Shiho does things to me.
I need help.
Shiho does things to me.
I need help.
Underrated girl
Dead eyes just do me.
I want Shindou to finally snap and physically have his way with her, to be honest.
Get back to working, Shiho.
Australia-kun does it again.
Is he really Aussie?
Too cute for me, lads. I'm out.
I'm just parroting another user.
Used to be gook in the web version back then.
Miyakoshi has been kinda weak these past 2 episodes, I hope the next one she bounces back.
Can ind of see that t b h, being an aussie myself.
He has some of the best moments i think, saying the wrong word or just not knowing what he is saying.
>working for 3 years straight
>still in high school
Are you a nip in Australia too?
Not him, but I have one. I got it hooked on granblue.
If he were Australian, he'd be calling everyone "mankos" all the time.
this girl is best girl and the only one worth a shit
why does every girl in this show suck fucking dick? good thing this aired after the real working, because the characters are shit compared to it.
>a year has passed only 6 episodes in and they're still recycling the same gags
Hot. Good lad Adachi salvaging Muraniashi and destroying Miyokoshi's cooking.
The teasing was kinda cute up to episode 5, but she crossed the line now. She's being straight up mean and she deserves a swift punch into her nose.
>t b h
Kill yourself.
Welcome to every slice of life comedy anime show ever. Enjoy your stay, newfriend.
I enjoy this show way more that i thought i would
I'm sorry, I don't make a habit out of eating shit but I thought I'd give this a chance.
One fine day she'll be found dead with money in her throat.
>Welcome to every slice of life comedy anime show ever
Not really, just the shitty ones, which are most, but not all
lol shes lazy and eats food a lot loooool
lol she carries a sword and has no friends but makes parfaits alot haha
lol shes tiny and is insecure about it
lol he invades other people's privacy and also has no friends haha
lol he likes the girl with the sword
Mindbreak doujin when?
The meaner she gets the more I like her.
Of Shiho being mindbroke or mindbreaking?
No one can break Shiho's superior demented mind!
Shiho being mindbroken of course
That's not true, user. Stop trying so hard and lurk more.