Who won the Shinji in the end?
Who won the Shinji in the end?
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This, but also Asuka.
Everyone wins the shinjibowl because shinji is a loose filthy whore.
Nobody did.
Kaworu is the only one Shinji romantically loves every time. Asuka is the one he fucks.
>Rei is the face of the Instrumentality Project
>Shinji ditches her
Asuka, this isn't even a contest.
What Asuka and Shinji aren't childhood friends
yes they are dummy
friends and lovers and cute
Shinji disregarded all whores and bitches and only loves Kaworu
Have you even watched EoE? Shinji and Asuka are the only two human beings alive.
Asuka won if seriously
She wanted him since she met him
>mfw "You won't do anything!"
>mfw "You won't even hold me!"
Not necessarily, Yui said that if the rest of humanity has the will to live, they shall return to their old form.
in the original series it was 100% an asuka ending
this was a card in the official NGE card game and here is the translation:
"In the sea of LCL, Shinji wished for a world with other people. He desired to meet them again, even if it meant he would be hurt and betrayed. And just as he had hoped/wanted, Asuka was present in the new world. Only Asuka was there beside him. The girl whom he had hurt, and who had been hurt by him. But even so, she was the one he had hoped/wished for…”
There are no 'winners' in NGE. In terms of who is closest to fucking Shinji, that would likely be Asuka.
They're just the first to emerge from the tang. Others will almost certainly follow.
I just want Shinji and Asuka to be happy.
Your wish was denied
>I just want eva characters to be happy
it makes the most sense for it to be Asuka, especially considering that the resolution of their respective angstfests involves confronting their honest feelings about each other--after all, they both struggle with the same issues at the end of the day, and they can relate to each other more than any of the other characters in the series. Of course part of the tragedy is how they are unable to see that due to the way they let their insecurities control their perspectives.
Trips of truth
It always pissed me off how Rebirth had much better subs but doesn't exist in decent quality anymore.
>those Saigado doujins where Shinji fucks his mom fiercely
Mom = Blue-haired 14 year old mom clone > fujoshi wet dream > le angry german girl
Are there actually ANY Evangelion doujins or fanfics that get the characters right?
Like, they don't portray them as super happy polar guys, but actually develop them making them overcome themselves
Asuka is best
All other headcanoners should kill themselves immediately
Anno wants you guys to die too so proceed, pilots
If they ever get past their terrible teenage communication skills and let their guard down around each other a little they'll get on well. They aren't lacking interest or even effort towards it, but they are very much their own undoings. There's a very similar pair of characters in the game Xenogears, eerily similar in fact, but at one point the guy says 'why don't we share our baggage since we clearly get each other?' and the redhead mecha pilot replies 'okay' and that's basically the issue resolved. Shinji and Asuka need a moment of understanding like that.
Actually that isn't an official card game, it was made by ADV.
Anno already confirmed Shinji is romantically interested in only one character, and that will never be Asuka
Came here to post this
Yes, but they're all gay
Threadly reminder that Kaworu is an abhorrent alien being who was only created to manipulate Shinji and then die.
Well, Rei is gone, so Asuka won by default.
Try again.
Yeah, like I said; a person who could manipulate Shinji.
I can't shake the feeling that Anno was using studio funds for therapy, which he then disguised as an anime series.
>yfw "Kimochi warui"
He didn't manipulate shit, Shinji fell in love with him and started blushing the moment he saw his face.
If anything, Shinji was manipulating Kaworu into being a race traitor by tempting him with boipussy.
Well yeah. Eva is all about the difficulties of interpersonal relationships and how, despite all the pain, life is worth it in the end.
Shinji just wanted the affection, which Kaworu offered without cost or meaning.
This user gets it. Throughout the show, Shinji feels that is continually emotially bullied by all the people he knows to fight. Kaworu offers affection with no strings attached.
>Eva is all about the difficulties of interpersonal relationships and how, despite all the pain, life is worth it in the end.
Not really, NGE was about characters realizing that and overcoming the hardships step by step just for things to turn even worse again, rinse and repeat.
Shinji and Asuka were almost happy. Almost.
>Eva is a story that repeats itself
>a moment of understanding like that
They had it, they were eachother's brains and screaming back and forth about the commonalities they most loathed about themselves. They need some quiet to process the psychosis before the rest is possible.
And? Who here doesn't want affection? That doesn't invalidate your feelings for another you autist.
And if it was really true that unconditional affection was all Shinji wanted, then why did Shinji still continue to love Kaworu even after he betrayed him and fought him as an angel?
It was genuine and Anno himself said so.
The ending of Eva is literally Shinji rejecting Instrumentality, because he realizes interacting with other people is worth it for the good times, despite the bad times.
Sure, but after every Omedetou you'd have a Kimochi warui. That's just how Anno wants Eva to be.
So we're essentially saying the same thing .
That card was made by the dubbers, it's not canon. In fact, the staff laughs when they talk if Shinji and Asuka have romantic feelings or will end up together.
I just want shove my face in her ass and lick it.
He still loved Kaworu even after he betrayed him. You're an autist. Even if he asked Shinji the most painful and worst thing he could ask: to kill him. He didn't want to do it, and he did it for Kaworu's sake.
>there are people who genuinely believe that ShinjiXAsuka is anything more than a guilty fap
>Shinji is a prize
That's like winning a crazy homeless man who you can't use as a slave. He causes more problems than he is worth
>Shinji and Asuka were almost happy. Almost.
They weren't though. Asuka's seiyuu even complains how shitty EoE ending is for Asuka and wants her to be truly happy in Rebuild. Nobody actually sees it as a good ending considering it's labelled the BAD END in every single video game they have made of the story. Bad. End. Not the worst end, but definitely not happy. It's impossible for Shinji to be happy in Evangelion, for it's a story about Shinji getting closer to happiness, only to get back to the starting point, each time advancing to reach it again.
Whatever these Kaworufags are saying, both Rei and him are dead at the end.
Not really. You've only got what Shinji realized right before the congratulation.
They never got to actual happiness but they actually were quite close to normal functioning 14 years old before shit went down again.
They aren't, though. If you actually knew the lore, you'll know they can't really die. They are seeds of life, so they are immortal. Even if their physical forms collapse they will regenerate. It's a question if they give a fuck to return or not.
That's in NGE, and we don't know well what the fuck is Rebuild. But Rebuild implies there's a cycle anyway that will start over and over again, and the characters are different. Asuka in Rebuild is a different character, unlike Kaworu who 'is the same'. So if you want to be technical, Asuka of NGE died and never returned. Judge is out on Rei or Shinji, but I'm leaning that they are the same too.
I'm not trying to argue that bad shit won't happen in the future, because it will. It's just that Shinji doesnt' wish he didn't exist anymore. He learns to accept the pain and cherish the good times.
What is it you are trying to argue that is incompatible what I sam saying?
I thought the main theory with rebuild was that it's another go at the Universe, like as if the cycle has reset. That's why it ends up differently even though all the same "beings" are there.
I imagine it to be the most delicious thing in the world.
Anno called Kaworu, the "same of NGE" when he spoke of the three characters he introduced in 2.0 (though Kaworu had a cameo in 1.0) while Asuka Shikigami is "a new character" like Mari. This is probably connecting to Anima shit that I want to forget it exists.
Ignoring the fact both Rei and Kaworu are seeds of life which shrug death as if was a flesh wound,that's like saying Gendo would love Ritsuko or his mom because Yui is MIA, you realize? Or Misato would settle down for another man aside of Kaji in a serious way.
Kaworu was created to be the love interest and help Shinji understand Misato's feelings for Kaji originally, specially the feelings of loss. That was before Anno dumped all the lore on him because he liked him and became more popular than Misato, the coprotagonist of Eva.
Kaworu offered the mercy killing he wanted for himself after he and Shinji talked past each other and both just heard what they wanted to. He didn't have a scratch of the understanding Shinji was imagining, he was openly stupefied by resisting death and choosing to do something unpleasant as concepts.
In any case, it is clear that Asuka wanted Shinji.
And Shinji wanted Asuka, on a physical level if nothing else.
Yes, because at the end of EoE Shinji already hated life and himself again.
I did.
What at the end of EoE makes you believe that? He rejects Instrumentality, ends up on the beach with Asuka, lashes out at her to see if he can feel the sting of rejection and pain again, is comforted by Asuka who is disgusted at seeing her own behaviour throughout the show in Shinji.
Asuka wanted anyone who would pay her attention. In case it wasn't obvious. She would have sex with Touji too (and did in a cutscene).
Based Japanese staff know what's up.
Asuka's seiyuu said Asuka doesn't have feelings for Shinji and that he should marry Kaworu in the final Rebuild movie.
>Asuka wanted anyone who would pay her attention. In case it wasn't obvious
It is obvious.
>She would have sex with Touji too (and did in a cutscene).
Literally what. Did I black out during this or something?
Search EoE live action sequence
Asuka is fucking Touji.
She just wants any guy that will pay attention to her, she doesn't give a shit about Shinji besides him being the closest male in the room.
Asuka's seiyuu even said so.
>She would have sex with Touji too (and did in a cutscene).
Which one, seriously...
Man if that's you concern with this show its the wrong one for you
Anno won't stop shilling for the fags
She's been banging Touji for months apparently.
What in unholy hell is this shit
I think NGE is the best argument for the 'death of the author' school of analysis I've ever seen.
With you on that one, user.
Well, I understand why this was deleted.
I've did a research because this fag really triggered me
The live action scene near the end of the film was originally intended to be a much longer sequence with Megumi Hayashibara, Yuko Miyamura, and Kotono Mitsuishi portraying their characters from the series, ten years after the events of Evangelion. In this continuity, Shinji does not exist and Asuka has a sexual relationship with Toji Suzuhara. The sequence ends with Shinji's voice saying, "This isn't it, I am not here," proving it is a false reality much like the one he sees in Episode:26. The scene was left out for unknown reasons, but the footage is used in the film's theatrical trailer.
It was cut out from the EoE, and it was an alternative reality, like the one without Eva.
Literally everyone in the show hates Asuka, it's hilarious
Right, so it isn't canon.
It might as well be
I can't think of anything else that even comes close. So many solid arguments to be made for so many different interpretations.
And that's why she dumped that date in "kissu" episode.
It kinda is and is not, everything is so mixed up.
It does not change the fact that Asuka was a BPD who would sleep around with anyone.
Most probably she haven't in the series, before angel mindrape she was pretty normal and for sure she would not touch anyone after the mind rape since she was filled with disgust towards everyone else
Also, there is an animated cutscene where she fucks Shinji.
It seems the only guy she haven't fucked is Kaji. Oh the irony, guy could spot the hoe.
Not to mention the fact that Anno seems to be retroactively changing how he interpets elements of the show, but people take it as his intent while creating it.
anything aside from the original series isn't really canon. End of Evangelion was definitely a good movie, I'll never say it wasn't. But ultimately, it just wasn't in tune with the message of the original.
Her mother Eva Unit 02 sure didn't, even if it was only for the short bit before both of them got done in by harpies.
And while Shinji hated Asuka and tried to strangle her twice, he also tried to find consolation in a comatose Asuka in his darkest and most depressed moment. But yeah you're right everyone in the show hates Asuka at some point, I bet even the classrep hates her too.
Because she got the dude's attention you retard.
Once she gets the attention, she dumps the dude and goes for another.
This is why she was so crazy about Kaji, he wasn't giving her the attention. He was out of her league, so to speak, which is the one thing she can't stand.
That's just a metaphor for everyone being connected in Instrumentality, like how you see Rei on top of Shinji later.
Asuka says quite clearly in EoE: "I'd rather die than do it with you."
That Shinji was even mad enough at her to strangle her sort of suggests that he puts some weight behind her opinion. You don't get that mad about somebody you just don't like.
I'm fairly certain she doesn't fuck anyone, though, I don't remember that scene. When is it, if you recall?
Anyway, it is very clear that she craves validation and attention that doesn't stem from her being a skilled pilot. But she is too fucked up, damaged and disgusted at her own behaviour to actually accept kindness. She becomes more and more aware of how all she does is push people away, but she can't seem to stop. She throws herself at Kaiji, but he is of course smart enough to brush her off, even if it just further fuels her resentment towards everyone else. Seriously Kaiji, would it have killed you to maybe look Asuka in the eyes as you shoot her down? She is frustrated with Shinji because she can't understand why this guy doesn't make a move on her. She deliberately flashes her stuff at him several times, yet he does nothing. This is making Asuka fucking furious at him, but Shinji of course reacts the way he does because Asuka hates his guts, and because he has a glimpse of own insecurities when he catches her talking in her sleep.
You'd have to hate somebody really intensely to go so far as to strangle them.
Shinji must hate Asuka the most out of everyone in the series.
Literally what people are discussing here
Kaworu was just an angel who told broken Shinji who seeked for someone to value him that he loves him. But he never truly did, since it didn't stop him from executing his mission.
Asuka is a damaged child, exactly the same as Shinji, she wants someone to love her, and those someones are Kaji, who rejects her, and Shinji, whom she's showing signs of affection throughout the series (Wall of Jericho, constant teasing, kiss, pic montage in mind rape sequences).
Shinji also understand that he wants to be with Asuka, that's why she's in his pre-instrumentality dream
Final shows us that Shinji wants to feel rejection once again, but instead of rejecting him, Asuka accepts him. Realizing this, he breaks down in tears
And Anno can go fuck himself with his constant opinion shifts, that idiot defeated his depression and shat all over his own work with rebuilds, God I hate him