Somewhere, somewhen, a successful artist drew a character and decided it would be totally cool if he would wield his guns upside down.
Somewhere, somewhen...
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It makes it easier for him to grab his girls by the pussy.
Fuck you it was pretty cool when i was a kid.
Better than wield a gun with your tits like you know...other shows
How the fuck does this work out.
same reason why people bring swords to gun fights in anime
it looked cool as fuck when I was a teenager
perfect bait for edgy boys
He is an autist and non human so I don't see why not even though its cringy.
It literally never, EVER looked cool.
I'm not going to defend reverse-grip gun use, but I think they actually make a little more sense than reverse-grip sword fighting.
He took the black way of holding a gun to far
He needs to get a scope on that shit
It's fiction and?
Less dumb than somewhere, somewhen, an old user who failed at life and hate himself and decided it would be totally cool if fiction is actually based on reality .
Nice projection.
What's the matter, somebody hurt your feelings?
Tell this user-kun where the big bad hurt your pretty little heart.
His guns are girls, so grabbing them upside down his more fun
Is that Grifter? Who's the guy next to him?
Big black clip
Yea revolvers use magazines
Seen worst weapon usage by far.
Slicing knives used for thrusting, swords used backhanded when their length alone would catch the surrounding area, war hammers used backhand.
Uh, no. Using the gun upside down is still way dumber.
>it was pretty cool when i was a kid.
>kids who grew up with Soul Eater are browsing this board right now
Not a gun autist, but this seems like a good idea to get around revolvers only holding like 4 rounds. Can anyone tell me if it would work?
It's not much different than holding the gun sideways or shooting from the hip.
Shooting from the hip is like using a sword in reverse grip. Not a great idea, but it has uses.
Using the gun upside down and pulling the trigger is next-level.
>It's not much different than holding the gun sideways
Pretty sure Mythbusters did a segment on this, forgot how it ended though.
At that point you're using a semi-automatic not a revolver
Holding a gun downwards means that the recoil hits where your grip is weakest. It's not a good idea.
If you've actually trained to aim with this hold however it's usable against a singular shot. That makes it different from reverse grip sword holding which significantly reduces your reach and your control and means you'll be stabbed before you have a chance to fight back.
anything younger than 20 is a kid
Anything older than 12 is too old.
He used them as tonfas did he not? It made some fictional sense.
It was fun.
Too bad the manga went to shit halfway through and never recovered.
Halfway? When would that be?
Stop with this meme already, it was constantly allright.
Frog witch was best girl.
No he was right about the part that manga went to shit,just that the milestone was not halfway and more like the 1/4 towards the end.
Also what the fuck happened to soul eater not ? I don't think I've ever read the ending to that manga but somehow the scan stopped showing up.
I preferred the busty cat.
They barely hit shit.
It's actually a somewhat legitimate competitive shooting technique.
I want to fuck Maka.
Medusa was the best villain and the manga died for me when she died even if it was fitting how she went out.
>No he was right about the part that manga went to shit,just that the milestone was not halfway and more like the 1/4 towards the end.
I see a lot of people saying that but I really can't say I agree. I reread it a few months ago and it looked pretty consistent to me. It's good for what it is.
You just have to aim with your nipples
That is wanted, isn't it? From time to time I still wonder how the fuck their curved bullets technique made the slightest bit of sense. The final scene was 10/10 edge though.
Wasn't the whole point that it made him look like a jackass?
Wow, a chance to use the word cherrypicking unironically.
>even if it was fitting how she went out.
You would think she'd be a bit stronger to atleast get away, I mean she faked death once before. She even had a smile on her face like that shit was nothing to her and she'd be back. Honestly her death was disappointing.
Actually, your pinky is stronger than your thumb so it is valid. (pinky-ring finger combo to be specific, this muscle group.)
Kid's skateboard was amazing. And the train episode... Why was Soul Eater so good?
>I mean she faked death once before
She made a point she could only do that because her magic was boosted by Asura's madness at the time. I didn't expect her to go out like that but it was really a good way for her to die. This is just a simple story about killing people.
>Why was Soul Eater so good?
Might me a bit of shallow answer but it was more than decent because the characters were fleshed out and each one had plenty of screen time, there really weren't asspulls and it didn't drag off. Also the idea of the final fight being on the moon was really a nice touch after we had seen the grinning moon almost every chapter.
>She made a point she could only do that because her magic was boosted by Asura's madness at the time.
I see, completely forgot about that.
I am tweny and I watched soul eater when I was 12.
Was the show actually good? I watched like 3 episodes a couple years ago but I stopped watching because the kid with the blue hair was too much of a faggot, and I didn't want to watch if he was going to be 1/3 the main character
According to me like 5 years ago it was really good until the final arc.
I only read the manga but blackstar keeps being a faggot to the point he memes himself up to actually be god-tier. I don't even like him but eventually he grew on me and became bearable since he's a bro.
They came this way.
>Was the show actually good?
The first half is, then is goes into filler 30 something episodes in.
>I stopped watching because the kid with the blue hair was too much of a faggot, and I didn't want to watch if he was going to be 1/3 the main character
Blue hair has the best fights in the series. Fucker didn't take shit from no one.
He's supposed to be awful at the start (not that anyone has to enjoy it), but becomes amazing because of it.