What manga are you reading Sup Forums?
What manga are you reading Sup Forums?
Reading Blame! for the nth time.
Are you hype for the adaptation? Thanks for reminding me of it, I'll read it now. Had it bookmarked for ages lol.
Also have you read Biomega?
Movie looks like shit. Can't say I'm at all excited for it.
>have you read Biomega?
No, going to read it next though.
Recently finished this. It was great. but
that whole second part was shit.
Madarame should have won Saki.
Madarame is a faggot beta cucklord
Go read Spotted Flower immediately
Then we can discuss if it's actually canon and takes place some years after Genshiken ended or if it's just an alternative universe
I know it's been running for almost 30 years but I didn't grasp how fucking long it is
Im reading now like + 40 mangas. This is uncommon here.
>30 years
the fuck i just assumed it was like a dozen or two volumes
that's insane
This is beautiful and sad, this comic.
Guy gets a genetically engineered robotgirl thing to help him deal with his imminent death.
are you buying the reprints?
its over 40 volumes by now
i just caught up in jojo's i either read prison school or tokyo ghoul
Welp, time to go re-read it...
Fuck off.
Reading a couple, but I'm waiting for Murcielago translations more than anything else.
Mostly reading oneshots, including one by Asano.
Was reading some Tezuka manga as well.
Prison School is goddamn hilarious. Lots of suspense and great characters too.
Wanting a girl to suffer being with a faggot cuck.
Fujimura-kun Meitsu
I actually stopped reading on the first chapter once before as I didn't think I'd like the premise but it's hilarious.
one of the few manga with proper/actual harem ending
delete this, why spoil the guy?
It's okay I figured it would go that way. At least that means class prez doesn't lose exactly.
I miss Dowman, where's my Suicide Parabellum?
Kanzaki was so best it hurt.