Why do people on Sup Forums love to underrate certain seiyuus? Taneda Risa, for example. Some people think she's talentless just because she's beautiful. But the truth is she's actually a good seiyuu. She has impressive range and good(not great) acting ability. Look at Ayaya, she nailed that character perfectly and that's just one example. She's even a good singer to boot.
Seiyuu Thread
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Nice meme senpai
And this VA is also underrated.
>Taneda risa
she's 6 feet under user
If someone's ugly, she is automatically good at voice acting. If someone's beautiful, she's automatically shit at voice acting.
That's aniplex-kun's mentality.
post cute
That one is properly rated.
Can your seiyuu draw?
Yes, as good as her character or even better.
She was even in an art exhibition once. Taneda is fucking talented.
Why would anything about a Seiyuu except her voice matter? Why are we having these shitty thread?s
Don't know, but she eats apples with knife and fork.
Can you fucking read?
didn't she die?
Can you? This shitty thread has no real purpose. It adds nothing to do the board, except a circlejerk about you're favorite japanese 3dpd slut.
Fuck off. These threads are very informative. You won't know that Taneda is pregnant if you haven't lurked these threads
neo-Sup Forums everybody
Whats next sad-panda threads go to slow as fuck /h/? MILF threads go to /e/ even though theyre mostly for image dumps rather than discussion.
Fuck you, you little tryhard newfag.
Tomato chan is flat and very attractive girl. Case closed...
she can draw very well
So you can't read. You're probably one of the retards who automatically label a seiyuu as shit if she even has the slightest hint of being not ugly.
Who the fuck cares?
Add a Trump thread to Sup Forums as well, senpai.
No I don't label Seiyuus in the first place, you cumslut.
>Complains about underrated seiyuu
>Posts one of the most hyped seiyuu on Sup Forums
How about posting a truly underrated seiyuu?
Trump threads are strictly Sup Forums. Seiyuu threads have been a part of Sup Forums for a while now. You are a giant retard who knows jackshit and needs to fuck off. This board isn't for you newfag.
Don't mind me. Just posting my favorite seiyuu.
>satomi sato
duh she was big around keion time
i remember got stopped by police for speeding to her MnG
>Big around K-On! time
Yes. Yuu-chan is very, very talented.
Not yet
haha do you ever sleep man
Tane-chan sure can draw
How do you know Im not just waking up user?
some can, some can't
some results are a bit inconclusive
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, when did this happen?
because you seem to be a man on a mission. too bad your mission is telling anonymous posters in cambodian telenovela winmx share groups that they're wrong, and that in turn seems to be a very important message to you. from that i conclude that you're a little bitch and a faggot and readily sacrifice a healthy sleep schedule so no seiyuu thread goes unmonitored.
reportedly she draws a fair bit in her free time
Isn't she dying right now or something?
I only go on seiyuu threads occasionally. And I did just wake up.
>too bad your mission is telling anonymous posters in cambodian telenovela winmx share groups that they're wrong
When some faggot starts shit and is blatantly wrong you point it out to either out him or make sure the quality of his posts increase in the future.
you've done your duty, see you next thread pal
Real question. Does she have some kind of disability when it comes to art?
>She has limited range!
But she's the god of the range in which she operates so why even bother doing 15 different types of voices when you can master one.
Fuck you. You think you're the only one who can post smug reaction images and act like you're better than others?
She is truly autistic.
because it gets boring and repetitive. i like her but i'm already sick of her too.
see you next thread pal, your message has ben received and appropriately discarded. since you don't seem to be willing to contribute to these threads in any way, shape, or form and only come here to complain, you can now feel free to kindly fuck off back to your tumblr echo chamber and get some free hugs from your redpilled seiyuu appreciation club
Ah so If I force enough threads about Spanish Dubs on Sup Forums, it will also be objectively a part of Sup Forums, huh.
try it and see what happens
Look Im doing it too faggot.
What a stupid argument. Seiyuu threads have always been a part of Sup Forums. No one cared or minded them except for newfags like you who feel bothered by them for whatever reason.
Why don't you fuck off to wherever you came from as its clear you don't belong here.
2 years ago she was holding some kind of meet and greet, and realizing that i almost late to the event i speed up my bike and then the police stopped me halfway.
>Seiyuu threads have always been a part of Sup Forums.
That's literally not true. Nice job.
What happened to her?
Did she not get any main role after Saten?
poular back then doesn't mean she's underrated now
>That's literally not true. Nice job.
you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. get the fuck out of here newfag
>That's literally not true
get outta here nigger
Is that really her and not just a case of some artist having the exact same name? Cause that looks really good, hot damn.
Well, as you can see from the image, she got multiple roles after Saten.
But she's been voicing mobile game characters mostly. She's on Drifters this season as Easy. She also had an album last year and was on tour for most of this year.
I'm sure the market right now prefers the newer faces but I really hope she lands a main character role sometime. Even if she didn't she has built a good career as a singer.
Nevermind, continued reading the thread and saw the other images where she's standing next to her art.
Show me how we had daily seiyuu threads in 2009. Go. Do it.
She isn't that dominating like Kana Hana was.
It's nice to know that there is a lot of good new Seiyuu's in the industry at least female wise.
"we" don't have daily seiyuu threads.
I can conclude that she has grating voice though.
Most underrated seiyuu on Sup Forums.
not just on Sup Forums, weirdly enough. maybe it's because she has a big head.
Will she be a main character or a somewhat important side character?
Probably not.
Why does she post so much stuff in English?
Probably because she spends a lot of time studying English still.
Might as well put it to use and practice it.
I don't know but I like it
Its gonna be Hentai
I hope it's seiran
Japanese people don't like her anymore.
no one saying it's daily moron
she's been a freelancer for a while and trying to land new jobs, including english-language and movie dubs.
How do i join the VA fandom?
heaven's feel please
Get a seiyuufu.
Do you have one or a few voices you like? Check up on the VA and watch their other work.
Is it difficult to be a freelance VA?
you must fap by just listening your seiyuufu talking non lewdly
Nao Toyama can't keep getting away with this.
Because it's lewd
Noted. I like the ara ara voices so i guess ill start there. Also betty from rezero voice was pretty cute
jesus christ top kek
very much so. one of the few exceptions is hosoya who is swimming in roles. most roles aren't decided in auditions but politically through agency affiliation with sound directors.
>tfw my seiyuufu is married
>ara ara voices
good picks aplenty to have there. hara yumi, oohara sayaka, even kitamura eri. saitou chiwa is always a good pick.
same user