>Spotted Flower officially confirmed to be a Genshiken sequel after author swearing up and down it wasn't
Kio is such a goddamn troll christ.
>Spotted Flower officially confirmed to be a Genshiken sequel after author swearing up and down it wasn't
Kio is such a goddamn troll christ.
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Fucking yes. It completely makes up for all the shit in Nidaime
what? I can't into moonrunes, is that supposed to be Kousaka?
Looks like it is.
Post more pages, OP. Also why'd you screenshot the page?
Can't find a DL link, just screenshoted the page from senmanga.
interesting, it genshiken 2 probably would have been better if it was about how Madarame won the sakibowl
Yes. I believe that is exactly what everybody keeps wishing for.
Even Sue/Hatofags admit that Saki and Madarame have the best chemistry.
Best chemistry in Genshiken 2 isn't that hard to achieve. Saki still had the best chemistry with Kousaka, period.
wait, then who is the main couple suppose to be? And is that one character suppose to be Hato with tits?
Fuck no, Saki is great and Madarame is fucking shit and a loser, she deserves someone better than him. Saki/Madarame is a wish fullfillment pairing for selfinsertfags.
I don't get it, why is Kousaka in this, suddenly makes this canon sequel and not just an AU?
>officially confirmed
Where? Need source.
Then explain how Spotted flower is so good, while Nidaime sucks ass?
Because Spotted Flower is a mature story about a mature couple.
WAIT WHAT. I don't want to start reading it. Already hate myself continuing Genshiken after the fujo crap.
>disgusting otaku
Which is what Saki/Madarame will evetually become if they eventually got together.
That is what the author was implying, it doesnt even matter if Spotted flower is part of the genshiken canon.
Spotted Flower is a comfy, funny slice of life. Nidaime 2 is overtaken by a long and dragging story arc with no satisfying conclusion.
But why? Spotted flower is much better than the crap that is Nidaime.
It also has the worst characters.
Yeah you ain't pushing your opinions as my opinions user.
>It also has the worst characters.
Kuchiki was already in Genshiken before Nidaime, what are you talking about?
Kio avoided having any of the characters refer to anyone by name to keep it ambiguous. Having a character that is obviously supposed to be Kosaka say Saki-chan is pretty evident.
>Yeah you ain't pushing your opinions as my opinions user.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I didnt enjoy the fujo characters. Kuchiki was fine in small, infrequent doses.
user, you are grasping at straws here.
Eh, it seems pretty blatant to me, but you're free to interpret it how you want.
I want to believe you.
You guys realize they just called their daughter Saki.
How did Genshiken end? Did Sue win?
But he's still wrong. For Saki X Madarame to work, you have to somehow write a credible way in which he's a better husband/have better chemistry than Kousaka.
No, for SakixMadarame to work all that has to happen is Kio shimoku has to make Spotted flower canon.
the grandma named the kid Saki, the wife obviously has a different name.
It's not Saki and Madarame
More like a way for Kio to show that Spotted Flower and Genshiken have no relation
Why is that have Saki and Kousaka broken up in Spotted flower?
Maybe they are Saki's parents.
Then it would need to play in the past, and all the references to modern things wouldn't work.
I think he's saying the baby's name.
>Is that so?
>That's a nice name
>Hato got the worst possible ending confirmed to be canon
>Trap again didn't win
>when you thought nidaime was still pretty damn good
Fuck off, fujo
Soooo... after all, after all of THAT, Madarame cucked Sue? This can't be real.
can't you guys read a thread?
Stop being retarded.
NotKosaka said that Saki was a nice name for the daughter.
You guys need to go easy on the ADHD.