Killer Killer 9 spoilers
Thank you.
I give you the Mukuro Series of Clones
...Literally what the fuck?
They really went off the deep end with this
it takes place in the 8th branch so Ruruka and Yoi-chan might have something to do with the clones or it could be the head of branch 13 or chisa or tengan
the clones are basically just saying kill but its in a creepy voice so their probably imitate their imouto's monokuma voice
Go figure none of their shitty clones could compare to the true Ultimate Soldier.
It'd be a shame for them to kill off all of these Mukuro's right here and now. If one was kept alive maybe we'd finally get a chance to see her developed as a character. Probably not though, she'll just be a one scene thing and quickly forgotten I'm sure.
their using her skill but takumi says that its hollow like theirs no passion in their strikes
they kill off all of these ones but the building is swarming with them so we could see one of them survive if kyoko or naegi find out about this cause kyoko was investigating takumi's friend so she might know about this if he's involved
Perhaps by combining this cloning technology with what ever remains of Junkos AI on Jabberwack island we could get a living breathing Junko!!!
And Done
till next month
That room has to stink prtty bad.
Kyoko was invesgating Takumi's childhood friend in chapter 6 so she should be in the area we might get kyoko and a Mukuro clone meeting depending if theres more of them
No, they don't compare to the original.
theres probably one somewhere in the building that does compare but she's probably the original clone
Why does anyone care anymore after the abortion of DR3?
theres still a manga and light novels that are on going
What the fuck is this nigga's problem?
he wants takumi to return to being a pussy that was afraid of blood
You know why.
>mfw only following killer killer in hopes of seeing Juzo again
It's okay. It can't be helped.
>you will never have a mukuro harem
Mukurofags disappointing us all again
How were you disappointed? At least it wasn't a lame twist like "hurr durr the impostor did it"
Mukuro is disappointment in human form
She is also very cute
Of course she's cute she's related to Enoshima sama after all
Yeah there were just clones of Mukuro who got BTFO by Killer Killer with ease
Much better
Thank you, user!
Though I'm disappointed we didn't get cameos or anything, and Mukuro was just magic clones.
Don't even care that main girl got stabbed, she probably ain't even dead.
So basically this is Killer Killer's backstory
>He became obsessed with murders after Mukuro killed his whole class
>Mukuro did it for fun
>He finds out she's still alive
>JK they're clones
>He kills them all without even trying
Great series, right?
>Asano's neck
well their imperfect clones without any personailty besides trying to mimic monokuma by saying kill in a weird voice though I'm sure somewhere in the building theres a perfect clone thats got Mukuro's personailty and the passion that matches her skill level
lol who cares
Kyoko and Naegi will care Kyoko's been investigating Takumi's friend since chapter 6 so i wouldnt be surprised if she shows up next chapter and meets a mukuro clone and goes WWND ?
this all could tie into why mukuro wasn't in naegi's vision after he watched monokuma's gloomy sunday
Spikechunsoft needs 35 spinoffs to fill a few holes in their Danganronpa line up.
That's a pretty daunting task -- and the producers weren't up to it. Instead, they churned out three "Danganronpa" spinoffs, transplanting already popular characters into new locales and situations. First up, a gritty crime drama starring the amazing and interesting "Killer Killer". Keep at least one eye open because his best friends, the Kirigiris, just might pop in to wish him luck. Let's us wish him luck too. Good luck, Killer!
Killer Killer sounds pretty bad.
It's just the old universe anyway, old and busted.
NDRV3 is our only hope.
It is
Only good thing about it is pic related
hey we got this cutie outta it
We hyped for v3? Twintails is gonna be the fucking craziest rival.
I thought Maki was the love interest
Imperfect clones. Killer Killer even gets mad with them because of it
I'm more interested in why and how they exist.
Maki is both cause she's the demon princess to Kaede's Piano baka
Are you retarded?
>>Mukuro did it for fun
We don't know why she did it
>> He kills them all without even trying
They were all imperfect clones, what you should be asking here is who created them and why
Perhaps the FF was trying to make a Ultimate Soldier army?
NDRV3 will suck for you too
No, I doubt that's the case.
Chisa's despair
Tengan's complex motives
Ruruka's FF coup
Takumi's childhood friend's plan
it could be a number of reasons why
she did it for the lols or to get in contact with junko who was Lico at the time
i doubt it too but I'm just trying out ideas
Hahah it doesn't matter. Mukuro is dead. I remember some FAGGOT insisting on Sup Forums it was the REAL Mukuro, back from the dead. I told them it was a clone and they dismissed the thought.
Lo and behold, Killer Killer comes out, and it's not just one Mukuro Clones, its several. Killer KIller relying on every cheap plot trick in the book to stay afloat.
Junko is Lico
Stop trying to assume the Junko = Lico thing as the truth
And Mukuro was with Fenrir until she met Junko again, she most likely murdered everybody there on her order
its more then likely true why would Lico suggest outfits that would look good on her and offers to help her shop when they first meet
I don't know about you but I'm interested on why these clones exist in the first place
But really, OG Mukuro is clearly dead, whoever was saying she was alive was most likely shitposting
Because he likes fashion?
C'mon stop taking a tumblrite crackpot theory as the truth
sure user-kun sure what about his Ugugugu laugh ?
She was alive in takumi's childhood friend's flashback but yeah
what about Lico stealing Kyoko's mom sword and it ends up being the sword in naegi's room in Dr1
Who guarantees it's the same sword?
>Not Upupupu
One job
its most likely the same sword jin's execution is a mean spirited pun on his waifu's name so junko was thinking about how to screw with the kirigri family
that would make lico being her to obvious to the reader
That just proves that Lico isn't Junko
>Most likely
You can't prove anything
sure whatever u say
so Clones are a thing now neat
When you manage to find actual evidence be sure to ring me up, tumblrite
I want a Mukuro harem for myself
i just wanna see a clone surive and make its way to Naegi just to see what the hopelet does would the clone try to take revenge on the guy who killed her orignal's imouto or would she carry some of the originals feelings for him
I doubt the clones are anything more than mere killing machines but it'd be nice if there was one clone that was more normal, I think
I'm pretty sure their will be one clone somewhere in branch 8 that is more normal i'd love if a perfect clone of her ends up the head of branch 13 and the reason she wasn't in the killing game and sent hina instead was that she was too afraid of facing the other heads especially Juzo and munakata
> iget to see my waifu get murdered over and over
wow, how great
because it wasn't enough to skewer her, blow her up, stab her, then shit on her for episodes on end in the anime.
might as well go despair