Is there any anime out there that focus on Feminism or Feminist ideas?

So I've become pretty interested the ideas of feminism and have worked along with them over the last few months. I'm always interested in learning more about the subject so i'm thinking there may be an anime out there that really shows how some Japanese people interpret feminism. I'm not just asking for "feminst friendly" anime as I'm personally ok with whatever I watch but i'm asking for an asking for an anime that has direct connections with feminism.

Pic related

tetsuwan girl

School Days

Darker than Black

This could've gotten good if your bait wasn't so obvious.


Boku no Pico

They are here on Sup Forums now.

I think Utena hace something pretty strong feminist ideas, thought I'm not sureste is that's what you're looking for. The director is the sane that directed the best part of Sailor Moon too.

I recommend Ranma 1/2

That's old feminism, not modern third wave feminism

Yuri Kuma Arashi

Fuck off

Keijo!!!!!!!! is a compelling look at female sexuality and women's sports as an industry.

could you give examples

I don't believe you.

The fact that people actually helped OP is baffling.

Well, what do you consider feminism?
Because as a fellow feminist, I can recommend Grenadier with the same fervor I can recommend Ghibli movies.

The fact is OP, feminist anime, or manga for that matter, is rare. The topic simply isn't an issue among japanese artists. What you have instead are works that's subject matter are wholly unrelated to feminism but simply contain stuff that feminists campaign for as a matter of fact.

You can use a feminist lens to view anything from Cutey Honey and Ikkitousen to Slayers, Pretty Cure and Nana (and those are just a tiny smattering of examples), but you won't find much directly exploring feminism.

There's more anime and manga that adresses gender identity than feminism.

I'm suddenly conflicted as to wetger I should have recommended Skip Beat over Nana, but ultimately both have about as much to do with feminism per se.


now I know what was in AMV Hell 3 all those years ago thanks

>anime that has direct connections with feminism.

literally no such thing

tmblr loves Kill la Kill though, a show that features a mother fingering her daughter

maybe thats what you're looking for

Why has this thread not been deleted?

Because this isn`t Sup Forums?

Check out Princess Arete, OP. Great movie, originally based on feminist lit. It's been reinterpreted as a general humanist narrative but the themes are still there.

Cross Ange


because mods=fags

wow hey, rec threads sure do not belong here.

More like ''shows where literally the bf steals the spotlight and rescues the heroine multiple times''

not that I'm complaining, Tusk is based

i.e. sexist

It's not about feminism or not. This is a literal rec thread. It should be deleted and Op banned.

Banning anime rec threads from Sup Forums was the stupidest thing to ever happen to this board.

Also stop giving a fuck about the rules jesus christ

Ranma 1/2

Hope you get banned as well

Why should rec threads be allowed? All they do is attract retarded crossboarders.

I know you're shitposting and all, but Woman Called Fujiko Mine is probably the closest thing I can think of.

With the rate Sup Forums has been these past few years crossboarders might just be the only good people to discuss anime with.

try kill la kill

Nu-Sup Forums everyone.

I sincerely hope OP is just samefagging.
Where's the dubposter when we need him?

feminism has become a cancer. maybe its always has been. belladonna of sadness is the closest to what youre looking for imo.


Because mods are femcucks that probably voted for shillary

Don't forget how they spawn other rec threads that flood the board all day every day. Sup Forums needs less activity and more lurking.

I knew it. It all comes together now.

Please delete this shit thread ;_;