What's the deal with Shinji?
What's the deal with Shinji?
Goddamn, Asuka looks stacked. Thought she only looked that stack when she was in the red and white-striped bathing suit she wore while discussing thermal expansion with Shinji.
It's causing a thermal expansion in my loins, if you know what I mean.
he just wants to find peace
>lives with two whores, constantly berated by them
>one of them is an alcoholic
>other is a total bitch who can't figure out how to express her feelings
>his mom died when he was still too young to remember her
>hasn't seen his dad in years
>when he finally meets him, he expects shinji to get in the fucking robot and go kill angels
>only cares about shinji when it's time for him to get in the fucking robot
>his friends only care about him so they can be around giant robots and misato
>kills his only real friend against his own will
>ascends to godhood along with the rest of humanity, but decides to return to earth anyway
Shinji Ikari had a hard life.
He just wants to be fucked by his boyfriend Kaworu
He wants Kaworu's cock
But so do I, so I can't complain
Tomato stew was a hivemind of sorts. The Adam/Lilith hybrid was the godlike one.
Shinji made the final decision
So based Shinji is God
He didn't rape asuka.
A lot of shit would have been solved by that dont you think?
>raping something that probably has crabs
>rape the willing
He's a man.
Nah she's german, they clean themselves.
My point, she want it so it is just a favor.
I'm falling for the 3D meme.
Not even close to goddess
Asuka is a best girl not only because of her looks, but because of her deconstructed tsundere character
In between literally shitting on each other during sex, sure.
>Shinji and Asuka have never had sex onscreen
1.0 is so shit
Hedgehog dilemma.
He is gay
Anyone else think rebuild is shit
This desu
>pilots big fucking mech
>all the girls love him
>not sleezy or rude
>good cook
>becomes god
Shinji is pretty rad
You all would fuck both of them and you know it
But which one do I fuck and which one do I let fuck me?
Shinji wouldn't fuck anyone
Kaworu all the way man
don't forget chyaaaanceee
Rei is best confirmed