Still one of my favorite characters
Still one of my favorite characters
What he said was true though, but he could've just lied, that cocksucker.
Kurapika is the manliest HxH character. Just try to prove me wrong.
He couldn't
Blonde Sasuke is such a shit character.
>when uvogin is clearly the manliest.
>raped uvo to death
Kurapika confirmed manliest.
Sasuke is black haired Kurapika
Sasuke is poor man's Hiei.
Isn't Hiei just proto-Killua?
How exactly was what he said edgy? Perhaps he was a little dramatic about it, but nothing about it was all that edgy.
He was totally edgy. Hell look at the latest arc.
>He was totally edgy.
>Hell look at the latest arc.
I see him protecting a mother and her child.
But Hiei is better character than gay shota.
>He was totally edgy.
What about that sentence was edgy?
Should I skip the Chimera Arc? It looks boring
YYH wins.
hows that answer edgy?
its a truth for many people to not share very personal things
It was a bit boring waiting a week for a little bit more seconds when "siege" begins, but if you can watch it all at your own pace, do so.
Just skip the early stuff, it's just boring fights against the weaker, uglier bugs. When you get into the meat of it, it is interesting. Also skip the bits with the octopus guy, he has absolutely no plot relevance. Oh and the wolf guy too, his 'investigation' goes absolutely nowhere, he doesn't hinder anyone other than the octopus and and his parts make the viewer learn nothing new
Define "early stuff" there's a lot of important things that happen in the first half of the arc. Saying it's just fights against weaker ants is really stupid, and I guarantee you that if user does that he'll come back looking like a complete dumbass for calling bs and asking questions that he'd know the answers to if he had actually read all of it.
The plot of the subsequent arc deals with shit that happened in the CA arc, so no you shouldn't skip it.
Togashi is a hack
Yes. It's boring as shit and the Ants themselves are laughably stupid antagonists.
Killua is cute!
Hiei is cute!
Best antagonist in the whole series. Troupe fags are just butthurt.