Does anyone have a decent explanation or analysis for why Gendo is considered one of anime's worst daddies? He just seems distant but it's not like he ever molested or beat his son.
Does anyone have a decent explanation or analysis for why Gendo is considered one of anime's worst daddies...
Abandoning your child and being completely indifferent to the idea of them fighting in life or death battles is not the mark of a good parent OP
could be worse, though. I mean does he ever even verbally torment Shinji as much as not talk to him.
I disagree that that isn't plenty bad in itself, but either way, Gendo doesn't have that much competition - anime doesn't feature many abusive parents, with most of them either absent for convenience's sake, quirky comedy relief, or good and normal parents. A lot of abusive parents that do exist are also given more sympathetic traits, like Rose in Umineko genuinely loving Maria despite being an abusive and generally horrible mother. Gendo has few redeeming qualities at all, he treats everyone except Rei like crap.
I thought he was one of the greatest
He fucked his son's mother! What kind of a father does that?!?
How thick do you have to be to interpret the show this way.
That's pretty fucked up indeed.
Pretty thicc.
how emo do you have to be to interpret it like shinji was abused. he had an awesome childhood. 10/10 would trade
>abandons son, doesn't give a shit for years
>calls son back to use as tool in dangerous battles with gigantic aliens
>still doesn't give a fuck about him beyond his willingness to pilot a mech
Because sending your son to war against giant monsters sure is the prime example of being a good dad.
Okay, fratboy
Asuka's an unstable cunt, Rei is barely around to interact with, he does enjoy living and spending time with Misato, and he doesn't just 'pilot' a giant robot, he fights 100 foot monsters in them
Don't forget that in battle he feels all pain the Eva feels as he is neurally linked to it
Not like he had much choice in that regard.
Still doesn't excuse the part when he's a gigantic dick.
I would trade even if I had to fight 1000s of monsters. do you know how much poon he must have been getting when his classmates found out he was the one saving them from the angels?
>do you know how much poon he must have been getting
>punch in the face for collateral damage and 2 dork mates a bit later
>he managed to almost kill one of them with his daddy's help
You're a silly person
You'd cry and run away after getting your limbs broken and torn away few times and your guts pierced and your whole body boiled head to toe.
I know I would.
The worst dad in anime is probably this guy
Gendo is essentially a grown up, and more determined Shinji, and he says as much in EoE just before he is turned to tang.
He legitimately hated his son and saw him as a wedge driven between him and Yui. He felt jealous that Shinji could be viewed as important if not more important a man in Yui's eyes. He genuinely doesn't care about Shinji or humanity, everything he did was to force instrumentality to reunite with Yui.
What about him? Without being an abusive parent, he inserted utopic ideas in his adoptive son, until he was a broken delusional self-destructive person.
Which leads in the long term to an endless time of regret and pain for the path he was imposed.
>implying that was why he ran away
Kiritsugu was a genuinely great dad who loved his daughter and died trying to find her so he could keep his promise and raise her proper. It's not his fault that Shiro is a loathsome cunt with no personality and is a brain-dead retard, that's nature vs nurture right there.
If you mean Illya, that bullet in her brain says otherwise, unless you speak about Fate/Kaleid in which case....he still sucks as dad
I think the part where he tells Shinji to fuck off and uses the dummy plug to attack Toji really sealed the deal. Gendo is kind of an asshole the whole show but he really peaked in that episode.
You do know Kiritsugu died from illness and went blind from constantly trying to find the mansion they kept Ilya in right?