>[161109] TVアニメ「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!(Love Live! Sunshine!!)」挿入歌シングル3「想いよひとつになれ/MIRAI TICKET」/Aqours [320K]
Love Live!
>Thread nearly dies
LL is dead.
I don't want to go to /vg/ just to have LL threads
There's nothing to discuss.
Why not discuss how you want to fuck a Raibu?
Or how about how cute another is?
I wait for the solo versions of Aqours songs
1. You Watanabe
2. Nico Yazawa
3. Maki Nishikino
4. Hanamaru Kunikida
5. Mari Ohara
6. Hanayo Koizumi
7. Honoka Kousaka
8. Kanan Matsuura
9. Eli Ayase
10. Ruby Kurosawa
11. Rin Hoshizora
12. Chika Takami
13. Nozomi Tojo
14. Dia Kurosawa
15. Kotori Minami
16. Riko Sakurauchi
17. Umi Sonoda
18. Yoshiko Tsushima
Was I the only one who though ARISE was going to stab them in the back somehow?
I want to hagu and marry Kanan
Saint Snow single fucking when
You's tummy!
Probably with the OST
I'm honestly surprised this one haven't announce a second season yet.
expect the second season announcement after the first aqours live on january
So explain to me how Honkers has Orange hair when her parents have Black Hair and white/Silver/w/e he mom's hair color is.
>You Watanabe
Stopped reading there.
She can travel through time, move at supersonic speeds and control weather at will
Honkers is probably a member of some alien race and was later adopted by human parents when she crash landed on earth
>Black uniforms
shit, they weren't able to save their school were they?
Actually I'd prefer it that way
would be more interesting to see what happens instead of rehashing the first series' plot
>shit, they weren't able to save their school were they?
Apparently it's their winter uniforms. There's no mention of the school closing down in the magazine scans the black uniforms premiered in.
I honestly doubt their school will close considering the overall message of the Love Live franchise is "Thanks for making our dreams come true (by spending your money)." Kinda kills the message if they fail in their ultimate goal.
we already saw their winter uniforms tho
so unless Mari decided she wanted everyone to wear black for whatever reason, they definitely failed
and honestly that would make for a good story in season 2 and would separate them further from µs
I was expecting it and it seemed like they wanted to go that route but decided against it. I wonder if that would've made it better or worse if they did go with it.