Muslims are chimping out again. Last Saturday 300 Moroccans trashed the city centre of Brussels after Morocco qualified for the world cup in Russia. This afternoon they're at it again

Riots at the Muntplein (La Monnaie) in Brussels!



Other urls found in this thread:




Apparently the cops showed up far too late once again, allowing the Moroccans to destroy and loot even more


Any Belganons in Brussels atm?


Come on Sup Forums this is huge. The second Moroccan chimp out in one week!

I joined Sup Forums just disliking immigrants and now I want all of them tortured and genocided. Plus moors have to suffer the most.

Moroccans are the subhuman but leftist are simply the worst. Last Saturday the Moroccans rioted in Paris, Brussels, Rotterdam and The Hague yet they refuse to tie those events together

Belgium isn't a real country


Yes I realise that.

Honestly, the problems in Brussels are ALL the fault of the francophones.

Apparently it's a very aggressive way to buy properties in Brussels and by that way to take over certain areas/streets.
They devaluate an entire street by cause so much damages that people wanna leave/not buy there. Then some heavyweight Moroccan buyers come to buy everything up way below the normal market price and sell it back to other Moroccans very cheap.
It has happened before like for example in the "brabantstraat". It seems like they feel it's going too slow and that's why I think they switched to this new extremely aggressive tactic. I can go on about it if you want. I know the property manager of the furniture shop that got attacked.

Brussels user here on my way back from work in Antwerp should I pass by?

I get out at Brussels centrale

This is just part of normal German life and we must all learn to accept it as the new normal and be more tolerant of our new friends as diversity is our greatest strength.

>I know the property manager of the furniture shop that got attacked.

The old Flemish couple?

I'm not as much aware of the situation as you apparently are but what you describe might very well be the case. If it is true it demonstrates that those rats are operating in a very organised manner



Mutt listen Brussels is not in Germany.

I refuse to believe they're that smart.

Subhuman filth behaving like subhuman filth

Vlaming of Franstalig? It's easier for me to go on in Dutch, if you wanna know about it that is

They aren't, get get handed 50 euros and a free pass to loot. Don't think the "big" guys are so dumb

Europe is all one country we are all one big country and we need a total Global Government to govern us and it must be ruled by the Jews and the world must learn to more multicultural otherwise it cannot survive without becoming more diverse.


So you are sating that these Moroccans decided to start trashing the city centre because the Moroccan football team will be playing in the world cup..

How is that even an excuse for them to cause shit?

damn i was so happy italy didn't qualify i didn't even realize morocco did, that's even worse

Brussels a muslim country

No idea nobody understands lol they're definetly the most nignog of all sandniggers

Do normies still convince themselves these shitskins are European or loyal to Europe? Or do they simply not care? I don't understand how you can be so naive not to see the problem, even if you're not "racist" like Sup Forums.

Thanks for informing us, olgino

They will grab onto every excuse to wreak havoc in our countries. And afterwards they're crying about racism and discrimination, like the niggers they are

Can we meme them riot near Eu parliament?


Stoping complaining, it is vibrant cultural enrichment.

What an utter tragedy. Belgium is a beautiful BEAUTIFUL place with great people. I've been twice. The thought of destroying that gorgeous place filled with history and amazing architecture really upsets me.

I feel really sad and angry for you continentalbros.

Soon Europeans will go full kebab removal mode

>Can we meme them riot near Eu parliament?
You can try but it's a bit further from the centre and surprise surprise the whole area is like the most gentrified place

Kort uitgelegd. Een zeer assertieve manier van opkopen is "zwakke" eigenaars er uitzoeken en die gewoon weg in 't zak te zetten.
Ze doen dat door bedrijven die hun zaak moeten verkopen wegens bijna failliet te gaan (zoals bij die ene meubelzaak), te contacteren en de vraagprijs te bieden. Nu als die bedrijven niet gesteund worden door markt experts gaan die uiteraard akkoord (wat een kans toch om je goed voor de vraagprijs te verkopen). De "kopers" spreken af om de overeenkomst te tekenen binnen bv. x aantal maanden. Op het moment van de ondertekening zien de verkopers dat de prijs in de overeenkomst niet overeen komt met de afgesproken prijs (soms zelf tot maar 25% van de vraagprijs). De verkopers zitten dan zo in de shit want hun termijn is eigenlijk al afgelopen en als ze nu niet verkopen worden hun aandelen teniet gedaan en mogelijks wordt het pand in beslag genomen. Vaak beginnen die mensen te panikeren en tekenen ze maar vlug die overeenkomst.
Nu de mannen die dit doen zijn vergelijkbaar met de maffia en het zijn vooral Turken en Marokkanen. Echter zijn die "gasten" ondertussen zo gekend met de markt experts dat die zich niet meer in de luren laten leggen. Dit zorgde voor een paniek reactie bij de "overnemers" (gebrek aan een beter woord).

Fine, habba bumb

please belgiumbros go to the streets and protect Puchi. We spaniards cant lose the laughing stock he has become

protect our happines, protect Puigdemont

Die ene meubelzaak was in zo'n positie, ze hadden al reeds dit geprobeerd, maar dankzij een markt expert die ze hadden aangesteld is dit niet doorgegaan.
Dat crapuul heeft niet toevallig die zaak het meeste geterroriseerd. Ze zijn zelfs de boeken van een studente gaan stelen in haar appartement boven de zaak. Op dit ogenblik en voor het komende jaar is dit pand enorm in waarde gezakt. De markt ligt dus volledig open voor die zware gasten gezien de eigenaars dit zo snel mogelijk moeten verkopen.
Wat mij enorm stoort is dat dit soort van overnames eenvoudig kan gestopt worden door het hardhandig optreden van de oproerpolitie. Het is dan ook niet toevallig dat in de tijd Mayeur en nu Close nauwe banden hebben met bepaalde kopstukken van de Moslim gemeenschappen in Brussel.
Ge moet bijna compleet blind zijn om niet te kunnen inzien wat er in onze steden (en met name Brussel en Parijs) aan het gebeuren is. Vandaag nog in de krant, De Meir heeft de Brusselse Nieuwstraat in huurprijs ingehaald.
Vlaanderen moet veel rechtser en dit moet in een snel tempo gebeuren

my favorite part about this is that if Belgians organized to try to counter this and resist the takeover they would all be sent to jail and lambasted for being racists (probably comparisons with the Apartheid being made)

We're not UK tier i think you have a very bad view about our laws & situation

Sterke posts!

utter nonsense

anyone making -dt errors should unironically kill themselves

Video on Flemish government news website:


Flemings have always been a quiet people that are able te endure a lot as long as they personally have it good in their own homes. But there's a sort of tension being created. A lot of of us are starting to feel it. Most are still sticking their heads in the sand and think "meh we don't notice any of it in our neighborhoods, so it isn't that bad"
Watch out for the coming years, Europe will end up in a next WW

Nice cultural enrichment from them sand shines.

Good please chimpout even more make Vlaams belang & NVA government a thing

I have a friend who works in Brussels and he tells me they were tearing down the street Christmas decorations.

I attribute this to futbalrs. faggot futbalrs all over europe even whites are nigger-tier over their futbol teams

The traitorous subhumans that allow this to happen deserve it more.

Je zou dit wereldkundig moeten maken, user. Licht De Tijd in, of sceptr of doorbraak. Maakt niet uit. Mensen moeten dit weten

They literally chased the cops away. So fucking sad


Brussels update shit's a ghosttown near the center cops everywhere I can't reach happening location because they blocked me lol

>putting christmas lights out before thanksgiving
deserved it desu

Ik ben in dit vak maar op een "laag" level. Dit specifiek geval weet ik van die ene vastgoed expert. Het probleem is dat het allemaal zeer moeilijk te bewijzen is en momenteel is de Vlaamse MSM nog steeds te links en liberaals om dit soort verhalen te publiceren.

You're actually right. Last year People were given prison sentences for inciting racism on facebook.

Two weeks ago a group of Flemish hooligans stromed a house that was being squatted by gypsies. They were all arrested by the cops and are now facing charges for home invasion (oh the irony). Belgium's a surreal country

scild ende frint

Show of power. It ends with civil war. You let the fox into henhouse so why are they suprised it loots ? If Muslims could they would kill all white men in Belgium, rape their children and take their property.

That's the endgame.

I bet the kikes Aren’t happy eith this.
Chimps chimping out Means Whites See their True nature easier.

Wat ge zegt is wel huge ze. MSM gaat dit nooit uit zichzelf brengen, vandaar dat je best werkt met rechtse sites zoals sceptr. Zij kunnen de bal aan het rollen brengen. Ge kunt ook uw lokale politicus inlichten (iemand van N-VA of Vlaams belang)

Mensen moet dit echt weten

Mocht je er toch in slagen dit wereldkundig te maken, dan heb je hoe dan ook een zeer grote impact gehad op het maatschappelijk debat. Je kan misschien de eigenaar van de winkel contacteren voor meer informatie?
Ik denk dat de "kwaliteits"kranten niet echt geïnteresseerd zullen zijn in jouw verhaal, maar HLN of het Nieuwsblad zullen zo een spectaculair verhaal wellicht wel publiceren

No it is not. Belgium and rest of the West simply wages war against local population, they act like good occupant and repress with the law. The people must overthrow the government and sent the traitors to life in prison.

My man.

Desnoods met anonieme getuigenissen

It’s a damn shame what’s happened to you, Belgie.
I went to Brussels 6 years ago & thought it was lovely (athough I preffered Ypres) don’t think I’d want to go now.

So they are trying to conquer your capital faster? Why so fast? Accelerationism?

>part and parcel

I assume you're being sarcastic, but Belgium is actually a great country with great people. I've traveled through most of Europe, and some of my fondest memories are from a camping and festival trip to Belgium. Dutch and French people tend to be somewhat arrogant when interacting with Germans, but Belgian hospitality was overwhelming.


This. They steal from european man. The endgame is to take all property from you and you end up as shitpoor slaves with no home and no country.
Human rights and democracy is a joke. You will either fight and kill for your land or say adios and you will become refuggee out of own country.


The girls are unveiled

Brussels' chickens come home to roost.


Kan nog altijd niet bewezen worden. En een verhaal zoals dit gaan ze nooit van mij aannemen gezien ik nooit rechtstreeks contact heb gehad met de eigenaars, enkel met hun markt expert die al jaren in Brussel bezig is. Als er iemand naar buiten mee zou moeten komen is hij het (of zijn collega's).
Maar de mensen zijn algemeen niet dom. Via mijn werk spreek ik met veel Vlamingen van verschillende "klassen" en er zijn er heel veel die het allemaal beginnen door te hebben wat er aan de hand is in ons land en bij extensie Europa.

Moroccan user here. It's a dumb Moroccan thing called "rwina" which is very popular under Moroccan youth in Europe, where people set rage and start chimping out for no particular reason. Actual Moroccan people from Morocco hate these type of kids. The football match takes no place in all of this, whether they lost or won, they were determined to chimp out either way. Blame the Belgian government for having such retarded laws, they didn't even arrest a single person after 300 people decided to loot innocent peoples stores and rage trough the streets of Brussels.

They have always done this, but why this acceleration? It's fishy

Italy is one of the lesser common flags I see here and there’s only about three of them, when they post it’s usually very good & coherent with goid points
Then there’s one sandnigger...

Euro-cucks, understand, they will take inch by inch until there is nothing more to take and you are dead and your children raped.
Moroccans are 1) muslim 2) berbers they are ultra-tribal and they will wage war on you unless you destroy them. You are mortal enemy for them and they laugh off your weakness and stupidity.

>when fellow belgians speak dutch on Sup Forums

use english faggots (walloons needn't apply, we know you suck at it)


Daarom net dat je hints moet geven aan journalisten en rechtse politici. Dat kan hen aanzetten om de boel verder te onderzoeken

Als je de moeite wilt doen om dit anoniem te vertellen tegen enkele media wens ik u veel geluk. Zonder bewijzen of sterke aanwijzingen gaan ze dit verhaal nooit publiceren en ik kan hun dat eigenlijk ook niet kwalijk nemen.
Pas maar gewoon op tegen wie ge dit allemaal "irl" zegt. De linkse kant hier in ons land is zeer haatdragelijk.

look at the fucking apes.

people are getting so pissed in belguim.

they need to sort this shit out.

How did belgium get so many fucking morrocans? Thye are literally known as the worst shitskins even among shitskins.

fuck all non whites.

Why won't eurofags roll over and die already? Europe right now is 99% cucks who can't wait to get blacked by subsaharans, and 1% nerds who LARP on Sup Forums but can't and won't do anything to stop what's happening.

The powers in charge want race/religion war in Europe. It's all staged and the BIG WAR seems is coming closer. Europe has no external enemies now so they brought enemy to Europe.
The endgame is of course to loot euros and enslave them. They are restarting the order created after WWII > New World Order.

Note, few days ago 'EU army' was created.

Informeer NVA en Vlaams Belang Brussel. Ik verzeker u dat ze geïnteresseerd gaan zijn en u verhaal discreet gaan behandelen

Mostly because their "older" system doesn't work anymore because the experts already know the big guys. It's explained in my Dutch text, sorry. There's even a Turkish man that uses this way of buying for a while now, he needs constant bodyguard protection cause he even ripped of the Moroccans and they kidnapped him a while back.

Football hooligan is absolutely European tho
These Moroccans fit in nicely

I hope Brussels burns.


We always keep our head downs, while our anger starts to build up. One day it will simply explode out of nowhere and all the scum and traitors are going to get slaughtered. It's how we are, we bottle it up untill we all suddenly agree that an invisible line has been crossed. Media manipulation and lies from the NVA has been holding people back, but next election I suspect that the Vlaams Belang is going to get back to it's former glory. People are starting to realise that the NVA lied and is more then willing to sell us to the establishment.

They are boiling the water. When times comes,euros will be unleashed with the false flag events and the bloodbath will start.

The possible game maybe creating single, united white EU - the war with muslims aka invaders will the foundation myth. The war could also make possible to invade North Africa which is future solar energy production field.

Saudi Arabia will wage jihad and EU will wage crusade. This staged war will allow to consolidate EU into United States of Europ and consolidate Arabs into United States of Arabia.

But we can't win without the war user. Demography will make Islam win in the end, the war is a useless risk for them.
The most important point is: are the big guys making money from this or it's for the sake of colonization?

Who cares. Belgium is not even a real country anyway.

Ga terug naar je apenland, jij vuile makak.

Brussels used to be a Dutch speaking city. Which is very logical regarding it's situated in the middle of Flanders. But rich Walloons formed in and became somewhat the elite of society, keep in mind Walloonia was the richer part of Belgium those days. In order to get a demographic majority of French speakers, they started to import every French speaking person they could find. Going all the way to the Maghreb and Sub-saharan Africa

This going to get worse and worse. But at least we're not racist right?

What exactly are they colonizing?
Do you even know the meaning of that word nibba?
Theyre in for an easy buck