>Earlier anime was more expressive and had better animation
>Modern anime is more aesthetically pleasing and more detailed
Is this correct?
Earlier anime was more expressive and had better animation
>had better animation
no, this is not correct
>Earlier anime was more expressive and had better animation
I should have stated that I don't watch much anime, my bad. I just find this shift interesting. So you think overall modem anime is of higher quality than earlier anime?
>Modern anime is more detailed
That's the only thing I agree with given that many animators have complained about modern designs being difficult to work with. As for the rest it really depends.
I suppose you might have a point with older anime being more expressive in the sense that TV shows of old had more loose and cartoony animation. Drawings in anime these days tend to be focused on looking pretty to the audience rather than expressiveness.
As for animation, a lot of good animation is found in TV anime these days rather than OVAs so it's just a shift in focus since there's not much of a business case for the latter now.
Why are you here then? It's just an artstyle shift.
>Earlier anime was more expressive and had better animation
lol okay, it's a millenials having their nostalgia bullshit
Watch more anime and figure it out yourself idiot
Old Anime objectively had a higher standard of animation. Especially with the increasing amounts of CG I don't know how you could argue otherwise.
I wanted to know if this was correct, since you guys watch lots of anime and I've only watched Nichijou. I don't hate anime. Just something interesting.
This picture is misleading because throughout the ages "moe" anime was always the forefront of cliche in both design and art style for anime. There are several anime from the 90's with a very recognizable "90's art style" that doesnt involve gigantic eyes with outlines displaced from the face, uguu, etc.
old anime had less animation but there was a lot more attention to subtle details
new anime shadows and shading sucks balls
I really miss characters with adult proportions and looks.
Contemporary tv anime doesn't have particularly amazing animation either. I get what you mean. It's more consistently on-model and the framecount is higher and so on, but that doesn't say much about the nature of the animation. People have pointed out stuff like cubed debris and fast snapping movement as the crutches they are, or filling in with CGI, robotic movement, lack of shading, etc.
It's at the point where we should start comparing some contemporary shows to old OVAs because the gap has shrunk.
left looks ugly, right looks cute
congratulations, you are underaged
no, you just have shit taste
>cubed debris
>snapping movement
Neither of these are new to anime at all. Satoru Utsunomiya drew blocky debris in the 80s and Yoshinori Kanada in the 70s utilised exaggerated posing and snappy movements to create interesting animation on a limited budget.
Modern anime has better animation overall
Old anime had intense moments of high quality sakuga that was surrounded by large swathes of low quality
>I don't know how you could argue otherwise.
You just need to actually watch old anime to know that what you say is bullshit.
>Earlier anime had better animation
To an extent; anime in the late 60s to 70s typically had a higher drawing count than came afterwards, and lavish funding for film in the 80s made it a high point on the timeline for good animation. There are still anomalous modern works though, which can easily hold their own or surpass the best of this era.
>Modern anime is more aesthetically pleasing and more detailed
That's a taste thing, I wouldn't say so.