are, so it could be a cultural thing too.
>expecting HomuHomu to not stir the hornet's nest
i'm going to spoil you: the downside is that the bodies require magical energy to continue working, which can only be obtained by defeating witches. if the magical girl runs out of energy (e.g. falls into despair), she turns into a witch.
so becoming a magical girl means consigning yourself to a life of endless combat, invariably ending in either death at the hands of a monster, or becoming a monster.
Watermelon = Suika = Fierce Japanese Female Goblin
But what does it mean?
He asked why girls feel bad knowing that they have invincible bodies. Not why they feel bad knowing that they will become brainless witches.
Witches are actually failed Suika clones
In truth aliens are giant waifufags and are using retarded methods to make her real
because they didnt explicitly ask for it
They DON'T feel bad about the invincible bodies which aren't even invincible considering they'll inevitably turn into witches, which neither the girls sans Homu nor OP know at this point, they feel like shit for being turned into liches
And Madoka being a dumbass and throwing Sayaka's soul gem away didn't exactly do wonders for their collective emotional state
What I always wanted to know was how did the whole magical girl cycle begin. Did the kyuubies just grant a bunch of dumb no strings attached wishes to teenage girls and hope most of them would turn into witches or what?
Pretty much. Just downplay what wishes can be granted, to avoid shenanigans.
I think the really fucked up part of it is that Kyubey wants them to become witches as that would grant the most energy.
I think the Incubator explains it.
He said that they used the emotional energy of human girls to combat entropy. This is the energy that is created when they kill or become witches. He's called the Incubator because it's his job to regulate the ratio of magical girls to witches, because both produce power and neither side could be completely wiped out. He had to hold information from them to keep the cycle from breaking.
What I always wondered about was the contracts he signs. It seems odd that an alien civilization that can't comprehend emotion or the value of life would choose to grant wishes to the girls, who were essentially just power cells to them.
I've always thought that it was actually Kyubey's idea to treat them fairly, having been put in charge of managing them. Perhaps he does have some odd sort of feelings for them, as a lot of his dialogue isn't something you'd expect an emotionless being to say.
Pointless headcanons aside, they're not no-strings-attached wishes. They're payment for the lives of the magical girls, for whatever reason the cat aliens chose to give them a choice.
>I've heard that the Japanese are a lot more sensitive about souls and the afterlife
So is anyone in Europe over the age of 40. It wasn't an eastern-exclusive thing 'till globalist American culture dehumanised us.
I'm talking about before any witches or magical girls existed in the first place, how did they get the whole cycle rolling? They probably weren't granting wishes in exchange for fighting nonexistent witches.
>turn some girls into mahou shoujo
>let them use up their energy or fall into despair, yielding the same result of witches
>suddenly there are witches to fight
It's not that difficult, user.
I imagine they didn't anticipate witches.
They probably made a bunch of magical girls, and hoped they would produce enough power. Then when those girls' gems turned black and they turned to witches was when shit got serious.
Kyubey did say several times that most of the process is beyond even his understanding.
This is why Kyubey only gave the powers to girls, boys are totally up for that kind of shit and would never create the despair needed to become witches, thus rendering his plan useless.
>Become magical boy
>Wish for waifu
>Never feel despair
> waifu turned out not so perfect and innocent
> ultimate despair
My waifu is as scummy as me.
Meant to link that here
>Wishing for ultimate despair waifu
Kyuubey put its paw on Sayaka's gem and she felt intense pain. That was disturbing. So is watching someone collapse in front of you because her gem got too far away. And the explanations you get aren't comforting, they're saying there's no return to normalcy. Maybe the invincibility thing isn't what's bothering the girls, and they might not be able to put it exactly into words.
> Your waifu has given up to you in sex
> Absolute despair
> Get turned permanently into an undead, making it basically impossible for you to integrate into normal society, as if that wasn't hard enough.
> Puts your life into a tiny crystal bauble that you can never lose or crack or you'll die, even in ring form, that's a big responsibility, especially when you have to have it in 'amulet' form when fighting witches.
> Basically implying that they will have to fight witches their whole lives, as they need to maintain their gems or 'something bad will happen'
Overall, it makes sense that pretty much anyone, especially teenage girls, would be understandably pissed off when they find out that they're basically dead, and that their soul is now in a trinket, and it was all done without their prior knowledge.
The first generation used up their powers and became Witches. The End.
They are not undead, their biological functions are still there.
These girls are so stupid. Soul doesn't even exist.
It's a mental thing, like how Sayaka was thinking about herself after she finds out, thinking "how can I ever pretend to be normal again considering my body is basically just a puppet?"
They do in Madoka world.
> Soul doesn't even exist
And it's part of the Kyubey's plan too.
You may have forgotten, but Kyubey said the "soul" is an organ in the brain. He puts it in a crystal.
If the word soul pisses you off then call it whatever you want, its irrelevant.
Can they still have children? Pretty sure they don't age anymore.
Who knows? It's likely never going to be properly explained, but the way Kyuubey was talking about it, it made the soul thing sound like they were just puppeteering their bodies with magic.
Or maybe he doesn't care since he doesn't expect them to last that long since the whole point is to farm witches rather than grief seeds.
Why doesn't kyubey just stick them into tentacle rape pits to farm despair?
because they'd grow to like it