Now that I've gotten over whatever the fuck this was can someone tell me why the most recent episode sucked so bad?
Fucking Tiger Mask W
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Toei's budget.
You were not in on the industry joke so you were like wtf was this shit. Also the opponent wrestler was bland and forgettable.
There were shilling some real life idols
Animation was shit until the fight started, was pretty good during though.
I want a cute Tiger Mask plush
Last episode was a meta masterpiece.
t. /asp/
Explain the joke to me
It wasn't bad, just ok. Didn't personally understand some of the meta but I could see what they were going for.
Unrelated idols get forced into wrestling events, hence they forced idols into this show.
The thing is the idols sounded more manly than most of the wrestler characters. I thought they were going to be surprise opponents from tiger's den or something
Every entertainment industry is related to idols in Japan.
Wrestling is no exception
The episode was shit but at least it forced me to look up those two.
>not loving the ham udons
Namaudon are great.
When will they star in anime next?
As soon as they find the right dick to suck.
It would have been so much better if the idols had done some wrestling.
>qts last episode sucked
18+ have sex lose weight
please someone end Ryu's suffering
Japan just understands that cute girls make almost everything better.
Especially when a lot of female wrestlers in japan were idols.