I can't wait for Yu'Shawn to be carded.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
If you hate Arc-V so much why do you keep making threads?
I like Arc-V. You're confusing me with the other user.
Because we don't hate it. Stop asking this every time we make a new thread.
To shitpost.
Sunk cost fallacy. Have to see how it ends after the the years spent watching it.
Ruris are only good for yuri and /ss/
What happened to Sora and his Number One Disciple though?
Yuya is a fucking cuck
But that is wrong
I miss Judai.
Let's do the new series summaries
High school setting where 3 memeber teams participate in Yugioh tournaments. The main team is made out of a Kizuna gary stu, Kattobingu idiot and a Egao slut.
The rival team is made by Keikaku leader, obnoxious overconfident dork and cute trap
The big bads are a Cabal of corrupt judges and players that use the tournament to keep tabs on players, cheat and steal rare cards.
Let's not.
I'm glad I'll never see him again.
Yeah well I'm happy that one day I'll never have to see Yuya again.
I'd rather Zexal III than anything involving Yuya.
I don't know I'm bored, I'm just shitposting
Asuka misses him too
The HSDM Tournament, short for "High School Duel Monsters Tournament", is a yearly event that gathers all the strongest high school level duelists in the country and has them take part in a fight to the top. Only one duelist per school may be allowed to enter, and many schools hold intra-qualifying rounds for that reason.
Enter Kagami Yuuta, a second year high school student. Two years ago, he took part in the middle school equivalent of the HSDM Tournament, and lost his ace monster, the Spirit card, "Ethereal Phantom Dragon" to the ante rule. His opponent was none other than his childhood friend, and the current high school champion, Hidekazu Ryota! Armed with the powerful summoning method known as "Spirit summoning", he intends to take it back and defeat anyone who stands in his way, be it a friend or a foe!!
Are we dying?
I feel it too.
Come on! Yutopiaguy!
I get the feeling Yugo is gonna get killed the next episode.
he is, summaries pretty much confirmed it
Thus is the gayest character design ever. I usually like refer to Chronos as the 'shemale' of GX.His role in the show was to turn on the desperate guys who haven't discovered their sexuality yet (and even half-lesbian girls).
Stay away from the light in the tunnel and you will be alright
YGO is a normal card game that was very among youths. MC never played one so he decided to buy a deck but when he checkd its contents, he found a glowing card, Cosmic-Eyes Stellar Dragon.
Before he realized it, he was forced into a game of a whole new level. It is still the YGO game but every monsters have a life of its own. The prize for winning this game is any wish someone desires. So to make their wishes real, they need to win the Shadow Games.
Tune Magician in the anime when?
I liked the version where Yuya was the girl better.
If America decided to do a Arc V live action movie, who would you cast for the roles?
It would turn out like the Death Note movie. They wouldn't even bother doing the crazy haircuts and two-toned hair.
I have a feeling that the final boss duel is going to be Zarc Yuri(who has all of the D R A G O N S) vs Yuya playing Entermates. Zarc Yuri is going to eliminate Yusho and R-Leo most likely.
I miss it when we were happy.
>not Ethereal-eyes Phantom Dragon
Nigga do you even YGO?
It's time to end the -Eyes gimmick.
If a Yu-Gi-Oh GX remake came out, what character designs would you chose?
>Yu-Gi-Oh GX remake
please dont joke about this
I'm interested. Tell me more.
>Yu-Gi-Oh GX remake
Come up with a better dragon name and sure.
Yuuta moved out after his duel against Ryota during the middle school tournament. He comes back in town two years later, enrolls in a local high school and is approached by the occult club, a bunch of weirdos who believe another dimension exists in which duel monster spirits live. They believe Spirit summoning is related to that dimension. They're also lead by Rinne, another one of Yuuta's childhood friends and the main female lead. He ends up joining them after a few duels, partly because he knows what they're saying is true since he's experienced similar things, but mainly because he wants to be around Rinne. After that, the intra-qualifying round starts and he faces some of his school's best duelists. He defeats Rinne in the finals, who makes him understand that he shouldn't enter the HSDM with the intention to take his revenge on Ryota, because that'd be an insult to those who didn't make it. His only purpose going there should be to prove his skill to the world.
The HSDM starts, Yuuta defeats some rivals from other schools that were introduced prior to the tournament and he manages to climb up all the way to the finals. So he goes watch the other semi-finals with his friends from the occult club, and he's deeply disgusted by the way Ryota crushes his opponent. He remarks that Ryota is not the same as before and Rinne tells him that he doesn't know anything before running off. The day after, the finals start and Yuuta goes in with a confused mindset but calms down as he sees his friends cheer for him from the sidelines. But Ryota won't have any of it; he decides to use the card he took from Yuuta two years ago, "Ethereal Phantom Dragon". After a few turns of stalling, Yuuta draws just the card he needed to turn the tables, and he uses it to gain control of EPD. But as he readies himself to finish the duel with it, Ryota starts telling a story from the past.
He explains that, the day he took EPD from Yuuta, he ran to the airport to give it back to him, but he was too late. Yuuta asks if he's trying to get redeemed. Ryota answers that he isn't, and laughs maniacally as he flips a trap card that makes all battle damage 0 for the turn. Yuuta is forced to end his turn, and Ryota starts his by summoning his own ace monster, the Spirit card "Dragonic Arcane Magician". He uses its effect to banish EPD face-down. Then, he takes the card, shows it to Yuuta, and says that since it can't be retrieved anymore, he might as well rip it in half. Yuuta tells him to stop, but he doesn't listen. He rips the card in half and throws it on the ground. At that moment, Yuuta faints. The referee starts counting, but he gets up immediately. However, he isn't the same person at all. A blazing aura emanates from his body, as he tells Ryota he's going to pay. He negates Ryota's attack with a hand trap, forcing him to end his turn. Then, during his turn, he begins a huge wombo combo that allows him to summon his "real" Spirit monster, called "Ethereal Chaos Knight". It's basically a big reference to Black Luster Soldier. It gains 500 ATK for each card the opponent controls, and you can lower its ATK by 500 to banish one card on the field until it's back to its original ATK value(3000). He banishes all of Ryota's cards and attacks directly. Ryota tries to use a hand trap but when ECK attacks, card and effects can't be activated. Yuuta screams ECK's attack name, and win a hard fought duel. He then walks towards Ryota, picks up the pieces of Ethereal Phantom Dragon and tells him to "go back to the way he was before". He then turns around and walks away as the audience cheers.
I haven't thought of what happens next, but the next arc basically introduces all the supernatural stuff. There'll also be a few filler episodes, including one with a school festival and a male maid cafe thought up by Rinne to embarrass Yuuta and whatnot.
Yuya should have been carded in Synchro and arc-v should have become a Sawatari series where he's the MC and dates Selena. Why did they have to fucking ruin such a good beginning.
because this show would be even worse if they listened to what fans had to say
nigga i'm not reading your fanfic
That's not my fanfic. It's happening.
My family has been working at Konami since the 70s. I know everything that happens there.
How much will Rin kick Yugo's ass for not only the friendship cup bullshit but also ignoring her in favor of petty revenge? That knee to the groin won't be nearly enough
That's awful.
I've seen the same retarded defense be made for Korra threads, Star Wars Prequel threads, and Fractale threads
Wanna know why we're still making Arc-V threads?
Because it's fucking hilarious
It's not just bad at this point - it's AMAZINGLY bad
Just two more stinkers and we'll get in the top ten worst rated Nico videos of all time, Arc-V bros!
blame yoshida not me
People like you have soured me on Sawatari more than any other character in the series. Even after getting Pendulums he's stayed nothing more than a shitty copy of Manjoume and has done nothing to warrant people saying garbage like this.
I've decided that I'm just going to card all of you to kill my boredom this week as I wait for card spoilers. I hope you're ready.
Translation: ''Oh shit, thank god this guy is my partner''
What would it be like to tag duel with Kaito in a new tag force game with these new cards added to his galaxy deck? Tagging with a fusionist or synchroist tends to suck because they'll always use your monster to bring out their big guns and it'll always get trap carded and waste a turn and I can't even imagine how cluttered Yuya's field would be now compared to tag force special
I only care about the cards. We still have to wait 8 fucking days for possible PP19 and Maximum Crisis spoilers
What about Dimensional Box, Fusion Enfourcers, as if there are any new cards to reveal in that set, Pendulum Evolution and 20th Anniversary Pack 1st wave? Aren't 2 of those coming out this month and the other two near the end of next month? If that's the case those would be the VJUMP spoilers not Maximum Crisis and Premium Pack 19
Funny how Yuri didn't cared about Kaito in the slightest
Pendulum Evolution isn't really that exciting since it's just either Performashit or D/D/D. which doesn't excite me at the very least. Though I think we'll get some spoilers for that.
I see what you did *there
user, we've already confirmed that it's Magicians, it's a deck of Pendulum Magicians with 3 extra deck slots meaning they're getting an xyz and a fusion and possibly a new synchro or enlightenment paladin reprint. That's pretty exciting since people like those cards. and Tuned Magician, I don't see how you missed this considering a pervert from last thread keep posting pictures of Tuning Magician raping Yuya with futa to have him give birth to such a monster. I at least consider it exciting, the xyz could be a rank 4 or a rank 7
The futa was an accident. The non-futa version was updated a few minutes later
I bet you are the guy that thinks namefagging as Ono is funny
No one cares about non-futa.
But the futa version was better.
>an accident
More like you did it on purpose.
50 page Key Animation booklet if you preorder the movie. Pretty cool.
No, it really was an accident. I even thought of putting a bubble with ''Smaller than she thought'' when Tuning Magician stripped Yuya.
I do agree the futa version was funnier, but I'm more into fendom
so yus and zarc become cuck?
layra a savage!!!
Single and ready to mingle.
Is he the most irrelevant character in History?
The entire arc v supporting cast is more irrelevant than sho
Why the transparent image, user?
excited happy yuri is a miracle
He and Misawa are.
>Keikaku leader, obnoxious overconfident dork and cute trap
I can't tell who these are supposed to be.
>Spirit card
>Spirit Summoning
Spirit Monsters are already a thing.
can I fug him in his utepucci?
Stop fapping to 5D's, Ono.
>tfw I just realized that Malik HAS to be a descendant of Atem
Why did 5D's get so many characters?
Simple. He's name is based on the root "mlk", which means "king". His name also means "king" in Arabic.
This isn't the kind of name you'd give to a lowly gravekeeper. Plus, he's clearly a special snowflake.
It's actually going to happen
His official name is Maric, so you're wrong.
Was it confirmed by Kaz? Japanese romanizations in bunkobans are often shitty. Hell, Pakunoda from HxH had her name romanized as "Phalcnothdk" in an official fanbook.
Someone really needs to do the Yuya Yuto/Zarc counterpart to this
What if Ygo6 is Duel Terminal?
Worm arc
Fabled Vylon arc
Ice Barrier went Mami arc
Shaddol arc
Infernoid arc
Sophia arc (featuring villain from Infernoid arc absorbing Towers)
Is that Zushin?
How would they shill new cards though?
DT doesn't push cards, It's more likely that it would be an OVA.
Oh Egyptian God Cards. I can hear the song.
Will YGO ever have a better opening?
I still like the 3 GX OP and ED the most of all the franchise
It just feels too hype
You know, if something good happens tonight, Arc-V could be saved
you mean if trump wins?
They're clearly nowhere as good as Overlap, though.
Officially, no.