I have noticed that in animes like parasyte they have very small eyes and the characters have human level intelligence
Perhaps writers intentionally write a character's intelegence to follow the art style. And character design.
The bigger the eyes, the dumber they are Or the more dumb and daft the writer portrays at character.
Dylan Miller
I'd say that's correlation not causation. big eyes=more moe, and dumb=more moe so when going for maximum moe of course you would see both
John Allen
This isn't /r/
Josiah Baker
This is also not /h/.
Ayden Gonzalez
Brandon Murphy
>parasyte >human level intelligence It's mature because there's blood!
Connor Butler
Big eyes=childishness=stupidity=cuteness is basic human psychology. Look up neoteny, and you'll instantly understand why the anime artstyle is so successful at capturing heartboners.
Caleb Clark
>Hey, they're raping a few girls! let's surrender so they can rape everyone! Seriously the most retarded character ever created.
Carter Cruz
It's all a dumb excuse to have more sex scenes. Why are you even mad?
Ayden Lopez
>hentai girls >being smart
Lucas Rogers
Awesome worksafe board, mods.
Lincoln Anderson
it's just yoghurt
Michael Reyes
I'm not mad, but that doesn't make her any less retarded, on the other hand, Prim best girl. What a fag
Caleb Phillips
Kill yourself, faggot. I bet you're at work posting from a phone.
Jonathan Cruz
I know you have that ice cream gif
Brody Cooper
You understand that it's logic of most MCs in any medium >oh no they have hostages and they are armed >I am armed too but he asked me to drop my gun >ugh, I don't have any other choice, I better give him my gun so he can kill me and hostages Difference is this hentai was more realistic in outcome of giving up your weapon
Blake Allen
What about escaping?
Benjamin Sanders
>implying I need to be at work to want the mods to enforce the rules for once
Charles Garcia
No rules were broken. You're just being a fag.
Jack Walker
>No rules were broken Rule 5.
Chase Scott
They are knight, no retreat
William Brooks
But there's no porn scenes user are you blind?
Aaron Jenkins
You could have at least said that there is no sexual act like penetration or genitals visible in the pic, but OPs pic is directly from a porn scene and she's covered in cum. Which was ejaculated in said porn scene.