Sup Forums
Can we have a serious, mature discussion about this man and the state of the industry?
Sup Forums
Can we have a serious, mature discussion about this man and the state of the industry?
>Can we have a serious, mature discussion
I can't wait for him to die so anime can be good again.
He is annoying everyone with his life lessons and hippy stuffs
The industry is fine. Profits are up and so are sales.
I'd like him more if he wasn't such a condescending hippie.
die old jap nigger
>implying he somehow made anime bad
Will he ever do hentai?
MIyazaki is outdated and probably has dementia. So no.
He didn't succeed in sabotaging Earthsea.
He doesn't know anything about the state of the industry.
It hasn't changed much apart from the technology.
>Colonel Sanders
crossboarding fuckard.
There have been other changes, like late night anime and the production committee system.
>le female protagonist guy
fuck no. Haven't seen a single good movie of him. Or a single good japanese animated movie in recent memory.
Female protagonists are a dime a dozen in anime.
Your point?
The problem is you can't have a serious discussion with people blinded by nostalgia because there is nothing serious and mature in their position. It's an incessant moaning that existed for decades and has never meant shit.
What's mature about your position?
I just want light novels to crawl back into the hole they came out from
Light novels are a meme. There are not many of them being adapted--even though people think they make up the majority of modern anime--and many of them are good.
This desu
Light novels are imo one step above fanfiction. The only difference is that a good (though never really above good) one pops up once in a blue moon.
shit taste spotted
You literally do not even know my tastes and are shitposting.
He makes some good points on the state of the industry, but regardless of that you don't have to agree with him to like his movies, something that Sup Forums, apparently, isn't aware of.
>He makes some good points on the state of the industry
Like what?
But he shits on the industry that accepts his trashy movies. Isn't that ironic?
>Most people here think the "Anime was a mistake" quote is real
It's worse than the Bane meme starting from idiots not understanding the lines in the movie.
no one thinks its real.
Many people think it's real.
I think it's real. Do you think it's real?
It always seems like he's just old but even in his younger times he was still pretty grumpy. He just never seemed to like the way the industry worked overall, more than just hating specific modern trends.
It isn't real. That's the whole point here.
I was making fun of that little back and forth, of course it's not real
Though iirc he did say something along the lines of otaku taking anime in the wrong direction
Which is ironic given everyone seems to lose their fluids over his pity works
As far as I know all he's said in recent years about otaku is something like "The problem with the industry is that it's full of otaku," which is both vague and comedic. He's also made his other typical complaints about exaggerated non-reality and all that, which "anime was better in the 90s" retards took to mean he agreed with them.
While i don't think the biggest problem with the industry is otaku, escapism and the like, those are valid complaints. Nostalgiatards are just blinded by nostalgia (duh), and the signal-to-noise ratio. It inevitably gets fucked as a medium grows.
life was a mistake