Why do children from a single parent family always becoming degenerate failures? What happens to kids with two men...

Why do children from a single parent family always becoming degenerate failures? What happens to kids with two men, two women or transgender parents?

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That ass is humongous! I love trailer trash girls.

I once knew a kid who's mum was gay and left the dad for a fat whale lesbian monster. The dad was feminine as fuck anyway hahaha. Then the two lesbian scissor sluts wanted a child so they had to get a sperm donor and guess what as luck would have it the guy who ended up as the sperm donor was gay as well hahahaha.

What do you think the chances of that kid being a faggot are ?

God has truly abandon this world.

>What happens to kids with two men, two women or transgender parents?
Well we have yet to see, But one can expect that it will still not be the real deal. Especially if they keep the kid just as some kind of "pet" or status symbol.

Apply basic psychology.
The brain can be split into 2 areas.
You need both a male, and female figure in childhood development for the child to turn out well for society.
If not, you've got issues that will evolve and the child will not be able to function normally in society.
The Jews know this, and that's why they have been trying to deconstruct the nuclear family.


Sauce on this ejaculation machine?

I know a lot of single mothers who have their daughters burning coal. None of daughters from the full families do the same. Nothing bad - let the degenerates shit themselves out.

It's well documented that children especially boys need both parents in the home. Feminism has destroyed a generation of young men. You want explanation for all the mass shootings by young deranged males, look at feminism.

No kid has two men or two women as parents.