Will anything reach TTGL's hype ever again? (Except KlK)
Will anything reach TTGL's hype ever again? (Except KlK)
one punch man s2
KLK was nowhere near as hyped as TTGL.
Imaishi's next original, obviously.
>implying you were here for both
>tfw you'll never experience Gurren Lagann for the first time again
Why does TTGL get so much hate? Is it because of most fans only liking TTGL when it comes to mecha?
didnt trigger say they have something in store for people who liked TTGL and KLK in the future?
does it really matter if the hype was let down by the show?
SNK was more hyped
It's a very flawed show that gets treated like it's some golden cow. Particularly when it comes to Mecha it's very middle of the road in pretty much all regards and is highly unoriginal. To Mecha fans or general 70s-80s anime fans its like seeing a parody series get treated as some amazing original idea when it just references everything you like.
There is a reason that there exists that screencap of a bunch of Japanese autists calling TTGL fake hot-blood, because hot-blooded pilots are a trademark of Mecha and TTGL basically watered that and everything else down.
Doesn't help the fanbase is underage and pic related level of retarded.
Nice cherry picking. Every single anime has an autistic fanbase. Also the
>hurr durr its a parody, so not good :)
attitude is cancerous and shows that you don't rate anime based on how much you enjoy them, but on reasoning that's approved by other virgins.
Anything overhyped gets shit on more than it deserves.
don't think KLK was on par with TTGL and CG for hype
TTGL is straight up much better than Getter. I'm inclined to say it's the best, if not a top 5 super robot anime.
This is clearly bait.
Iron Blooded Orphans has already surpassed both in hype.
>Nice cherry picking. Every single anime has an autistic fanbase. Also the
>>hurr durr its a parody, so not good :)
>attitude is cancerous and shows that you don't rate anime based on how much you enjoy them, but on reasoning that's approved by other virgins
Except I just said that that didn't help, not that it was a major reason? Ultimately TTGL is a poorly to medically executed rehash of much better shows, with certain series it pretty much rips stuff off 1:1. Even if that wasn't the case the show is a very flawed albeit fun experience. I genuinely like the first half for the most part, just the vast majority of the second half is absolutely terrible.
>TTGL is straight up much better than Getter.
On what grounds?
>I'm inclined to say it's the best, if not a top 5 super robot anime.
Based on what criteria? That level of praise honestly makes me question how many Mecha shows you have seen.
>TTGL is a poorly to medically executed rehash of much better shows
Name one (1).
Dropped it half a minute in. Unwatchable shit.
I dunno user, I actually prefer the second half of TTGL. And as for the references - I enjoyed seeing references to anime/manga I watched/read, the ones that were unknown to me made me check the source material they were referencing so all in all TTGL made me get into even more /m/ so I'm at the very least grateful for that
Getter, GGG, Mazinger (it more or less references every version of Mazinger), Captain Harlock, directly referencing the death scene in Ashita no Joe but playing it super straight, etc. Getter is of course the biggest influence and openly admitted by the creators as their largest influence, I mean hell there's that interview where even the interviewer calls Imaishi out on it.
It's not like it being unoriginal makes it bad, but thinking that TTGL is some original perfectly executed show is just a blatant lie.
>I dunno user, I actually prefer the second half of TTGL.
To each their own. I have a lot of issues with the pacing and general writing of the second half but if you enjoy it more power to you.
>And as for the references - I enjoyed seeing references to anime/manga I watched/read, the ones that were unknown to me made me check the source material they were referencing so all in all TTGL made me get into even more /m/ so I'm at the very least grateful for that
I like to believe that was Imaishi and the crews intention as they very clearly loved the stuff they referenced, unfortunately you can't give earned criticism it seems and apparently pointing out that something isn't original means it's absolute shit. There's a mentality that's very prevalent now which is the series you like has to be considered a 10/10.
And how is any of them better than TTGL as a whole? Getter hits the same autism vein as TTGL, but not the same hype. Mazinger looks like fucking trash and most of it was trash. Ashita no Joe has no real relation to TTGL besides the homage, son that doesn't count in the first place and Captain Harlock wasn't bad, but I wouldn't say it's better than TTGL. In the end it's clearly based on taste and your taste is shit.
And that's exactly why I rarely talk about anime/manga I enjoy. I don't have 10/10 favorites, I have things I like, and whenever I see threads about my interests they always devolve into attacking the flaws just because the anime/manga isn't perfect - and when I ask for examples of "perfection" I never get an answer aside from the occasional Perfect Cell image
how would TTGL have changed if Simon was the one to die in episode 8, not Kamina?
Now I'm curious user, you seem to be quite offended by my insinuations. Tell me which of each series you have experienced of the ones I described, as a couple of those have multiple entries in their franchises.
Even if you go off stuff like fight choreography you literally can't say TTGL is better since almost all of the attacks are just frame for frame recreations of other robot attacks.
>Super robot anime where the protagonist somehow dies early on and the rest of the cast has to resort to cunning and trickery in order to survive against increasingly powerful foes.
I'd watch it, as long as it isn't like A/Z.
>Tell me which of each series you have experienced of the ones I described, as a couple of those have multiple entries in their franchises.
The whole original Getter Robo stuff. Didn't read/watch Apocrypha/Neo stuff. Most of Mazinger Z to Mazinkaiser. The SPCH anime.
None of it comes close to TTGL.
KLK saved anime. That's the greatest achievement.
KLK was mediocre, though
it's first half was great, but as soon as Raguyo was introduced the show went to hell (with the brief exception of the school trip)
I find that surprising since literally every subject in the Getter Robo manga is just dumbed down in TTGL, and Armageddon is literally the same plot almost note for note but told better. I can't force you to like it but I do not comprehend what you think is executed better in TTGL than in Getter.
The people here wouldn't allow it.
This isn't 2007 anymore.
Unless discussion is locked to one "general" thread, you have a bunch of fags crashing the thread and janitors pruning everything else.
"Internet: Serious Business." used to be a joke.
Now all these post-ironic fags on this site who think they are king shit for posing on THE Sup Forums just treat it like any forum out there, taking things too seriously.
You had your chance to experience Sup Forums as it was, but that time is now past.
Its just time to move on bro.
>literally every subject in the Getter Robo manga is just dumbed down in TTGL, and Armageddon is literally the same plot almost note for note but told better.
Maybe because it isn't? The similarities are there, yes, but it isn't literally the same at all.
>Armageddon is literally the same plot almost note for note but told better
But Armageddon's plot barely makes sense.
TTGL was great, and I have to say I kinda pity people who just can't let themselves get onboard with it and enjoy the ride.
>Except KlK
Literally may be a bit harsh, there's numbers striking similarities that are more simplistic versions of Getter's concepts but the only one that's a direct and obvious dumbing down is Getter rays and spiral energy. But those being core focuses of both series doesn't help.
Maybe if you have the attention span of a fruit fly or require everything to be spelled out immediately, yeah. It's got pacing issues, mainly in its first three episodes and some hiccups here and there, but the plot is entirely coherent.
KlK was okay, hardly hype.
I bet they would only get to lonegrome.
there will always be something like TTGL, KLK and PSG in the future as along as the animation team is alive.
Not that user- but I resepct your opinions!
KLK was shit comparing to TTGL
Kamina's a goofball and an idiot but his outward bravado is a foil to Simon who lacks confidence.
Steins gate 0 maybe somewhere 2018
Opm season 3 somewhere 2019
Thank you user, and I respect whatever yours may be.
but Kamina is much smarter than he looks, he just pretends to be an idiot to give Simon courage
Manga Getter > TTGL > animated Getter
I don't even like TTGL but the Getter OVAs were a mess.