What was that, user? You don't like Sword Art Online?
What was that, user? You don't like Sword Art Online?
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Why hate, user?
I liked the first Cour
Then it went to shit
I actually quite like SAO.
You along with everyone else.
SAO was the reason I started to watch anime regularly.
Gun gale online was alright.
It was an enjoyable trainwreck.
Season 1 anyway.
i binge watch it yesterday,. owh boy my life has been mistake for too long,.
before watching i was one of those mainstream anime hater,. i feel shameful now, i enjoyed it very much,.
persecutes me Sup Forums
Have you ever spoken English before in your life?
Regardless of how bad the show is in a technical view it's still extremely fun.
GGO or bust
good enough to deliver the context of information,.
stop being faggot user,.
Are you trying to imply that these two girls in the image are asking me that question directly, and they will have sex with me if I say I like their show?
You don't have to put a comma (,) before the period (.)
>tfw you will never adopt a Tsukasa
Nobody will ever have sex with you, user.
I like Naruto and SAO, don't give a shit what Sup Forums hates
not really in that way, but i dont mind SAO author keep milking the series and provide more materials to keep us entertained.
>I like Naruto and SAO
Me too user
It's aggressively, frustratingly average from most critical standpoints. It could have been more than it was.
The first arc was fun though
SAO is okay, the fanbase is awful though (just like with any other popular show)
I love SAO
disregard that,.
i suck cocks,. :0
i liked the girls from SAO and the OST . over all i did enjoy the anime and its doujins . episodes 15 16 17 from S2 were the worst thing i've ever scene
Delicious legs.
don't know why this is a popular opinion, the fairy arc has stronger character focus
Why is Kirito so lucky? He has all these top tier girls lusting after his dick.
But the characters are so shitty
Just because I want to fuck Asuna until my dick falls off, it doesn't mean I have to like the series.
Progressive is quite good though.
i said from S2 that . that sword arc was terrible . the fairy arcs wasn't good either but still enjoyable and i liked suguha's tits
I like SAO doujins
It's good, is animated nicely and has most of the cast dicking around.
I was already in love with her before this scene, so I don't even know what I became after.
Were Asuna's legs always so thicc? She has better body proportions than I remember.
Of course I love it! How could I hate two I'd the most sociopathic, broken players? Less people and more compilations of character flaws?
And don't get me started about Yui and her amazing definition of irony.
Please feel u achieved something today.
its just wasted potential, i dont even know how you can fuck up story so badly
i did,. i sucked like five dicks in the last hour,. i think that's pretty impressive,.
I barely made it through the first season. The idea at first was actually good. Then the fairy shit happened and barely made it to the end of the first season. Still don't know If I want to ever attempt season 2. I hear that it was some of the best moments but at the same time some of the worst as well
Fairy Dance is the worst part of what's been animated. GGO is GOAT and Mother's Rosario is kind of meh.
But I love SAO. I just bought Progessive volume 4 on Saturday,and it was the bomb.
>entire floor is ruins
>asuna falling through a trapdoor
>60 pages of bossfight
What's there to not like?
Sugu is better
But don't you just want to push down Kiriko and teach him why he's such a bad character?
But Quinella is bestest of all
>Ultimate boobfu
>VR that still seems real
SAO is shit.
I wonder if his mom knows about the scene where Asuna gets stripped naked and molested by Oberon.
Care to explain your reasoning?
Jeez, you're the worst
I liked her until I found out her glasses are fake.
Your was and will always be a mistake.
>Can you remember your own name?
She is admittedly the most interesting of the villains.
>official art
>Suguha has literal cow udders with protruding nipples
wew lad
I love it.
Mou, onii-chan saite!
I certainly don't. The girls are still very fuckable.
Only on redditfags and Danbooru.
And thanks to STL technology you can bury your face in mammaries that are 100% indistiguishable from real life. Eugeo was a fool who got what was coming to him.
It official art ban ban dazo
Hello, where is glop?
What is Ficklewine?
>That feel when reading latest chapter of Material edition
>Please change it Kawahara
Who is bigger, her or Kizmel?
Here is the censored moment from Hollow realization.
Yuuki a best
>inb4 aids
I think you meant Sinon Ass Online.
And I quite like it.
Sinon was a trash character in a trash arch.
Unfortunately the abridged series does characters better than the actual anime.
>He is growing into a fine weeb
Bet he's shitposting in reddit.
Asuna NTR doujins are the best.
I love SAO.
Obviously someone with lesser anime watching skill might hate it, but clearly anyone who hates SAO isn't capable of ignoring stupid bullshit that isn't relevant to anything anyway.
Just a reminder of who best girl is.
I don't care what anyone says; imouto is best girl.