Are there any anime that genuinely scared you?
All I can think of off the top of my head is the first arc of Higurashi, Satoshi Kon, and a few of the nightmare sequences in Ghost Hound.
Are there any anime that genuinely scared you?
All I can think of off the top of my head is the first arc of Higurashi, Satoshi Kon, and a few of the nightmare sequences in Ghost Hound.
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The first episode of Lain had some good moments.
Only some moments in Shiki.
One of my favorite moments of Monster was when they were speaking with a serial killer who had helped Johan, and showing him Johan's picture drove him to stab himself with a pen.
Magnetic Rose was a great short story.
>Munch-munch, chomp-chomp, gobble-gobble
Shinsekai Yori was unsettling as fuck. The athmospere was amazing.
I've had that one on my to-watch list for a while.
Not, horrific per se, but Mushishi had its share of unsettling moments.
Reina saying gomen ne was literally the scariest shit in the entire show
Boku no Pico
Hospital episode still remains the best horror I've seen in anime.
I loved the first arc to death, but still haven't finished Higurashi.
The way the Groundhog Day time travel mischief keeps resetting the tone back to cutesy moe interactions after each arc's climactic finish really put me off.
>"Hey Battler, I know you met me one time and we didn't even know each other well but you should love me."
>"I'm gonna devote all this to be your ideal woman even though I have no reason to and none of this makes sense and the writer couldn't think of a compelling explanation to the mystery so let's turn this thing into the worst romance story of all time."
Can't think of any anime, but VNs like Higurashi and Chaos;Head manage to scare me pretty good at times. Really liked the paranoid feeling that both of them make you feel, especially when you play them in a dark room at 1 or 2 in the morning.
My Nigga. A shame that Umineko didn´t manage to accomplish that feeling.
Couple scenes in shiki, one scene in Ghost Hound
I wish Bernkastel was in Higurashi instead of Umineko.
I still don't think Rika would ever do this.
Fcuk that delusional MC. When he's scared I'm also scared as well.
The ending was a bit abrupt, but the atmosphere of Ghost Hound's nightmare sequences was top tier.
I just started Higurashi's VN, and I'm only a chapter or two in, but is the start supposed to be... cringe-worthy? In how over-the-top cute it's supposed to be?
I know it's hiding a jarring shift in tone later down the line, but it's a bit of grind to start.
Every sequence with the sister was incredibly ominous and depressing.
No jumpscares, but Angel's Egg filled me with a sense of dread.
This amv
got it from kazaa lwhen i was like 11
I felt the same way at first. For the first few hours, I was only interested in getting to the mystery and found the SoL moments to be kind of annoying. After a few episodes though, you start to care for the characters and enjoy those moments since you realize how much they're going to suffer once the SoL moments end.
That creepy floating Rei face
I was spooked just by how some scenes were cut, like when that psychologist suddenly sees some shriveled up imaginary kid in front of him, or when they show a close-up of Makoto's mom's horrified face. They were almost jumpscare-tier, and caught me by surprise.
That and the ending were the only good things about it
I loved how the girl's words and expressions were always garbled in the flashbacks, because he was too traumatized and young to properly remember what really happened, until the psychologist started digging into things.
Oh shit, thanks for reminding me of this user. This is edgy as fuck but I still like it,
When it wasn't focusing on some of the sillier ghost designs Ghost Hound reminded me of Silent Hill.
The mansion arc in Ghost Hunt was pretty scary.
I've only been seriously spooked by anime three times: during the first Kara no Kyoukai film, the start of an episode of Mushishi, and one of the first episodes of Shinsekai Yori.
I've wondered about this too. I've tried a few horror shows and they never really do it for me for some reason. The manga that scared me the most (or that I just found the creepiest) was probably Gantz. Some of the boss aliens were intimidating as hell.
I'd probably feel more for the characters if the slice-of-life interactions were more naturally likable then having everyone being shit to each other and playing it up for laughs, but that's anime chemistry for you.
Old anime and gore, what a golden combination.
Corpse party got me a little, as did Higurashi.
Gantz lost me in the final arc, but I really liked how it handled people's reactions to being thrown into the Gantz hunts for the first time.
People freezing up, getting violently ill over violence, feeling genuine grief as their situation slowly starts to sink in. There was real weight to it.
Reminded me of Battle Royale. Didn't pull any punches for characters reacting to extreme situations.
> I have this feeling that most of the people who arrived at the truth were women, because the key is being able to imagine Yasu’s feelings. Umineko is something that cannot be read by people who never fell in love with somebody. It is something that people who have no experience in love and relationships have trouble understanding
He's laughing at you.
PTSD episode of Sora no Woto
Black visitor episode of Dennou Coil
Flip fappers ep 5
Good times.
this scene legit scared my sister.
creepy episode, no scenes where you get scared by loud noises... 10/10