I want to fuck Wendy.
Reminder that Mavis is confirmed used goods.
I want to fuck Wendy.
Reminder that Mavis is confirmed used goods.
what's Wendy's best move?
Cry for the pain
>Mavis a loli milf
Kagura best jobber
I wonder how many waifufags dropped this for good.
Is she dead?
The best kind. Hopefully this will inspire lots of cute fan art.
Erza's feets
Wendy is by far the purest.
We don't know, but even if she is dead she will return in a couple of chapter.
>You will never nurse Kagura back to health after a defeat, pat her head and tell her she is the still the strongest in your eyes.
>tight cunny attack
She can be a jobber but she has good feet.
>Kagura has best feet
Different strokes, I guess
Feet are gross.
No fetish is better than ryona
In this arc the girls gets wounds more serious than the boys.
Probably even Mashima is a ryona faggot.
This series doesn't handle very serious moments well.
ryona fags are worse than pony fuckers.
youtube is full of ryona shit.
you want to see gameplay of a game, and the first 10 videos are ryona trash. when did this shit happen?
I like ryona only in anime and manga.
The ryona on videogame is the worst type.
So how are the going to make August lose? Or are they just going to put him against Gildarts and Gildarts win will simply be a win just because he didn't lose?
Mavis is the best.
She's cute and perfect. Please don't bully her.
Erza double team.
Best girl coming through.
post wendy and lucy butt
Been a while since I watched/read this, what's the best way to do the series?
>Manga only
>Anime only
>Manga+Anime fightscenes
>Anime no filler
I've caught up with the anime, apart from the OVAs coming out this year, are they planning to continue it and are they simply waiting for the manga to progress a bit further?
Nobody's forcing you to stay here.
Manga only for lewdness.
Best yuri fanservice from that OVA was Flare x Lucy though
Two other millennials in my work place, a chemical lab. Guy and girl. Read/Watch fairy tail but for the story. Kind of shocked neither just said they enjoyed it for the tits.
I bet that feel really good.
I get the feeling that Acnologia will turn out to be a Dragneel and that Natsu, Larcade, Acnologia and Zeref will team up to take out the real big bad of Fairy Tail, Anhkseram.
Sounds super gay. no
>tfw one of the only few good doujins for this paring is futa
Hair down > twintails
pony tail>hair down > twin tail
>Wendy did the haircut character development
>Crab dude fixed her hair some chapters later
>any character development was undo too
Respectable taste
I was so happy that was undone.
Loli Milf?
Yeah, me too. I hate when authors put the hair cut thing.
Either Mashima responded to immediate fan reaction or he was trying out a different style and decided he didnt like it.
It might have been an excuse to include it just to finish Wendy's fight. Much like how ripped clothes are usually fixed the same way.
Long Hair Natsu is great though. Shame it didn't even last a full chapter.
Legitimately the only time Natsu has looked cool
I'm still trying to remember where he got the scar on his cheek from.
I liked Avatar Gray as well.
Who the fuck cares about the plot, post more Wendy.
The Wendy that will kill in the next chapters by Irene?
So is the anime good? There are 2 series right? Was thinking about watching it..
>we will never see Wendy cumming to death
Why live?
I liked the first one because it covered the early arcs which weren't so full of bullshit, then it got kind of heavy with the filler near the end. The second I couldn't finish, it was so boring. And this carried to the OVAs as well. I hear it tries to be closer to what the manga is, but it doesn't carry over to anime well in my opinion.
The anime adaptation of this scenes will be hilarious.
How much blood can loose her little body?
You are edgy
They're both mediocre.
I dub thee
Christmas Cupcake
The anime adaptation is really bad, full of quality, violence censored and voice actor really bad.
The only good part is the music.
No I'm Trump
This thread is like Kagura... dead.
>people ever dying in fairy tail.
Did he transform the pain of a side cut in half in pure pleasure?
How much big must be a dick to give such pleasure?
Makarov looks like a goner.
Igneel died too. And future Lucy.
Reminder that Angel fucked that kid's dad at the start of the arc for her spying job.
I want to massage them
Sadly never. Flare won't even show up and Lucy will end up with Natsu
>Rakheid won't be beat by Warren, Jet, Droy and the rest of the Virgin Alliance
Just when Acnologia is beaten by the tag team of Vijeeter and Nab.
That's fucking awful.
The fight with zeref
I want to rape and impregnate Wendy and make Carla watch
I want to rape and impregnate Carla and make Happy watch
long twintails > short ponytail > long hair down > short hair down > shit >>>> long ponytail > short twintails
Is Mavis really used goods? Cause I've reread the chapter where she goes away and dies, and it looks to me like she was only gone for around one year, then died in Zeref's arm before being brought back to the guild.
It's probably going to be some magic Etherious twist, she's still pure. She just held hands with Zera a lot.
Why did he cut in half only her side?
If he would cut her completely in half she should be sure dead.
The anime has some great OSTs, I would go for anime no filler and then pick up the manga again around 60-100 chapters ago. You should be able to figure out where the anime left off. The plot isn't even existent enough to be called shit, but if you like boobs, ass, thighs, and ridiculous fights, you should enjoy it. I realized pretty early on Fairy Tail was about being as FUN and sexy as possible, so I enjoy reading/watching it.
>shit >>>> long ponytails
Holy shit, that's some really bad fucking taste
Long, wild, crazy messy hair > long ponytail > short hair messy > drills > short hair > long twintails > straight long hair down > short ponytails >>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>> short twintails
what is all that hatred for short twintail ? i thought it was cute and i liked it more than long twintails !
It has to do with it being drawn to look like a gigantic fucking blade or a cleaning tool nine out of ten times instead of hair. But adding more adjectives to it changes things around
wavy long >>> wavy short > long twintails > low-tied long ponytail > short ponytail > spiky long > loose long > drills > loose short > shit >>>> high-tied long ponytail > short twintails > spiky short
the tugjob
Swap wavy long and spiky long, and I completely agree.
Natsu is the best